Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 694: Jiang Xuan has an accident! (3 more seeking...

"Okay, don't blame. Since you have been a teacher, you must be responsible for you. Take a break for half an hour and half an hour later we go hiking."

Lin Feng walked to the side of Jiang Xuan, and picked up Jiang Xuan with a smile on his face and said to Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan listened to Lin Feng's arrangement. He only felt that the whole world was gray. He wanted to go out to play, but he was caught by Lin Feng. Don't look at Lin Feng, he is only a avatar, but he also has the strength of the next god. As long as the median **** is not attacking this avatar, almost outsiders can't see that Lin Feng is fake.

Jiang Xuan protested Lin Feng's abuse of him, but the protest was invalid. Jiang Xuan had no choice but to follow Lin Feng and went to the back of the evil city. The two did not go to the evil mountain. After all, they were far away from the main city of the evil city. It was also the result of Jiang Xuan's discussion. Although Lin Feng was only one person, he still inherited all the thoughts and feelings of the deity.

It can even be said that if Lin Feng’s deity has gone through hundreds of years, regardless of this avatar, it is very likely that this avatar will give birth to his own thinking and compete with Lin Feng’s consciousness. Finally, when Lin Feng’s consciousness is lost, then Lin Feng’s avatar is Another person exists on his own.

Of course, this situation is almost zero, it is impossible to exist, even Lin Feng left in the Jiuyi mainland, if not Ji Yun led a group of people to attack the Holy Spirit dynasty, was smashed for the resistance of Ji Ji and others, and then a few more He is also not aware of the birth of a hundred years.

This is Lin Feng's self-confidence, and Lin Feng's hegemony, because after mastering the true meaning of the avatar, such things become simpler and not over.

He and Jiang Xuan went to Houshan together and performed a second training for Jiang Xuan.

The city is very large, with tens of millions of miles. The entire city includes all the land, including countless mountains and rivers. Most of the empire is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The city is surrounded by the city.

Lin Feng’s deity in the Wuhun world understands the true meaning of the Taoist boots. The whole person sits under the phoenix tree, the phoenix tree shines with green luster and Lin Feng shrouds. Lin Feng’s chaotic body wraps Lin Feng’s god, triple protection. Lin Feng, it is almost impossible to hurt Lin Feng, let alone this is Lin Feng’s own world.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry. He has protection for Jiang Xuan, and he has more time for himself. He can have full time to comprehend and break through.

A little bit of the past, Lin Feng’s Taoist comprehend the way of the warfare has also entered a critical period. At this moment, the true meaning of this law has been found. Only the complete understanding of the final breakthrough is complete. If it is not enough, it will not be enough for half a day. .

But now the time outside is just noon, the hot sun is roasting the earth, but Lin Feng and Jiang Xuan are climbing the mountain, there is a high tree covering, so I can't feel the heat.

"To run a hundred back and forth, you are not allowed to use energy." Lin Feng first accompanied Jiang Xuan to the foothills of Houshan. After that, Lin Feng sat on the mountain and shouted at Jiang Xuan, who was next to him.

"Oh". Jiang Xuan nodded depressedly. He knew that there was no point in asking Lin Feng. Simply, he would not open his mouth. Instead, he would let the teacher look down on himself. He wanted to do a good job of looking at Lin Feng.

Don't look at the little guys who are usually very playful. The character is rare and stubborn, but the heart is also very meticulous. It is not lost to his brother Jiang Hao, but he is not willing to show it, but now it is the performance of the little guy's mind. when.

He can't let Lin Feng look down on him, it will only make him feel worse in Lin Feng's heart.

Jiang Xuan said nothing, directly from the foothills along the winding mountain road to the mountain, did not use any vitality, completely relying on the 10-year-old body to run, of course, in the end will be somewhat different from ordinary people.

Even if you don't use the vitality, the physique of the cultivator should be more than ten times better than the ordinary human body. It may be very painful to run back and forth in this hundred, but it will not hurt the bones, but it will help to comb the breath.

Lin Feng sat on a large stone and looked at Jiang Xuan, who was gradually disappearing. The corner of his mouth was a little curved and smiled: "This is really strong."

In the next period of time, almost every ten minutes, Lin Feng could see Jiang Xuan sweating up and running, Lin Feng threw a few sour plums to Jiang Xuan to solve the thirst, the little guy ran more energetic, and finally only This is a game. It is fast to see Lin Feng picking sour plums at the end, or he is running fast from the bottom of the mountain to the foothills.

Lin Feng is not tired, after all, it is not enough to think about it. The task that the deity gave him is to accompany Jiang Xuan. There is no other requirement.

However, gradually, Lin Feng felt a bit uncomfortable, and the feeling of irritability became more and more intense with the change of time. Jiang Xuan had gone through the last 20 minutes since he climbed to the top of the mountain. Until now, there is still no Jiang Xuan. Any movement, even the figure did not appear near the mountainside.

Lin Feng’s dark road was not good. It must have been a difficult or dangerous situation for Jiang Xuan. Lin Feng threw away the plum and went all the way to the mountain road.

