Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 371: The Real Sky Moxie (Part 1)

The big blast that once shook half of the wind-fall plain appeared again in the guild headquarters covering the wings of the sky. The large-scale explosion covering 100 meters covered almost all the buildings of the entire guild headquarters. ...... The screams continued, and with it came the sound of collapse. The Star Super Bomb not only has 20,000 fixed damage, but also has a large-scale destruction effect. Although it is only slightly destroyed, it is enough to cause the Guild of the Skywing to suffer a huge disaster. Regardless of the number of deaths, just the cost of repairs is enough to cover the wings of the sky to drink a pot.

He once again proved to the world who is the one who should not be the one to provoke the most. Annoy him ... even if it is a wing that covers the sky, it must be broken.

Flying out of a hundred meters, Ye Tianxie quickly dropped, placed the **** the ground, silently glanced at her, without snoring, straight up into the air, flying away, dragging the lifeless "Tian Moxie" ". His silent movement made the girl taste the taste of suffering for the first time, almost couldn't help but want to speak and call him back.

Xie Tian tortured his younger brother, and brought her Yun family's cornerstone in the "Fate" world to bring such a disaster, but at this time, she found that she couldn't afford to hate this man.

"What a clever way ... Do you want to conquer me? Or, you are just playing a game that you think is fun." She murmured as she looked at the direction where Xie Tian left.

"Take my kiss, mess my heart, and say for the first time that I'm just an ordinary girl man ... how can you let me forget you?"



-10, -10, -10, -10 ...

"Well, give him a reply!"

Each time you drag a short distance, a series of damage numbers will appear on "Tian Moxie" 's body, but his life value will be filled up by the stunned healer immediately, making him impossible to die. . Can only be dragged to the ground relentlessly like a bundle of straw, moving forward quickly.

Ye Tianxie's direction of flight is precisely the central square of Tianchen City.

The crowd was getting closer and closer. The appearance of Evil Sky opened up all passers-by by surprise, and looked at the singularity that flew in the air with a very surprised look. The beast, and the ground ... the one bound by chains and dragged to the ground. Being dragged to the ground in this way, and pulled so fast, one can imagine how much pain it will endure. This scene made everyone who saw it feel the tingling of the soles of the feet and scalp.

Weeping Feather Blink is flying too fast, which is completely equivalent to passing by to the surrounding players. After being stunned, many players quickly released their fastest speeds and followed them. There is no doubt that there is another great excitement.

The resurrection point in the center of Tianchen City was crowded with a large number of resurrected people at this time-Ye Tianxie's attack caused a large number of players to return to the Sky Wings, densely crowded in the courtyard of the Sky Wings Guild Headquarters. The extent to which Ye Tianxie's bombing directly strangled over tens of thousands.

Gathered at the resurrection point, bearing the strange eyes of passersby, they still failed to recover from the big bang just now.

However, it didn't take long for them to see such evil days as nightmares to them.

Ye Tianxie dragged "Tian Moxie" to the resurrection point in the center of the square. It is also the place where the most players are usually gathered to stop. With a vacant look, he looked at the wing covering the sky in the distance with a mocking eye. The player smiled indifferently. He retracted Kaka, descended from the air, landed next to "Tian Moxie", and slowly crouched down. He didn't know when to hold a flashlight-like object in his hand, and then "Tian Moxie" was allowed.

Star-shaped lights: Detective props made by the player "Star Baby" can emit bright light to a distance of five meters in front of them. All creatures hidden by the beam are removed, and all their hidden information is exposed. Can be used five times in total, already used: 1/5.

This is another item that Ye Tianxie got from Xingbaoer. There are countless strange items on Xingbaoer, and each one has a very strange effect. Some are made by herself, and some are brought from the dwarf side. For today's "Tian Moxie", he specifically asked Xing Baoer if there were any hidden items to reveal the props. Xing Baoer immediately happily took out the shape lamp that has just been made for a long time. Of course, it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity Extorting Ye Tianxie ruthlessly. Her props ... Unless she is certain that Ye Tianxie will see it and want it, she will rarely take it out, only when Ye Tianxie asks if there is some kind of prop, she is very happy. Take out ... because of demand, it is easy to blackmail.

A beam of light that was not obvious in the sun shone out, and fell on the "Tian Moxie" who was struggling to roll on the ground. His main attribute was agility, and he was unable to struggle with the shackles of chains. Under the beam of light, the name "Tian Moxie" slowly reflected on his head.

