Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 462: Angel Blue (Part 1)

This is a man with an extraordinary appearance and a very calm look. His dress and his temperament are enough to show what level of identity he has. He stood there, glanced from the back of Ye Tianxie's party. Finally stared straight at Wu Chenxin's body until her back disappeared in the jewelry store. Finally, he vaguely felt that the man who had not seen his face seemed to look back at him.

"Master, do you fancy those girls? The two girls are really incredible. They haven't seen their faces, but because of that figure, I have never seen a few of them in my life ... the two Small ones are even more incredible, especially the one who wears purple clothes. This young man is so ecstatic and grows up, hey ... "Around the young man, a middle-aged man with a healthy body showed a thoughtful smile, with The charming flirty laughed.

The young man didn't answer, frowned for a moment, and said, "Is this shop also responsible for you?"

"Yes, my master, our industries in this street are under my management. In order to welcome your inspection, we have made sufficient preparations, and we will not let the young master down." Said. A pair of small eyes exuded shining brilliance.

As soon as the young man raised his hand, he said, "The people who just entered, go and try to hold them as far as possible. I need to find out their details."

"Understood." The middle-aged man immediately made an "OK" gesture, with an ambiguous smile on his face. In my heart, Ye Tianxie, who was with the four girls, silently sympathized. He apparently thought he was going to fight those girls.

Kakya Jewellery Shop, even in Jinghua, is well known for its reputation as the third largest jewelry chain behind only "Suhuahuayuan" and "Yumantianxia", only in Jinghua There are seven stores, all of which are extremely luxurious. As the top leader in the jewellery industry, there is no doubt that the jewellery that can be displayed in it are all extraordinary. This is the exclusive territory of the rich, and it is also where the rich show off their capital. Even in Jinghua, where the average consumption level ranks first in China, more than 90% of people can only stay away from it.

As soon as I stepped in, the dazzling pearl of jewels came to my face, and the entrance of two beautiful girls and two angel-like girls made the place brighter. Wherever such a lineup goes, it will be the focus of attention.

"Keya ... Chen Xin, this jewellery store has a surname with you." Sophie Fei said with a smile, and then began to look around. Huaxia's largest jewellery company is her family. Sophie Fei, who grew up in various jewellery that can be called the world's top jewelry, has long lost interest in them. The jewels that make a normal girl so desperate for her look better than ordinary glass balls. However, today is different, because today, she is accompanied by a man she likes. Playing rewards alone, together with the person you like, are totally two different states of mind and situations.

"This ... it should be a coincidence." Wu Chen whispered, pinching the corner. She is obviously a person who can't lie, and when she speaks, she writes nervously and quietly on her face. Ye Tianxie glanced at the signboard with a smile on his face and thoughtful.

Su Feifei was always looking for something that would interest her at a glance, and she didn't pay attention to Chen Xin's expression. She pulled her and went inside: "Let's go inside and see. The best are usually put in it. . "

Leaving Ye Tianxie, Su Feifei pulled Chen Xin and trot to the center counter. Ye Tianxie pulled Chen Xue and Xiao Xi to follow, and asked casually, "Xue Er, have you been to this place?"

Chen Xue shook her head: "No, I used to spend most of my time in bed before going out."

"So, have you ever heard of this name?" Ye Tianxie motioned for the name of "Keya". According to Chen Xue's previous physical condition, being able to breathe fresh air outside would be a luxury. Things outside, even those belonging to her own home, she knew too little.

"No ... oh?" Chen Xue just answered, his expression on his face stagnated, and said in an uncertain tone: "Just like my brother said, I seem to have heard the name." She thought about it again and said, "Well, it seems like someone has heard it before, it should be like this, I have a little bit of impression ... Brother, is there any problem here?"

Ye Tianxie shook his head, stopped talking, and took the two girls' hands to the front desk.

The appearance of Su Feifei and Yun Chenxin made the receptionist, who is also a female, look at her for a long time. Immediately, a professional smile appeared on her face, and she bowed slightly: "Two beautiful ladies, you are better than us The most precious gems in the store are also glorious, I wonder if we have any luck here to win the favor of two people. "

Although the receptionist's mouth uttered formatted praise and a pleasant smile on her face, her eyes have been dim after the initial stunning. In her eyes, although Sophie and Wu Chenxin are looking , Body, and temperament are extraordinary, but in the hospitality industry, when assessing each other's spending power, the most important thing to pay attention to is not a person's appearance and temperament, but clothing taste. The clothes and bags the two girls wore didn't even have a brand, and the material was not unusual at first glance. When she sighed that such a beautiful person was wearing this dress, her inner jealousy was suddenly balanced a lot.

