Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 312: understand

   "What? Lan Yue was expelled and locked up?"

   "Lan Yue is the president, who is eligible to shut him? I am the blue sky gift, you put me in, I want to see my dad!"


   At the entrance of the alien alliance headquarter, Lantianci was kicked out without even entering the door.

   "Don't say that you are not a blue sky gift, even if you are? Even Lan Yue is abolished, what do you count?"

   Lan Tianci stared blankly at the door of the stranger's headquarters. Before he drove a sports car, he never stopped and rushed past, and no one dared to stop.

   How long has it been since, how has everything changed?

   "Is my appearance changed?"

   Blue sky touched his face, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the beard was gone, looking at his body, as if everything had returned to normal.

   "Hahahaha, I'm recovered. I'm recovered. Let me in. I am a blue sky gift!"


   Lantianci just rushed to the door and kicked him back again.

   "I just told you clearly, even if it is your blue sky gift?"

   "Dare you kick me? You... dare to kick me?"

   "Don't you dare? Who do you think you are? I used to have your dad covering you, I don't care about you, now your dad is a waste, and I am still used to you?"

   "You... you wait for me!"

   The blue sky was so bad that he stumbled away.

When Lantianci arrived at his house, he saw a group of police seize his house. He stepped forward to question and got a reply. The president of the Alliance of Unknown People, Lan Yue, illegally organized the parliament and is now under quarantine review. Affected by this, the industry under his name Naturally it will all freeze.

   The house is gone, the money is gone...

   Blue sky gives the whole person silly.

   He never thought he would have today.


   Blue sky suddenly remembered that he still has many friends.

   He borrowed the phone from the police and called his friend.

   "Who are you?"

   "Blue sky gift? You are back, what? Are you coming to my house? Inconvenient!"

   "Brother Lan, are you back? What, ask me to find someone to save your dad? Sorry, I can't help you in this matter."

   "Borrowing money? I'm also tight on hand recently..."

   "I'm in the United States, I can't go back, I can't transfer money, I can't transfer, I won't let you transfer..."

   Lantianci made a dozen calls, and none of the ‘friends’ he thought were willing to help him.

   "Both are bastards!"

   Lantianci wanted to drop the phone on the ground. When he saw the policeman watching him, he suddenly softened. He honestly returned the phone and cried.

  When he was in Fengcheng, he changed his appearance and went to the streets. When he returned to Kyoto, he changed his appearance, but the result was still on the streets.

   "This is not true, this cannot be true, just a nightmare, just a dream..."

   Blue sky murmured to himself, stumbled on the street, and walked aimlessly.

   Suddenly looked up, Lantianci saw a familiar sign-Shangshenju.

   This is Gutian's famous property, and the man who manages this club is his son, Guhanzhong.

  Blue sky gave a staring look at the sign of Shangju, just a few days ago, he was a VIP here, but now...


  Just when the blue sky was stunned, a cool sports car stopped in front of him. The person driving was his friend, Gu Hanzhong.

"I...I'm not." Lantianci repeatedly waved his hands. The friends he just called for help were all friends he thought were sincere, but they were different in Ancient Hanzhong. He always thought he was on an equal footing with Ancient Hanzhong, so he never allowed himself Disgraced in front of the ancient Hanzhong.

   "Heavenly gift, what's wrong with you? Stand still!"

  Get off the train in ancient Hanzhong and shouted the blue sky.

   "Your dad has something wrong, right?"

   "What's the matter, just give me a call, maybe I can't save your dad out, but it's okay to help you."

   "Go, follow me in."

  In the ancient Han, he didn't think that the blue sky was dirty, and he walked to ‘Shangshenju’.

   The eyes given by the blue sky are wet, this is the real good brother!

   "Hanzhong, I..."

   "No need to say anything, eat, drink, play, add tenders, all mine, tomorrow morning, I will help you get a house, you live first."

   "Hanzhong, I..."

   "What's the big man's hypocrisy? And I am polite? Forgot the friendship between us?"

   Lantianci smiled.

   Sure enough, in this world, the four irons are the most irony. They have resisted guns together, just like others.

   "Hanzhong, you helped me this time. When I grow up in the future, I will definitely repay you, I swear."

   "No need to be polite with me."

   "I'm welcome, I tell the truth!"

   "Haha, okay, walk around..."

  In the ancient Han, he embraced the blue sky and walked into his club.

  The old Han yelled: "Bai Qian, two Sujin came to accompany my brother."

  Yaochi Club will have a group of fairies, and the chain nightclubs in the ancient house also have similar names, except that the name is not a fairy but a god.

   is the highest title.

