One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1434: Mu Yurou is extremely cool and bleak

Chapter 1434: Mu Yurou's extremely cool scene

She has a number in her hand, and touches it. The absolute five digits in the letter are facing up. What an attractive number!

She has been working in this hospital for three years. Every month's salary plus performance is no more than three or four thousand wages. Such a "big money" is equivalent to a pie that falls from the sky. She holds it in her hand and she is reluctant to put it. It is.

People are all greedy for money.

It is natural to have a good fortune.

After all, this care worker was tempted, took the money and left the road silently.

Song Enya followed her and left the inpatient department. After passing through the 18-curved water bridge, she walked to a small building in a remote area.

This small building is the old building of Dean Hospital. Ten years ago, after the government officially pruned the new building, the old inpatient building was completely abandoned.

However, because the quality of the building has passed, it has not been demolished, and it has become a dormitory.

The caregiver took her along the way to the third floor. Immediately, her footsteps stopped at the door of a ward on the third floor. She immediately said: "The patient's condition is very unstable and often mad, so you can't go in, you can only stand at the door. Look at it, and, better off the door, lest you hurt yourself!"

Song Enya nodded: "Well, I know."

"Then I opened the door, you should take a few steps back."

Song Enya stepped back a few steps and looked at it with a little nervousness.

The caregiver unlocked the iron door first, then pushed one of the doors inside, and then closed the iron door and locked it again.

Song Enya couldn't help but step forward. Through heavy iron bars, she finally saw the back of the man in the ward.

She sat on the bed with her knees, her back to the door, and the whole person shook gently. Both hands kept licking her hair and rubbing her hair.

On the white sheets, a piece of hair was smashed down.

However, she did not know how it hurts, but she still groaned as if she could not wait for the hair on her head to be all the light!

Mu Mu soft in memory, has an enviable long hair, black and bright, with a natural and beautiful luster.

However, nowadays, her hair seems to have been cut a lot, messy like a fluffy hay, it hasn't been washed for a long time, the hair is dirty and messy, because it is too greasy, the hair is It seems to be a piece.

She seemed to think that the scalp was very itchy, but it was grasping and pulling, and some places were very smashed and bald.

Song Enya twisted his eyebrows in disgust, and when the door of the room opened, a smell of odor would come in, like a long time without taking a bath, the sour smell, and the smell of excrement, mixed together. It makes people feel nausea.

"When the patient's condition is unstable, he often has incontinence and incontinence, and the excrement is stained on the clothes, so... there will be a smell in the room." The caregiver explained.

Song Enya was a little bit clean, so when he smelled the stench, he couldn't help but pull out his handkerchief and gently covered his mouth and nose.

The caregiver smiled a little slyly: "I haven't had time to clean it up today! At this moment, she must be dirty, or else, will you come back next time?"

"No need to!"

Song Enya endured discomfort: "You should avoid it for a while, okay? I want to get along with her for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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