Lin Feng flew very fast. It took less than half a minute to reach the foot of the mountain at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. Looking at the empty foot of the mountain, except for the golden leaves and the bushes, from time to time In addition to the snoring of Warcraft, there is no other situation, and there is no trace of Jiang Xuan.

Lin Feng is a little nervous and nervous this time. It can be confirmed that Jiang Xuan has been taken away, but Lin Feng does not know who grabbed Jiang Xuan. It may be the opposite of the evil city, or it may be the so-called young masters of the evil city. It is also possible...

The person Lin Feng is most reluctant to guess is the recovery capacity. If it is really the recovery and grabbed Jiang Xuan, then this will be difficult. Lin Feng does not know whether to tell the city owners and the evil spirits of the evil city. Tell me what is the use? There is no evidence.

Lin Feng carefully searched the mountain road and went back to the mountain along the mountain road. He did not find any mark left by Jiang Xuan. That is to say, Jiang Xuan was suddenly taken away. Jiang Xuan could even say that there was no reaction. Time, then the strongest who can achieve this level, the strength without the level of God respect can never be done.

And it is also able to isolate his own knowledge, which makes Lin Feng cautious. In the end, Lin Feng can only think of one person, that is, recovery.

Deeply sighing, Lin Feng told this dear news about the demeanor in the cultivation. When Lin Feng’s deity came to report the news, Lin Feng’s face suddenly sank.

There is no need to consider, it must be the recovery, and only the recovery has this ability. Moreover, the recovery has also been the teacher of Jiang Xuan. Although Jiang Xuan hates him, he will not think that the recovery will take him away. So there is no vigilance, which gives the recovery opportunity a chance to plan.

Lin Feng can't break through at this moment, because once it breaks out, it may cause the Tao in the boots to vanish, and it is possible to make a breakthrough in the middle of the gods, so now the crisis can only rely on Lin Feng. The avatar.

Lin Feng gave an order to the avatar, that is, it must find the place where the recovery glory and the purple scorpion gods are located before dark, and then kiss the tiger's den and see if Jiang Xuan is recovering.

At this time, there is no need to think too much. I must take a look at it. And Lin Feng has this instinct. It’s time to recover from a recovery. For a while, how can he make himself comfortable?

Lin Feng's face was indifferent and flew directly back to the city's main government. He searched the entire city's main government without the trace of Jiang Xuan. It is entirely certain that the person was arrested by the recovery, but he did not know where the residence of Zi Yan Shen Zun was.

Lin Feng can only ask the city owner to ask, but can't say that Jiang Xuan was taken away. Otherwise, this matter is too big. This is a scene that the recovery glory saw. He calculated it for so long and finally came up with this plan. It should also be that I want to mess up the evil city. As for what he wants to do, Lin Feng can’t think of it.

However, there is absolutely no way to recover from the recovery. Otherwise, it is impossible to be the teacher of Jiang Xuan at first. It is obvious to come to the evil city. The recovery is for a certain purpose, but what is the purpose of this, I don’t know.

I came to the city's main house and found Jiang Yitian. Lin Feng directly asked where the purple scorpion **** dwells. Lin Feng's direct question can be regarded as a shock to Jiang Yitian.

Jiang Yitian looked at Lin Feng, and then his face complexly said: "Lin Feng, you don't want to impulsive, Zishen Shenzun strength...".

"Predecessors, I have a sense of concentration in my heart, I just want to ask where he lives?" Lin Feng did not have time to listen to Jiang Yitian's persuasion, his pro-son is in the tiger's den, Lin Feng must find the residence of Zi Yan Shen Zun as soon as possible.

Jiang Yitian looked at Lin Feng somewhat strangely. He faintly felt that Lin Feng is a little weird today. His body is not right. It seems to be a little weak, but Jiang Yitian did not waste time on this matter and directly told Lin Feng.

"Zizi Shenzun lived in the north of the evil city. The radius of 10 million miles is his category. This is also the 10 million miles of land that his father promised to give him. The people above this can be inhabited except for the purple gods. Others People are not allowed to enter."

"Bei Zi Shen Zun lived in the northern Zizi Mountain, Ziyan Mountain is the residence of Zi Yan Shenzun ~ ~ but the average person can not go up, otherwise it will inevitably be killed, so, Lin Feng you ...".

"Thanks to the seniors for pointing, the kid will not mess, rest assured."

However, Jiang Yitian’s words have not been finished yet, and Lin Feng’s words were interrupted. Lin Feng turned and flew into the sky and flew directly to the north of the evil city. The breath was slightly messy.

Jiang Yitian looked at the back of Lin Feng's disappearance. The more he thought about it, the more he felt wrong.

"Yeah, isn't he training with Xuan Er?"

"Is it...?"

Suddenly, Jiang Yitian’s face suddenly changed, recalling the strange performance of Fang Cailin, who had never seen Lin Feng so anxious.

"Is it hard to say that Zi Yan Shen Zun took Jiang Xuan?"

Jiang Yitian couldn't stand anymore, but he ran into the depths of the hall to see the evil spirits and the ancestors, and reported this embarrassing matter to the two ancestors.


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