Our Goddess

Chapter 23

Location: Polýtimos Palace

Aurum forest , Arcadia kingdom

Date: 3078.04.12

Time: 10:30

"Mistress, he has sent a message. Do you wish to hear it?" I wonder what that fruit thief wants to say. "Yes, you can tell me the message."

"Very well, this is what he said, "Do you remember when I went out and got hit by a car? I'm sorry I made you sad, I still remember you holding me with tears in your eyes and when you sent my soul to be reincarnated, I have been waiting for such a long time to see you again." and that is the message." could he possibly be my poor cat, the only friend I had.

I see my daughter's lips quiver and tears begin to fall from her eyes. I can see a man coming out of the world tree, he has blue eyes and long white colored hair. He quickly appears in front of Nathaniel who is holding Luna.

"You were always so emotional when it came to me, I remember you cried when I was sick because I eat to much." he grabs the crying Luna from Nathaniel's arms and wipes her tears.

A incoherent response came from Luna "I...I..I tho..ught youu weree dy...ing." the man hugs her closely and pats her back. Some time goes by before Luna calms down, we just watch the man softly patting her back and speaking to her in another language. She suddenly begins to laugh.

"I'll need to give you another name because I already gave it away." she waves over Myst and Lucifer. "Myst you remember my cat right?" the four of them begin to talk, I don't remember when five white sofas appeared and when we all joined their conversation.

"So his your cat that died back in your world?" I'm not surprised Luna ignores Alexander, he keeps asking the same question over and over again.

"So how did you end up living in the Sanctum Arbor?"

"The fruit that this tree grows is Luna's and my favourite thing to eat. Of course there are other trees that I've planted in other worlds but this one was the first one I planted and have taken care of since the beginning." I can see Vesmír is quite surprised, to meet the person who planted the world trees is extraordinary.

"Even if there is a limited number of fruits that grow, the other world trees still produce them. Why does this world tree not bare any fruit?" Vesmír has hated the fact that the other world trees are smaller than this one but still are able to produce fruit.

"I'm not sure about it but what I know is that the other trees that I planted, the seeds used were copies that I created but the the seed that I planted for this tree was an original." he looks at Luna who has been quiet for sometime now.

"Luna do you know what is the matter? I tried growing this tree from one of the persimmon fruits you placed in my space but it just grew none stop as you can see." his space? persimmon fruit? What is he talking about?

It seems Luna has not been telling me everything for the past two weeks.

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