Ye Tianxie could not laugh or cry, and didn't explain ... it seemed impossible to explain. Murong Qiushui grabbed Zuo Pojun with a pout and said, "Boss, do you think that my dear second brother is the same person who does not control his emotions like you? Huh?"

"Then ... why did the second brother ..."

"I should know after the meeting." Murong Qiushui said mysteriously. His eyes were better than that of the left breaking army. Although Chen Xue didn't move, her face ... Bai Nen was rosy, a complexion that was many times better than before. All of them made him almost unbelievable in his eyes ... Among them, something must have happened.

"Go to that hospital before." Ye Tianxie said when he got on a helicopter.

The helicopter flew up, and the sound of the propeller turning awakened Chen Xue. Her body moved, then raised her sleepy eyes, and asked dimly, "Brother ... where have we been? A bit noisy."

The left-handed army who had thought Chen Xue had been shaken shook his hand, and the helicopter's body was also obviously tilted. He quickly adjusted the balance and turned his head and asked, "Second Brother, Chen Xue ..."

"Well ... I'm fine now, my body has a sense of presence and comfort than ever before." Chen Xue used her ethereal voice instead of Ye Tianxie to answer to him.

Zuo Pojun: "..."

Murong Qiushui: "..."

Not long ago, they were still listening to the doctor's helpless death sentence, and saw with their own eyes the faint color of life dying. But now ... they heard her full voice and such an answer ...

How is this going? Is it back?

Arriving at the First Military Region General Hospital, Ye Tianxie opened the door and said, "Doctor, give her a full body examination." He patted Xueer's powder back and said softly: "Xueer, Do n’t worry, I feel that you will become the healthiest Cher, do n’t be afraid, okay? ”

"I'm not afraid." Chen Xue spit her pink tongue lightly, without any worried expression.

"This ..." The female doctor who knew Chen Xue's physical condition very thoroughly before was overwhelmed by Chen Xue's current state. Obviously hesitated. After a small meeting, Chen Xue was pushed away, and a doctor hurried to apply medicine and bandage the wound on Ye Tianxie's arm ... In fact, Ye Tianxie's situation was completely clear. According to his physical condition, the wound recovers much faster than ordinary people, and there is no need for bandaging or the like.

"Mr. Ye, you don't look well. You'd better take a break first ... or check it out," the doctor who bandaged him kindly reminded.

"I'm fine." Ye Tianxie shook his head and answered.

When the doctor left, Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui gathered together immediately and said impatiently: "Second brother, what is going on here? Your injury was really your own injury? And how did Chen Xue return? Things ... how does it feel like she's getting better all of a sudden. "

"It's not yet possible to make a final conclusion, let's see the results." Ye Tianxie smiled lightly, mysteriously said. His expression also relaxed Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui.

Due to different moods, the waiting time seems to be much shorter than before. The female doctor pushed into the door with a report and shouted out of control: "It's incredible ... it's incredible! I can't believe my eyes."

"How is her situation now?" The female doctor's response made Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui stare, and Ye Tianxie looked relaxed for a while and asked with a smile.

"She is very weak now, but ... her physiological functions have become extremely active, and it is even more incredible that if my memory did not lie to me, this girl's body has extremely severe heart dysfunction ... but now Although her heart response is still weak, her overall function is tending to be completely normal ... blood flow and metabolism are not impeded ... this is simply an impossible miracle! "Said the female physician with great excitement.

"So ... is that to say, she's all right?" Zuo Pojun shouted with wide eyes.

"From the current situation, she only needs to rest for a period of time to be as healthy as a normal person, which is really incredible."

"Why does this look like this? She was obviously ..." Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui looked at each other, and saw the deep shock between each other's looks.

"I can't judge, the only thing I can be sure of is that her signs of life are extremely strong now, but we have used various methods and have not found out the source." The female doctor said truthfully.

Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui simultaneously cast suspicion and desire to know the answer on Ye Tianxie.

A girl with terminal illness and fragile life is like a grass, the doctor said that she could not live for three days, and the signs on her also indicated that her life might die at any time ... even the doctor said with jealousy that the entire earth There is no way to cure her.

The last hope rested on Lyle Star, which could not be reached in time ... but it only passed a few hours, and Ye Tianxie had even given up on Lyle Star. So what happened during the time he spent with Chen Xue.

Ye Tianxie smiled easily and nodded: "In this case, that's great, break the army, Qiushui, let's go."

Walking out of the hospital holding Chen Xue, who was still weak, the sky was clear, and there was no dark cloud. Chen Xue, at this moment, was completely convinced of her new life. After that, the sickness that had afflicted her for a long time, and the death that had threatened her for a long time, would all leave her.

She pinched Ye Tianxie's neck and gave out crisp laughter like drops of water hitting jade.

You can go home soon ... Back to a big, beautiful new home, you can see your sister soon ... And she must be very beautiful and beautiful.



After Ye Tianxie left with Chen Xue, Wu Chenxin was always insecure and restless. In fact, she didn't know how she could hope that they could go to Lyle Star immediately without the huge cost.

Sophie was constantly comforting beside her ... and herself, her mood was obviously low.


