Peerless Martial God 2

Chapter 132: Yandu City

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"The same, the same is true for the Virgin and the Son, which is the distinction between genders." Songzhuang faintly said, Lin Feng nodded, and it was like this, but Xue Biyao was able to become a saint so soon after returning to the silver field. Lin Feng also had some admiration for her, and she also knew that Xuebi Yao was in the silver field. I am afraid that identity is not normal.

When I came to Yandu City, Lin Feng didn't have any interest in these high-rise buildings like bluestone. It was just a way of building. The most interesting thing for Lin Feng is that there are signs on the shops here. Some are like some kind of forces. icon.

"Lin Feng, let's find an inn to take a break." Yin Shengjun came to Lin Feng and asked in a kind voice.

Lin Feng nodded. He had no objections. He had already arrived in the silver field, and it was not bad for these few days.

Yin Shengjun led several people to a hotel in the center of the city. Lin Feng carefully found that the plaque hanging outside the inn was marked with two swords. Although he did not know the power, when he came, the icon I can also see a few.

"You have a total of eight people, a total of eight thousand gods." The owner of the inn just squinted at Lin Feng’s few people and extended his hand.

Lin Feng raised his brow and looked at the strength of the inn's boss. He even had the strength of the supreme king. He was already a master in the silver field, but the inn stayed here to ask for the stone. And eight thousand **** stones are simply too dark.

However, Lin Feng saw that Yin Shengjun’s face was very light, and even took the storage ring very casually, and handed over eight thousand **** stones to the innkeeper.

"Silver King, you really have money here, you have to store eight thousand stone in a shop." Songzhuang looked at Yin Shengjun's shot quite wide and couldn't help but pick it up. In the realm of the gods, eight thousand stone can help a disciple of the Supreme King to break into the Supreme Holy King, which is used only to stay in the store.

The domain is used for cultivation, and the silver field is used to be used as money.

"Haha, you are used to it. There are not many other things in the silver field. It is a lot of gods. You will buy a lot of **** stones from our silver field every year for your disciples to practice. You can exchange one thousand for one of your gods. The **** stone."

Yin Shengjun smiled heartily, then picked up the number plate from the innkeeper and looked at the second floor.

"Let's go, the rooms are on the second floor." Yin Shengjun first went to the second floor, and the two disciples followed closely. Lin Feng blinked and danced to other people and followed the stairs.

"Silver Shengjun predecessors, why do these shops and inns have signs? What is the meaning?" This time, I couldn’t help but ask a question, and this is what Lin Feng wants to ask, even Everyone wants to ask.

Yin Shengjun looked at the eyes and looked at Lin Feng, and then he smiled and said: "The logos you see are actually the shops of various factions. For example, this inn is two swords, that is, the shop of our temple. A piece of snowflake is the shop of the Xuebi Yao saint you know about Lin Feng."

"Ha? You can still do business here?" The fire dance seemed to be interested and couldn't help but kiss.

"Nature can, as long as the strength is sufficient, the network is vast, and naturally can be bought and sold, perhaps you do not know, the stone that is earned here will collect these saints, or the hands of the elders, for them to practice."

Yin Shengjun explained to Lin Feng a few people, but it was Lin Feng’s feelings. The people in this silver field are fast becoming businessmen. They really know how to do business. When the gods and sons of the gods compete for power, The saints of the silver field in the family are used to do business cultivation.

Lin Feng suddenly had a feeling that this time it was right to come to the silver field. I am afraid that not only Lin Feng thinks so, but Song Zhuang thinks so.

Songzhuang is the holy priest of the temple of the gods. Although the ranking is the last, but the weight of the words, this time I saw and heard, I believe that can bring some new things to the domain, their gods have not gone out for a long time, now silver The pattern of the domain made Song Zhuang happy.

Shenshi and his temples and various sects are controlled and distributed. It is better to earn business by doing business like the silver field. Of course, this method has advantages and disadvantages. The drawback is that it is possible to bring Shenshi into one place or several places, resulting in a gap in strength. The bigger it is.

However, this is not a manifestation of ability. Whoever has the ability to earn more gods, the strength of who is naturally stronger, this is the unchanging truth, nothing to be controversial.

Lin Feng also experienced a lot in the words of Yin Shengjun, and even some interest, he also wants to open some shops in the silver field to make money, but this requires contacts and strength, even if the strength is there, the former is more important.

"My house is in front, you pick the house at will." Yin Shengjun smiled at Lin Feng, and he walked to the front of the room and entered the house. Two disciples also found a room.

Fei Fei went to the house early. He found the biggest room. The golden stick was thrown and he slept in bed.

Lin Feng and Song Zhuang looked at each other with a helpless smile. Song Zhuang also left the corridor and looked for a room to enter.

"Master, I am going to practice." Floating and sinking against Lin Feng, he went to the house next door and closed the door. At this time, there were only two people, Fire Dance and Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, it’s boring to go back to the house. Why don’t we go shopping for Yandu City?” The big eyes of the fire dancing water turned, and they came up with a ghost idea, and they smiled and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is not a lot of ways to take the fire dance now. This savage princess is a living treasure. At first, I saw that the fire dance only felt that this girl was a spoiled lady. After a long time, I found that although the fire dance is arrogant, then the nature is not bad. .

"Well, it’s boring to stay, go out for a walk." Lin Feng blinked at the remaining two rooms. After a while, he nodded and agreed.

In an instant, the fire dance clenched a small fist and made a victory posture, and jumped down the floor with Lin Feng.

The two walked out of the inn, and Lin Feng looked at the logo flag hanging outside the inn. Two swords, according to the words of Yin Shengjun, this is the business of the Great Son, then a snowflake is the business of Xuebaiyao.

Therefore, Lin Feng can now contact Xuebai Yao as long as he finds the store in Xuebai Yao.

Lin Feng looked for a circle, did not see the snow shop, Lin Feng continued to walk in the depths of the street, the fire dance along the way to see the West, full of curiosity, many fun gods are not.

"Hey, Lin Feng, you see this scorpion look good."

Just when Lin Feng was looking for the snowflake logo, he was swayed by the fire to the side of the street, a shop selling antiques and decorations.

Lin Feng just wants to be angry, but inadvertently sees the logo hanging in this shop is the snowflake.

Lin Feng looked at the eyes of the fire dance surprise, it was very beautiful, crystal blue hair, with a little space morality, obviously not ordinary hair.

"Lin Feng, I want to buy, you buy me." The fire dance saw the hairpin, the eyes were lit up, and the arm of Lin Feng was constantly Lin Feng sighed helplessly, not ready to take care of the fire dance.

It was this time, from the inside of the shop, a classical beauty with a long-looking logo, a long white dress with a blue belt and a string of jade.

At first glance, Lin Feng thought it was a dream, but there was no temperament of dreams, only the dreams of God.

Dream? faint? Liu Fei? Duan Xinye, Qiuyuexin, and Qingfeng, thought of a few women, Lin Feng looked at his eyes again, it is better to buy a few girls, it is a token of love in this life.

Lin Feng consciously owes these girls too much, but these women are not leaving and staying with them. In addition to trying to protect them, Lin Feng has left this romantic thing to do.

"You are the owner of this shop?" Lin Feng looked up and looked at the classical woman in white dress in front of her eyes.

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