Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1265: Wish

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Nabari squinted his eyes. His eyesight was not as good as in his prime, but he was still much better than ordinary people.

He didn't recognize the names of the wild cats, but they completely coincided with the images in the memory and complemented the fuzzy part of the memory.

At this moment, he smiled suddenly, and suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, his mood became clear and relaxed, he let go of all responsibilities and burdens, and even felt that he had been favored by the true God like never before.

His life was almost complete, as long as he took the others safely out of the desert, he was truly successful.

Wei Kang's mood was different from that of Nabari. He was so excited that he even worried that he would have a heart attack.

He set up a tripod and kept pressing the mute shutter. Although the rate of fouling was high due to dim light, each piece was extremely precious material.

Is this a primitive Egyptian cat?

He didn't know, and wasn't sure-what exactly was a primitive Egyptian cat? There is no precise definition.

Humans have begun to breed domestic cats consciously, producing the desired hair color and body shape. It has not been more than 200 years, and humans began breeding dogs intentionally as early as hundreds of years ago.

What he was looking for was a cat species with a transitional nature in the evolutionary history of domestic cats, which he believed was most likely to exist in Egypt.

Just as the auricular fox is the smallest canine, the sand cat is one of the smallest felines. Maybe mammals in the desert can only try to reduce their size to survive.

Sandcats are close relatives of domestic cats. Four subspecies are known. Among them, the Pakistani subspecies have been extinct decades ago. Among them, the North African subspecies has been thought to exist only in southeast Egypt. In a small area of ​​the Ministry, Wei Kang found a new subspecies at the junction of Egypt and Libya west of Egypt.

Deep in the Sahara Desert here, there is a long distance from Siwa Oasis and Kufra Oasis. In addition, this place should have been an oasis unrecorded in history and legend many years ago. It is reasonable to believe that these sands Cats have lived here thousands of years ago, and have been isolated from the world for a long time. Just like Australia, which is lonely overseas, it has preserved the species' independence to the greatest extent.

It might be an exaggeration to say that these sand cats are living fossils, but they are indeed quite primitive species.

Similar to other types of sand cats, they have large ears, which are larger than ordinary domestic cats. They are not as exaggerated as the ears of auricle foxes, but the internal structure has been different from ordinary domestic cats, and their hearing is extremely high. developed.

Their faces are neither sharp nor rounded, and their hair makes their chins look like a vertical section of a bowl, similar to an inverted trapezoid, with a shallow mackerel pattern on their bodies that is so hard to recognize in the night. To the extent, there are two prominent black rings on each of the two forelimbs.

Although Wei Kang's movements are very light, the installation of a tripod and the installation of the camera will inevitably make a sound. He thinks that these audible sand cats have heard their existence, but somehow they did not choose to escape.

Yes, it must be because of Fina's existence.

Wei Kang looked at Fina with relief and anxiety. Fortunately, he brought it to Egypt this time, otherwise he must have returned empty-handed. At the same time, he also hoped that Fina would not have physical contact with the sand cats, otherwise it might be infected with bacteria. Because these sand cats have lived here for a long time, antibodies have been produced in the body, but Fina has not.

He didn't know that Fina had lived here before.

There are a lot of low dead tree branches in the place where the infrared camera is installed. These sand cats have no interest in climbing. Even if they are walking to the tree in the fun, they just hold the trunk and then loosen their paws and jump down. They seem to Can't climb trees, at least not good at climbing trees.

On the contrary, Wei Kang found that they were not simply playing, but planing the sand while playing, occasionally pulling out some small animals from the sand to eat, and even planing a shallow hole for food in order to drill in, and then Drilling out of the sand, a twisting dune gecko was in his mouth, and he swallowed a few times.

A cat who is not good at climbing trees, but good at digging sand.

In order to isolate the high temperature walking on the sand, their paw meat pads have thick hair, and the sharp claws cannot be retracted like other cats, and they are always exposed outside, which may be to dig the sand.

In theory, sand cats are widely distributed across Asia and Africa. In fact, people have not seen a living sand cat in the wild for several years. They know almost nothing about the population of this rare animal, and there are no scientists specializing in it. I have studied sand cats, and their research on their group behaviors and habits is basically zero-not because the scientists do n’t work hard, but they ca n’t find wild sand cats. Even photos of sand cats have been used repeatedly for several years. Old photos taken before.

Wei Kang didn't think about the fame and honor brought by this discovery. He focused on recording their every move with his eyes and camera ~ ~ because no one knows when they will disappear.

He has only a small regret. It would be nice if the students just woke up and let them see these rare creatures with their own eyes.

He didn't think about catching them and taking them back to China, because the habit of sand cats to drill sand makes their respiratory structure different from ordinary domestic cats. They can't adapt to the air outside the desert. A slight cold can take them. Life.

They should live here and survive undisturbed by others.

Therefore, he turned off the GPS information of the photos in the camera settings, otherwise the flood of hunters and smugglers would exterminate this unknown subspecies in a short time.

Sand cats have very little courage, but this may be the first time they have seen humans, and they do n’t know how terrible humans are. One of the bold sand cats took a few steps here under the control of curiosity. Closer, staring at Wei Kang with wide eyes.

Wei Kang aimed the lens at it and repeatedly pressed the shutter.

After a while, he lost interest in the middle-aged man with bald hair and returned to his companion with a flick of his tail.

The moment it turned around, the shutter captured a clearer picture, with very light and very light spots scattered on its side.

Sandcat with both mackerel pattern and spots?

Wei Kang's heart stopped for a beat, and he wanted to announce his joy to the world, because the sand cats of other subspecies only had mackerel patterns but no spots.

Although he still has to confirm the original image on the computer, he is quite certain that he has achieved the goal of this trip.

He turned his head and smiled at Zhang Zi'an. It seemed that he wanted to express something, maybe he wanted to make a "thank you" lip.

Just then, there was a loud thunderous sound from the depths of the Devil's Sea, even the earth was shaking slightly.

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