Su Feifei once again fought a chill, and the coldness spreading from her heart made her couldn't help but approach Ye Tianxie. Because no matter what the gas field they made, or what they said, she heard a cruel and cruel taste.

Just because others have taken Ye Tianxie's name.

Tian Moxie ... Is the person who claims to be the "Undefeated Evil Emperor" the first of the three myths of online gaming in Huaxia Kingdom?

"Well, you don't need to be angry, either. It exists under another name, and it feels pretty good." Ye Tianxie smiled casually.

Suppressing the evil spirit in his heart, Zuo Pojun smiled and said, "Hey, too. I didn't expect that the fake man really had two brushes, and he could even reach the second place in the ranking list. Maybe this person can bring us Have a lot of fun. "He paused, and suddenly looked at Sophie Fei with the light of his eyes, then depressed his voice, and asked carefully:" Second Brother, ask you something ... you, you Did you contact the elder sister for a while ... she seems to know that you and Miss Su ... haha, cohabitation. "

"Living together? Hey! Do n’t say anything, we just ... just ... Tianxie just protects me, we live together, and ... we don't sleep together, don't say anything!" Sophie stepped forward, angrily Retorted. The pink traces on the face are obvious and can no longer be seen.

"Yes, I know." The left breaking army was sweating. In fact, Sophie ’s reason for staying in Ye Tianxie ’s house has already been investigated, including the transaction of 300 million Chinese currency each year. However, after all, it was the **** of men and women living together under the same roof, and Ye Tianxie never let people set foot in his house, but this time allowed Sophie to live in his house, and then look at the fools they have always shown. Seeing the intimacy, will they really be ...

Ye Tianxie breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Breaking the army, how is her sister, how is she doing? Are you okay ... I haven't seen her for a long time. I wonder if she will blame me."

"Sister she ..."

"Hee! Brother Evil, even if you have a conscience, remember to ask your sister, and don't hesitate to let your sister care for you for such a long time, sad."

The sound came to the ears, just like the warm spring wind, soft and fascinating, bringing ripples that could not be calmed in the layers of the heart. When hearing this sound, the three men showed different expressions, and then looked at the sound at the same time. direction……

A simple undressed woman approached slowly, smiling slightly, stepping on the clouds. As she approached, a stunning look enough to bring down the world appeared in front of her eyes. This stunningly beautiful flower is beautiful and unparalleled. Anyone who first sees this face that is fully worthy of the "all overwhelming presence" will lose their minds and wonder in a dream.

Long hair is like a waterfall, snow skin is like fat, a graceful smile is evoked by the corners of the mouth, but the crooked moon eyebrows and phoenixes evoke boundless charm, and the slightly raised pink jade lips are like fresh petals, making people just At first glance, you lose your heart, and your desires are rushing into the tide ... It is really exquisite everywhere. It is the most perfect masterpiece of God! That kind of charming, dreamy and mysterious beauty like a fairy is enough to make every man in the world crazy.

The simple novice clothing was slightly tight on her body, ironed tightly against her proud chest and hips, and the crispy **** and buttocks were all out, and a simple ribbon was tied gently around the waist to outline With a thin waist like a willow, the blood-sculpting body is exposed, showing an absolutely perfect S-shape ... This is a woman with an amazing figure. When you see her, you will know what is real. Breasts | hips, what is a devil figure. The chest is huge, and the clothes on the chest are held up high. The extent of the support is worrying that the clothes will pop out at any time. The buttocks are round and slender and the waist is so slender. However, the combination is not without slight inconsistency. Instead, it releases a terrifying temptation.

As she slowly approached, the voluptuous and delicate body curve was raised and raised, making the original moving curve even more thrilling ...

Fairy ... This is a fairy-like woman.

When a woman with a good appearance and a good figure sees a woman who is more beautiful and better than her, her first reaction will be ...

When Su Feifei saw her at first glance, she secretly compared herself with her ... Even if she didn't want to admit it anymore, she had to admit it ... In front of this fairy-like woman, she was defeated ... even Her usually proud chest was overshadowed by her turbulent waves. She secretly lifted her **** and tried to make it appear taller. How could she lose to another woman in front of the man she liked.

And when her face became clear in sight, she froze, and immediately thought of a person's name ... a name that surprised her again.