Where does she know that Sophie's clothes and shoulder bags are designed by the world's top designers, but not from the same person. When she counts, she comes from six countries including France and England. The top designers in four countries including Italy, Italy and Russia. Every piece of their work is sky-high, and they may not even buy it if they have the money. And the works they design are precious and unique art, how can they be stigmatized like the products produced in those factories with the brand logo used to promote and be shown off. The clothes on Chen Xin's body are also from Sophie Fei, but even she doesn't know the true value of these clothes.

Although Chen Chenxin is nearly two years younger than Sophie Fei, her chest and hips are slightly fuller than her, so after wearing Sophie's clothes, the slight tightness makes her body lines appear, and she is usually used to Chen Xin, who wore loose clothes and a wide hat to conceal her figure and appearance, twisted for a long time before going out, and Ye Tianxie's apparently hot eyes when she looked at her made her heart like a deer. lift it up.

When the reception lady looked at Ye Tianxie who was with them, her eyes were a little darker ... because the one he wore was obviously a hundred dollars on the side of the road, he could buy one, and he could attach it. Free gift of two pairs of socks.

Such guests, at best, just come and go.

"Chen Xin, you don't seem to have a necklace yet, let me see ... Look at that, the gem seems to be colored, and it must look beautiful on you. Do you think it looks good?" Sophie immediately found the first target, pointing Speaking of the necklace hung with seven-color gems.

"The name of this necklace is 'Rainbow'. The chain is made of the purest gold, and the gemstones are spliced ​​from seven natural agates of different colors, which is exactly the seven colors of the rainbow. Its meaning is colorful life and perfection. Love. Its price is 99,999 Huaxia, which symbolizes the eternal colorful life and love. Miss, if you like, you can try it on, I believe that the rainbow light will make you charming Multiply. "Although there was no hope, the reception lady was introducing it in detail.

"Ninety-nine thousand ... Ah, is this too expensive?" Wu Chen whispered to Sophie Fei. At the beginning, she and Chen Xue were dependent on each other, and every penny came so hard. Although now no longer forced by life and emerged from the shadows, he is not used to luxury at all. And her whisper, let the receptionist's eyes flashed a slight contempt ~ ~ God, what do you think of this necklace? Will it fit Chen Xin? Su Feifei turned to Ye Tianxie and asked with a blink of her eyes. Chen Xin also secretly looked at him, and her heart was quietly full of expectations.

Ye Tianxie glanced at the necklace and shook his head: "Too gorgeous colors are not suitable for Chen Xin. The most suitable for her is gentleness, purity, and simplicity." Ye Tianxie's eyes swept and fell directly on himself Right in front of it ... It was a sapphire necklace with no surprises at first glance, but instead of being presented on the counter, it was placed in a grid inlaid on the wall alone. It is not only one that is embedded in the grid, but nine are arranged in a 3 × 3 flat. There is no doubt that it is the most prominent place in the entire store, and the sapphire necklace Ye Tianxie saw at one glance is placed in the most striking center.

The chain is very thin and transparent, I do not know what material it is made of. Below, hung is a thumb-sized sapphire. The sapphire is wrapped in a thin layer of natural light. When you look at it, the blue light seems to be shaking slightly. With a small amplitude, it is dark and dark, and the light comes into the eyes, as if it directly shines into the heart, making people feel soft and soothed.

This light is not blue light produced by modern technology, but a magical natural light. Ye Tianxie looked for a while and said, "Beauty, can you help me take that necklace off? Pure light blue, the light that makes people close, makes people's hearts become softer, Chen Xin, It feels to me like you feel to me. Can you wear it for me to see? "

Su Feifei and Yun Chenxin also looked at the sapphire necklace at the same time. In the two pairs of eyes, at the same time, they showed a moving brilliance. And the reception lady looked along Ye Tianxie's point of view, but her face suddenly showed a distressed expression.

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