Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 379: Naked Extortion (Part 2)

Speaking of which, the smile on Ye Tianxie's face disappeared, replaced by the deep and coldness that made people scary. He changed his face fast, his emotions changed drastically, and his gas field changed noticeably. Even the natural performer Situ Mo sighed. At this moment, his change of appearance also made the person who covered the wings of the sky just half down The heart lifted again, and he said coldly, "What a wing that covers the sky. For a pet, she wanted to harm my woman! He also deliberately put a game in order to lie to me and use me. Going to lose with the Divine Alliance is hurting ... what a wing that covers the sky. "


"Don't tell me that you didn't do this. The consequences of cheating me may be more terrible than you think."

The moment of fate hangs down and affixed to the union plaque.

Middle-aged people clenched their fists, and their nails almost fell into the flesh. But the biggest thing is in the hands of the other side. He can only endure it forever, and then endure it ... and that thing is really what he did to cover the wings of heaven. However, he never expected that the seamless game that day would be so easily seen by him.

"We ... that's what we did, but we really didn't know that Su Di Yanyu was ..."

"I don't know?" Ye Tianxie sneered: "Are you proving to me your stupidity, or are you provoking my IQ. Joke! If you don't know my relationship with her, why set up a special set waiting for me Go drill! "

"We ..." The middle-aged man was speechless for a moment, and could only reluctantly said, "We thought you were just ordinary friends. I didn't expect her to be ... your woman."

"Now, do you know?"

"Know, we will never do the same again in the future. If someone dares to attack Miss Su in the future, we will definitely stand up." The middle-aged man vowed.

"Oh ... it's over to make a vow to lie to the ghosts? Shouldn't you make some compensation?" Ye Tianxie twisted his fingers and said slowly.

The middle-aged man swallowed hard and said, "More ... how much."

Ye Tianxie stretched a finger again and shook it gently: "Not much ... one billion! You guys are cheap!"

The Son of Heaven was about to be furious, but was stopped by the middle-aged man. He worked hard to keep calm and said, "It is indeed our fault before it ... Okay, one billion! We can give it to you, but you must make sure that you have a full sympathy with our grievances covering the sky, and later You don't owe us, we don't owe you! "

He can see it, Evil Sky is specifically to rectify their wings to cover the sky, by the way extortion of money ... Or, it is simply for the purpose of extortion of money. Now the biggest handle is in the hands of the other party. He is holding on to the existence and death of the entire wing covering the sky. Such a situation can only make them deeply weak. And this evil day, he will pay attention to the so-called human feelings? Will he accept the so-called bargain? joke……

Save money and avoid disasters ... Middle-aged people can only think so sadly.

Ye Tianxie smiled and said, "Okay! Just give me these billions again, and the fake Tian Moxie thing will end, and I won't bother to investigate it. You will end up offending my woman. Put aside these, You really do n’t have any other grievances with the wing-covering wings ... I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, ten seconds, a billion! Just one second at night ... believe it or not, I will make your wing-covering wings disappear forever. ! "

Ye Tianxie said very toughly, without giving them any bargaining time and opportunity to think. The middle-aged person quickly picked up the communicator, connected to the outside line, and shouted again with a cold face: "Immediately transfer one billion to the evil sky ... Hurry up! If it is not completed within five seconds, I will ruin your whole family !!!"

Ding Diao ... It is another one billion gold coins in hand, Ye Tianxie smiles more and more brilliant. Well, the money can actually come very easily. Having said that, the 10,000-mile tracker that Xingbaoer sold to him was 500,000, and the core of the empty fantasy stone that he rented was 100,000 gold coins a day ... In an instant, he used these two things to earn hundreds of times. .

Alas, is he a man doing business at a loss?

The person covering the wings of the sky has been wet with cold sweat, sweating all over. In less than a minute, they were forced to give Xie Tian two billion! That's not twenty, not two hundred, not twenty-two million ... two billion! Although the Yun family is a rich country, the money is not so expensive! It is even more impossible for the Yun family to spend all their money on the heavenly wings of the game world. They can only hope that when these two billion are hit down, Xie Tian can leave immediately and then never appear again.

"Xie Tian, ​​the money has been passed, and as we have agreed, our grudges have been cancelled ... if you are free, we might as well sit down and have a drink. The words of friends are the best thing for us. "The middle-aged man said with a smile. Now, and beyond, they will never dare to offend this evil sky until they are 100% sure. The evil sky does not retaliate, but when it moves, the wing covering the sky is undoubtedly a series of disasters, making them sleepless for several days.

On the contrary ... if this person can be made an ally ...

