Pet King

Chapter 1231: Identity mystery

Whether it is marching or fighting, morale is one of the most important factors. It is impossible to win a war with low morale.

Wei Kang also understands this reason, so he did not plead for He He, persuading: "Xiao He, the conditions are indeed a bit more difficult, but you should think of the benefits, how many people can experience this experience? The situation is not so bad, You ’re new to the field and you ’re not used to it. I ’ve experienced more difficult situations before. I ’m just going to endure it. It ’s good to get used to it. After we go back, we ’ll celebrate.

Gao Ke also advised: "Xiao He, you also saw that the road conditions into the desert were very poor. Even if someone drove you out, what if you broke a car in the desert alone? What if you break down? What? What if you get lost? Who will save you? It's too dangerous! It's safer to stay with you! "

Both of them said it makes sense, He Ho calmed down a bit, and thought it was true.

The distress scene of No. 10 car is still vividly visible. A single car is driving in the desert. It is better if there is no problem. If there is a problem, you can only wait for death. It is much more dangerous than going along with most people.

Take this experience as a military training when you first entered the university, and forbearance will pass. Although her military training also used various stomach pains as a reason to avoid training ...

"Okay, I know. I will work hard to adapt and make progress with everyone." She wiped her tears and became soft.

"Yeah, that's right!"

Wei Kang also breathed a sigh of relief, turning his worries into joy, and finally resolved the storm.

Many people also came around and spoke comforting and encouraging, telling her there was nothing to worry about, as long as everyone was united, there were no insurmountable difficulties.

Being surrounded by the center, being cared for and cared by everyone, made He He feel a sense of security, even a little bit proud.

Compared to He Ho, Zhang Zi'an and several others were more interested in the skulls in the sandpit. They squatted in a circle around the bunker and watched the skull with a flashlight.

The desert salamander that had climbed out of the eye socket had already been drilled into the sand and slipped away, but we were not sure if there were any more salamanders or other creatures in it, and I dared not touch it with my hands.

"How did this person die?" Someone asked in English.

"I don't know, there was no trauma to the skull, at least it wasn't that he died of a blunt attack on the skull." The female detective saw someone comforting Ho Ho, and came to look at the skull.

"Isn't Nabari saying that this is the ancient way of smuggling? Bacheng is a poor smuggler who is sick in the desert, drinks water, gets lost ... too many possibilities." Another said.

At this point, someone came and said, "Not a smuggler."

Everyone looked up, it turned out to be Nabari.

Nabari held a hookah and stared at the skull through the lingering smoke.

"Not a smuggler, who else? Who would come to such a ghost place?" Someone asked.

"Maybe a fool like us." Another person laughed at himself, causing a laugh.

Nabari didn't laugh, and said calmly, "I have seen human remains more than once in the desert, but this skull looks different from our Bedouin skull."

The laughter came to an abrupt end.

No one doubts the observation and memory of the Bedouin guide, otherwise they would be a fool to follow the Bedouin into the desert.

This route of smuggling is not necessarily the first to be developed by the Bedouins, but when the Bedouins came here, they have become the masters of this path and have been active on this path for at least hundreds of years. The Bedouins who died on this road were not in the minority. If it were not the remains of the Bedouins, who would they be? Did it stay earlier?

Driving the No. 5 vehicle, the man who was called a scholar in Lippit's team also stood by and watched. He frowned, seemingly inspired by Nabari's words, got closer, borrowed a flashlight from a female detective, carefully Observing the outline details of the skull, he was surprised.

The scholar said: "Mr. Nabari is right. This is a modern European male skull. If it is a Western male skull called Asianrobustmale, the eyebrow bow should be thicker."

Zhang Zi'an did not know what kind of profession the scholar was engaged in in real life, but watching other people's reactions seemed to be convinced by his conclusions, and no one questioned.

This is even more weird. What do modern European men do when they come to this place where the birds do not shit? Are members of a scientific research team buried here?

According to common sense, even if a member of an expedition team died in the desert, his companion should not just abandon his body in this way, at least gps coordinates and leave a conspicuous mark, and return to convergence later in the future Remains, this is a basic humane concern.

Unless his companion came back to find him, but Fengsha moved his body, leaving them empty-handed, it is also possible ~ ~ Wei Kang comforted Ho Ho, heard them arguing here, came over After listening for a while, I shook my head and said, "As far as I know, no scientific research team has been here, at least the scientific research team with the goal of biological research has never been ... in my opinion, is it possible to explore for oil?"

The Mediterranean man, known as the consul, had been smoking in silence. At this point, he stood up and greeted him, "Rather than guessing, let's dig up the body and see if it can be taken from other parts of the body. What clue to find! Come, everyone goes to get the tools in the car, anyway, idle is idle! "

Several people ran back to their cars, took a folding shovel, and started digging around the remains.

The matter over He Ho's side is over. The movement of these people has attracted the attention of others. Everyone came around and speculated cheerfully about the identity of the remains.

With so many people, He He wasn't too scared, crowded in the crowd to watch, but still dared not look directly at the black eye socket of the skull.

Digging pits in the desert is not so easy. Although the sand is very soft, there is always sand around it to supplement it with a shovel.

Fortunately, there are many people with great strength, and this remains is not buried deeply. You dig a few times and I dig a few times. Soon, a relatively complete human skeleton appears in front of everyone. The upper body is basically exposed. The lower body is basically exposed. Still buried in the sand.

There are also a few strands of earthy yellow rags between the skeletons, which are obviously clothes worn before this life.

Scholars jump into the dug dug out and carefully look for clues between the skeletons.

Suddenly, he noticed something flashing.

He reached into the ribs of the skeleton, and found out a piece of silvery metal ornaments-black inverses, hanging in the center of a palm tree growing on the lawn.

It was recognized that this was the hallmark of the German Army's African Legion.

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