"Hey ... eldest sister, you are here." This left-and-right youngster, who was trembling in Jinghua City and shivering across Jinghua City, showed an almost flattering gesture in front of this woman. Respect her, still too afraid of her, or both. Murong Qiushui's eyes flowed, and a groan of admiration in his mouth: "Sister, you haven't seen it for a few days, your glory is still brighter than the sun in the sky. Even rough clothes can't hide your dazzling glory ... "

The woman covered her mouth and laughed, and the smiling flowers were fluttering. The white plump breast could not shake lightly, and twitched a seductive milk | wave. The small waist with both moistness and firm elasticity twisted into a seductive curve. , Her eyes passed through Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui, and settled on Ye Tianxie. No matter her eyes, but the peerless style released by her smile, he had a turbulence in his heart, and even had a kind of The impulse to turn around ... but eventually stepped forward: "Sister, long time no see."

The woman put her hands on her face, rubbed her head up and down, and said, "I know it's been a long time and I haven't looked at me so conscientiously. Does your sister hate you like that?"

No matter how she heard her voice, she had a sense of coquettishness. This faint feeling suddenly made Su Feifei feel uncomfortable and sour all over the body, and she had to be surprised that, with Ye Tianxie's temperament, she had just called her ... sister.


"No sister, you always know the second brother's temper, how could he hate you?" Zuo Pojun quickly stepped forward to justify Ye Tianxie,

Murong Qiushui glanced at the elder sister, and then looked at Su Feifei who was nervous. Finally, he took a peek at Ye Tianxie, turned around, and whispered to the sky, "At a time that should not be, a place that should not Two people who shouldn't have seen each other. Could it be, this is the cruelest ... Peach Blossom Robber? "

Ye Tianxie, Zuo Pojun, Murong Qiushui, and this man they called "big sister". Four years ago, they became brothers and sisters under the moon. The eldest sister is the largest, Ye Tianxie second, Zuo Pojun the third child, and Murong Qiufeng, who was only fifteen years old, was the last. And the reason why the eldest sister can become their eldest sister is not only her oldest, it was a biennium five years ago. The most important thing is her temperament that can be easily convinced, so that these three are extremely proud. The man willingly called her the elder sister.

I have known each other over the years, and few people are more familiar with her than they are today. Today, her voice may be intentional, or just inadvertently, showing a clear tone of sorrow and blame. The reason why she has never experienced such an emotion is only because of Su Feifei, who is beside Ye Tianxie ... the specific reason is more complicated.

"You ... Isn't your last name Liu?" At that time, Sophie Fei spoke out, looking at her with a surprised look.

The woman's eyes flowed, and she smiled lightly: "I have heard that Su's sister is beautiful and unparalleled at an early age, and it really is well-deserved ... I'm older than you, and I called you Sister Feifei ... Sister, indeed It's surname Liu. "

"You are really the fairy of the Liu family ... Liu Yueyue!" Su Feifei's eyes widened, and her little hand subconsciously covered her lips, lest she be too excited to shout a louder voice.

Fairy Liu Family ... In Jinghua City, few people do n’t know these five words ~ ~ No one does n’t know the beauty of these five words ... the man is eager to desire, the woman is envious and jealous Dream-Liu Yueyue. A fairy who has been rumored to be a daughter like no other woman, a peerless demon girl who has let countless people across thousands of miles just to see a real look, a beauties who made Huaxia's heavenly son and godson secretly battle for years,

Sophie had heard her name long ago. Liu Yueyue ’s fame has been resounding in Jinghua eight years ago. As she went from astringent to mature, the style she released made her charm worth more than one day, and her fame surpassed one day. Women, by appearance alone, have caused such a huge sensation.

If such a woman was born in an ordinary family, she would have attracted successive scourges because of her heavenly appearance. However, her family background made it impossible for her to produce profanity and ill courage to her ... Her father, Liu Qianjun, the second head of Huaxia State, has huge military power in his palm. Her mother, Zuo Chuanrong, the sister of Zuo Zhenhua, the supreme head of Huaxia, is also the aunt of Zuo Pojun, the seventh head of Huaxia Kingdom, and controls the largest intelligence agency of the Huaxia government.

The combination of the Liu family and the Zuo family made them form an interdependent family, and moving the Liu family was tantamount to touching the supreme government of Huaxia.

Today, three people with horror identities and backgrounds have gathered for one person, Ye Tianxie. Liu Yiyue, Zuo Pojun, Murong Qiushui ... a more shocking name. At this time, Su Feifei finally understood something, why her father would so safely remove all bodyguards and let her stay with Ye Tianxie, even at the cost of 300 million yuan each year ... Indeed, even Ye Tianxie He is a person who has nothing to do with chickens. As long as there are three such friends, who can hurt him? In conjunction, who can hurt the people he wants to protect.

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