Path to Heaven

: Testimonials

From December 1st, 2009, I published a book in Latitude to today is August 1, 2011. If I am not wrong, I have been in Latitude for exactly one year and eight months.

If you make a mistake, you must understand, because everyone always knows that my math is taught by a physical education teacher...

From the highest collection of four or five thousand at the beginning, to the second child flow of the original station after the starting point, in the past two years, great achievements have been made.

This kind of achievement was created by all the authors and friends.

I believe all the authors who jumped from the starting point to the vertical and horizontal like me, including the book friends who follow the battle, hold their breaths in their hearts.... to be arrogant, to be arrogant, to be arrogant, vertical and horizontal It also needs to rise up.

When the vast majority of people are gloating, looking at our jokes and thinking that we must be dead, we survived and we are very good!

Nothing can be humiliated, right?

Shortly after the book was published, the road to the sky was updated regularly. Most of the time, the time is changed every day, and throughout July, the day is not interrupted, all are updated on time and on time.

What price does it cost? This means being completely tied up. If you can’t get up in the morning, you will finish the update at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, and if you have eaten, you will start the chapter at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. After you finish, you will have to prepare again. Chapter at 9pm. This is why I am online most of the time, but I can’t stop to fart, or even participate in some group chats and yy activities, because once I stop, I may be too late to update a certain chapter!

But it's worth it, as long as there are results, as long as it is not shameful, it is worth it.

Just like when I graduated from college, I started not watching %Chinese men's football in 2001, and even hated the Chinese men's football. That's because I can tolerate you losing, but I can't tolerate you not to fight, you can't tolerate your shame, even A small country like Bahrain, which had no formal professional players before, would lose the same. If you fight like Zheng Dashi and their Korean team in tears, they are all tired and lying on the ground. As a result, they will be infused with seven goals, and I will also applaud you.

We fight, our results are not shameful.

But now, to face greater challenges, the website must develop, this step must be taken. To prove that you can also have a good subscription in Latitude, and there will also be a lot of book friends who will fully support their likes and support, and give confidence and hope to all authors who have joined Latitude or are ready to join Latitude.

In order not to let a website dominate, we decide our life and death.

So I want to list.

I hope all the book friends who support me will support a lot of subscriptions! I hope that all the authors of Latitude will join hands with me!

For a few cents a day, go to the supermarket and throw away a dime coin, or we can start a new era!

Maybe many years later, we can point to the collapse of a huge thing, or the rise of several new behemoths, hey, voila, that’s what we did!

bring it on! Let's m~lgbd together!

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