The doorbell rang ... Apparently, Ye Tianxie's house keys had nowhere to be lost.

Without Ye Tianxie's presence, Su Feifei's sense of security was reduced to a minimum. This door bell also made her linger for a while, walked to the door lightly, and looked out through the cat's eyes, followed by a glance, and quickly opened the door.

Outside the door stood Zuo Pojun, Murong Qiushui, and Ye Tianxie and Chen Xue held by him.

"Sister Feifei, I'm so glad to see you ... you will be my other sister in the future. I will listen to you very much." Chen Xue smiled and waved her little hand to say hello to her.

Su Feifei froze and looked at Ye Tianxie: "Heaven, you ..."

"Xue Er." Chen Xin rushed out when she heard Chen Xue's voice, her anxiety and whitish face covered with confusion. She clenched Chen Xue's small hand tightly. It was only a few hours of separation. In her heart, she felt as if she had left her for a long time. When she saw her at this time, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh. . Although Chen Xue returned, but she came back so soon, it was impossible to go to Lyle Star again, and she broke her last hope.

"Hee, sister, I am back, and I will never leave my sister again." She held Chen Xin's hand with her little hand, and said with a smile on her eyes.

Like Su Feifei, Chen Xin was completely stunned. Looking at Chen Xue at this time, her eyes suddenly became confused.

Her eyes were so bright and brilliant, and the brilliance was touching. Her face was almost free of pathological paleness, and her lips were so rosy and tender. And her anti-holding her hand ... not only warm, but also so strong and determined ...

"Xueer ... you ..." Chen Xin felt that his breathing was almost stopped. From childhood to age, she has been inseparable from Chen Xue. When her physical condition makes her unable to walk anymore, she will accompany her by the bed every day ... Therefore, who else is more familiar with Chen Xue's physical state than her? . But at this moment ... she couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe everything she saw and felt from Chen Xue.

"Sister, I'm all right, I'm really all right, and I won't have to worry about leaving my sister anymore." Her curly eyebrows were bent, her smile was happier, and her voice became clearer and sweeter.

Ye Tianxie put the hospital report in the hands of Chen Xin, who was obviously there, and said with a smile: "Chen Xin, Xueer said everything is true, except that her body is now weak, there is no other What a big deal, at least, will never be life-threatening again. She can be as healthy as you if you rest for a while. "

Holding the report sheet with normal physiological functions, listening to Chen Xue's voice in her ear, feeling her strength and body temperature, Chen Xin's body began to tremble, then she held Chen Xue with one hand and covered her with one hand. On the lips, "嘤 嘤" cried.

She no longer remembered how long and how many times she had wandered in the abyss of pain and despair. Although she never thought about giving up, she always knew subconsciously that Chen Xue's illness could not be cured. One day, maybe tomorrow, or even the next moment, she would leave her, forever. go away.

The dream-like facts were presented in front of her, and her scarred heart was in a fierce throbbing movement, which drove her tears to fall like rain, and she couldn't stop it. Her cry permeated everyone's heart. No one went to comfort her and stop her from crying, but let her vent her heartily, venting all the sufferings of these years ... A girl who was less than twenty years old, without any reliance, no strength to protect herself And she carefully took care of a terminally ill sister. How much bumpy she had come along this way, maybe only she knew.

"Chen Xin, Xueer won't be any more, you should be happy ..." Ye Tianxie Shu said, his body shook slightly, his arms stretched forward, and he sent the ordinary girl with a porcelain doll in her arms. To Chen's heart, "Chen, help me hold Xueer first."

Wu Chen hugged her younger sister who looked as if she was a life ~ ~ Hugging tightly, the cry could not stop.

As soon as Ye Tianxie's body was sent, his nerves relaxed, and the strength that supported his body was suddenly dissipated. His eyes were dark, and everyone fell forward unexpectedly.

"Heavenly evil!" Sufei Fei, who was standing in front of him, lost her color, and rushed forward to support his body, holding his arm, and the attention had been focused on Chen Xue. He finally found the way The bandage turned pale all of a sudden, she trembled: "Heaven ... what happened to you? Your arm ..."

In Su Feifei's world, her status to Ye Tianxie has always been omnipotent like God ... use her body as a bullet and knock down a large group of people with a blink of an eye, leaving Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui Respectfully called his second brother ... Before meeting Ye Tianxie, she would never believe that there was such a mythical person ... But now, he was injured and fell in front of her.

"Big brother!"

"Second Brother!"

"Big Brother!"

Several different anxious shouts sounded, and his sudden fall made everyone's hearts clasped on him at once. Releasing Ye Tianxie supported Su Feifei's body, and his voice answered vaguely. "It's okay ... just a little tired ... Fifi, help me go to bed ... Chen Xin, take Chen Xue to Fifi's room and take a good rest."

She was brought back to her room by Su Feifei, and Ye Tianxie fell asleep. He hasn't been so tired for a long time. When Sophie gently brought the door up, Xiaoxi, who always kept the same posture and slept quietly, moved her body gently, and her mouth seemed to murmur unconsciously. She leaned against his body, clasped his hands on him, and then went to sleep again.

[The Seven Deadly Sins are about to be entered. Do you have anything to say? Have it? Have it? 】

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