"Tian, ​​Mo, Xie ... just you, deserve to be called this name, and dare to call this name !!" Seeing those three words, those three words that once belonged to her, four years ago, she gave herself Ye Tianxie's anger that had been suppressed for too long was ignited by a frenzy for a moment. At this instant, his emotions were detonated like a huge bomb. The smirk on his face made all the players who saw his expression frightened. When they saw the name on the head of the person whose body was chained, they were even more shocked and couldn't believe their eyes!

Tian Moxie ... This person dragged by the evil sky with a chain turned out to be the prestigious trembling world, the world-recognized Chinese myth, there has never been a losing "undefeated evil emperor" Tian Moxie! !!

What the **** is this!

For the first time, the powerful and mysterious Tian Moxie appeared in the world of destiny in such a form. Such a contrast is almost completely unacceptable.

Ye Tianxie, who burst into anger, could not even think of how to torture this person for a while, because no matter what cruel means, he was too kind to him, and he couldn't let out his inner anger. His breathing became heavy, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly, his feet lifted, and he stepped on his head with the greatest strength he could!


That huge stepping sound made the heartbeat of the people around me all of a sudden. I don't know how many times. Some female players even covered their eyes in horror ... They seemed to have seen that the head of "Sky Moxie" was so strange. The extremely heavy kick gave the crickets a terrible slump, and the cold feeling rose from their hearts.

Ye Tianxie didn't stop just a moment, but stepped like crazy with his right foot like raindrops, extremely fast and extremely powerful, stepping from his head to his neck, It seemed to want to break his neck, then to his chest, his limbs ... it seemed to want to crush every bone of his body.

The surrounding crowd was trembling, watching the cruel scene in horror again. At the beginning, Ye Tianxie also trampled on the King of the Immortal Reincarnation under the eyes of everyone ... but, at this time, it was more cruel and violent than I did not know then. This is a bloodless world of destiny. If it is in the real world, anyone will be convinced that people who have been treated this way, even men with iron, will have broken bones and shed blood. With each drop of Ye Tianxie's foot, "Tian Moxie" would send out a scream of misery like the cry of a **** ghost ... One can imagine what kind of life he was suffering at this moment.

"Tian Moxie" is an archer occupation. The life value is not high. Under Ye Tianxie's feet, life is already empty, and the puppet with a large velvet tail shaking on the side will timely "Tian Moxie" Filling his life to make him want to escape through death is just a luxury.

Ten times ... 20 times ... 30 times ... more than a hundred ...

Ye Tianxie, like a madman, is devastating "Tian Moxie", who is already inferior to life. His screams have begun to weaken. The body is virtual, can withstand, and will not really be broken, but suffers pain. It ’s the spirit. His spirit ~ ~ has already reached the verge of collapse ... The people around were originally excited about watching the excitement, but at this time, they were all in fear. Go on.

Moreover, the person who trampled on was not someone else ... but Tian Moxie!


Finally, someone shouted out, facing the cruelty of the evil sky, and facing his reputation, finally began to worship the undefeated myth of the virtual online game industry in China. Tian Moxie people gathered the greatest courage, under the rush of blood. He stepped out and angered Xie Tian. As soon as he made a noise, he attracted the direct look of Xie Tian's eyes. The cold, knife-like eyes made him shiver, but he still shouted loudly: "Xie Tian I ... we do n’t care what you have, but he is the **** of evil ... is the pride of our country, the undefeated evil emperor that makes the world fear, you ... why do you treat him so much, We're welcome! "

"You're welcome? What are you going to do to me?" Ye Tianxie stepped on the neck of "Tian Moxie" and said coldly.

The man swallowed a spit, and "brushed" and took out his weapon: "If you don't stop, even if you die ... I will stop you."

One person took the lead, and the crowds who hadn't seen from the beginning rushed out, took out their weapons and pointed at Ye Tianxie. In just a few seconds, hundreds of people poured out, and they followed the roar: "Yes ... if you die, stop you! "

Ye Tianxie paused, suddenly raised his head and laughed, then frowned and said lowly: "Tian Moxie ... such a Tian Moxie! Today, I will show you ... this Tian Moxie ... … The true face !!! "

[OK! on vacation. Nothing is light, and there will be no delay from the next chapter. It ’s still based on the enthusiasm of classmates ... Well, HAPPY! 】

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