  Baiqian, Sujin, are the two major trump cards of the ancient family. Blue sky likes Baiqian and Sujin very much.

  Bai Qian and Su Jin came over, put on thick makeup, and the two gods were really beautiful.

  The two gods were sitting beside the blue sky, and the eyes of the blue sky were wet again.

   "What's wrong, brother?"

   "Nothing, nothing, Hanzhong, this time..."

   "No need to say anything."

   "Well, I don't say, I don't say." Lantianci wiped tears.

  Ancient Hanzhong asked: "What is happening to your father now?"

   "I don't know. My family called the police to block it. My dad is said to be locked up, but I don't know where it is."

   "Is there still room for turning over?"

   "I don't know... but anyway, I have to rescue my dad."

   "How do you save?"

   "I..." Lantianci was speechless.

  How to save? He is just a mortal, to say strength, he is not as good as in ancient Han.

   Without the aura of'Son of Blue Yue', he even had a problem with survival.

   Until now, he did not understand how incompetent he was.

"Hahahaha, Master Blue, Master Blue, I think you haven't seen the facts yet. Think about how arrogant you used to be. My two gods are accompanying Mr. Xu Xu in Kyoto. You rush straight in. , According to Xu Gongzi is a slap in the face."

   Blue sky gives embarrassment: "I drank too much that time..."

   "Another time, Su Jin's body is inconvenient, can not accompany you, you directly smashed me all here."

   "Another time, Bai Qian didn't want to accompany you. You punched her in the blue with a punch, which made her afraid to meet guests for half a month."

   "That's all I drink too much..."

"Oh, I see."

   "Did you drink too much today?" Gu Hanzhong's voice became cold.

  Bai Qian and Su Jin consciously left the blue sky and stood behind the ancient Hanzhong.

   "Hanzhong, what do you mean?"

   "It's not interesting, should you always pay off the debt you owe? You can't smash my shop, hit my woman in vain?"

  Holding Bai Qian in the ancient Han and kissed him.

   "You haven't said to ask me to pay, what do you mean now?" Blue Sky gave fire.

   "It used to be before, now it's reality, don't you understand? Grand Master Lan?"

   "I understand what!" Lan Tianci beat the table and stood up.

   "I still don't understand."

   "Come here!"

  The ancient Hanzhong clapped their hands and ran in with a dozen bodyguards.

   "Call Grand Master Lan to understand first."

  A dozen bodyguards swarmed up and beat the blue sky to cry and cry.

   "Debt owed, according to a handprint, the debt owed to write 500 million."

   "Five hundred million? In the ancient Han Dynasty, why are you so black on me?"

   "I'll hack you, what are you doing? Hold him!"

   The blue sky was covered with bruises, and he could not move while lying on the ground.

   "Ancient Hanzhong, it's useless, I don't have a penny now, ha ha ha ha, you want to ask me for 500 million, you go dream."

   "I know you don't have money, I do this, I just want to humiliate you, and this is just the beginning."

   snapped his fingers in the ancient Han Dynasty, and told one of his men: "Send Grand Master Lan to Tianshenju and work for 30 years to repay the debt."

   Upon hearing the name Tianshenju, Lantianci's face changed greatly, and he roared: "In ancient Han Dynasty, how dare you!"

   There was nothing to dare in the ancient Han. His men set up a blue sky gift and forcibly took him away.

  Tianjinju is not a normal club, but a **** club.

   There are **** guys everywhere.

   "Ancient Hanzhong, I X your mother, let me go, let me go."

   "Ancient Hanzhong, you treat me like this, you must not die!"

   "Ancient Hanzhong, I X..."

   Blue Sky Ci scolded When Blue Sky Ci was dragged to the car, he stopped scolding and cried a lot.

   Now he really understands what kind of role he is now.

   Without the halo ‘Son of Blue Yue’, he is nothing...

   has guts, aspirations, useful?

   It's no use at all. It's hard to say, but what can I do?

   Can't do anything.

   Now, let alone save people, even you can't protect yourself.

  Kilao shop......

   When he thought of ‘Tianjinju’, the blue sky gave a shudder and shouted, crashing the glass with his head. He wanted to break out, even if he fell to death, he would not go to the Nakiro shop.

   "You want to die, it's so easy, Master Blue, you can just follow it honestly, hahahaha, I just sent your picture, and a black uncle is super interested in you."

   "Let me go, please..."

   "No, Grand Master Lan."

   "Let me go, woo..."


   Just when the blue sky was helpless, the driving vehicle stopped.

   In front of the car, a black shadow, with one hand, forced the car to stop.


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