However, he also knows that the possibility of using the evil character and working style is very small.

"Very good." Ye Tianxie counted the amount of his gold coins with a smile, and smiled strangely. His right hand dropped, and slowly said, "Yes, it is indeed two billion, so our grudges are barely written off, so ..."

Ye Tianxie's eyes were cold, and his right hand was suddenly raised sharply. At the moment of fate, he slammed the guild plaque covering the wings of heaven.

"Evil Sky !!"


The wings that covered the sky were terrified. Ye Tianxie's sudden shock almost scared their courage. Most of the people flew up desperately. Ye Tianxie's movements remained unchanged, and the blue light behind him A flash. Kaka appeared in the state of Weeping Feather Bing Lin, Bing Blue's wings spread, and a large-scale "storm" swept forward. The area of ​​this secret room covering the wings of the sky was not large. This "blizzard" would blow all the people coming in, and all of them would blow out like the scattered leaves.

The moment of Ye Tianxie's fate stopped when he nearly hit the plaque, so that those who mentioned his throat to his heart finally recovered from the huge shock. Ye Tianxie turned his head and said coldly, "Want to attack me?"

"Xie Tian ... you, why do you go against it! Thank you for being Tian Moxie of the famous earthquake world, it is really shameful for you to do so!" The middle-aged man finally couldn't hold back his anger and shouted angrily.

"I'm going to be inferior? When did I go out for inferiority?" Ye Tianxie looked at him squintingly, and the moment of fate was marked up and down on the plaque of the union, so that those who covered the wings of heaven felt as if there was a knife in their heart. Moving up and down.

"We have given you two billion yuan, and you have promised to write off our grudges! You are so dignified, don't you want to hang on!"

"Reliance account? Why should I reliance account. I did say that my resentment against you and your wing-covering wings was reluctant to write off ... but I have not said that it will not be provoked after the write-off. At first it was you who provoked my evil anger, now It seems that it's my turn. "He said in a low voice, shaking the moment of fate.

The formidable anger of the Son of Heaven finally erupted completely, and he yelled, "Evil heavens! You are too bullying, if you dare to touch the plaque of the wings of heaven, I ..."

"What about you?" Ye Tianxie said, with an eye on his side, with interest. There was no bit of sorrow or dread above the look, apparently he didn't take the words of the Son of Heaven out and about to roar at all ... And he also fully has this ability and qualification not to take the whole wing of the sky into mind. Three days ago, no one had ever thought that a person could compete with a large guild. This was just a few days. This knowledge was overthrown by their own experience.

"Four seas, don't be impulsive!" The middle-aged man once again held the Son of Heaven, and then said to him in a low secret: "Don't be impulsive ... The original intention of the evil sky is not to destroy me to hide the wings of heaven, otherwise He has been doing it for a long time, and he can't commit a series of bluffs. But if he is offended, he can do everything and we can get angry, but the wing-covering wings must not be destroyed! If the wing-covering wings are destroyed, that huge loss will us Still able to bear it, but the reconstruction of the wing-covering wings will never be able to restore the glory of the past and the present ... no matter what ~ ~ stabilize him first, he came today, obviously just for Extortion ... We have now begun to trace his real-world identity, and when we find out, you can take whatever revenge you want, and we will take back a lot of money from us ... calm! Big husband, We must learn to be able to bend and stretch, and to endure the moment! "

The identity of this middle-aged person is the seventh uncle of the Son of Heaven.

The Son of Heaven's face was iron-blue, but he couldn't hold back any more words. In this life, he has not been as embarrassed as he is now. Opposite is the hatred, the most jealous, and the most afraid of his life, but he is an enemies who do n’t share the sky, but he is in front of him, intimidating and extorting them with sarcasm ... But he can only endure, he must, because In his hand at this moment, the survival of the entire wing that covers the sky!

It was as if he had an inflated balloon that filled his chest so that every cell in their entire body was uncomfortable and almost exploded.

"Xie Tian ... speak your conditions! The destruction of the wing of the sky will not do you any good! Say your conditions, as long as you swear never to appear here again to attack our guild plaque, as long as your The request is not excessive, we will promise you as much as possible, "said the middle-aged man, calmly.

"Really. Then come two billion more." Ye Tian did not even think about it, and said casually with a lazy tone.

All the people who cover the wings of heaven take a breath ... two billion, another two billion!

In just a few minutes, he used this despicable and cruel way, but also made them unable to resist extortion of 4 billion to the wings of the sky. of.

(Staring at the list ... until it hits 9000, if you don't ... Um, play games, meow ~~~)

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