Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1455: Flooded Coyote

Coyote is a kind of wolf that only exists in North America. It is smaller than a gray wolf, but even a small wolf is a wolf, not a dog.

Their hair color is usually khaki, their eyes are dark brown, they have a long tail, and their tails can be up to half their length. Because their habits are day and night, they may be mistaken for stray in the dim light. Dogs, wolves, and foxes, but in most cases coyotes appearing in cities are most likely to be treated as stray dogs.

Coyotes are usually active at night, early morning or dusk, and occasionally appear during the day. They have large ears, are more sensitive than dogs and wolves, and are very good at hiding their tracks. They are in tree pits, bushes, and neatly-built gardens. The good thing about hiding.

In China, except for zoos, there are no coyotes in the wild, so the translation of these animals is not uniform. Some people call them coyotes or North American wolves, which are actually the same species.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of coyotes has increased significantly due to the increase in people's awareness of environmental protection. They have spread almost throughout the United States, and they are not afraid of people, and they broke into cities in a grand manner.

Seattle, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston ... They can be seen quietly in the night of every big city, especially San Francisco. Due to the proximity to several forest parks, the number of coyotes has reached, which may affect people's daily lives. Degree of life.

According to rough estimates, the number of coyotes in downtown San Francisco is between 50 and 100.

If you have a super metropolis with a population of over 10 million in Beijing and Shanghai and most of them are concentrated in urban areas, 100 coyotes are nothing, nothing more than a few drops of water thrown into the sea, but San Francisco is a household name in China In fact, San Francisco's urban area is not large enough to deserve its reputation, so 100 coyotes are quite a lot, and coyotes are much more dangerous than stray dogs.

Although stray dogs are fierce, most of the time as long as people do not provoke them, they will not actively attack people, and coyotes will attack cats, dogs and even children, and some people call them "the legged rattlesnake".

However, if Father Yang is right, it seems that the San Francisco Coyotes have been arrogant enough to start attacking adults. This is an extraordinary phenomenon.

Most predators do not attack other animals that are significantly larger than themselves. One is that this hunting itself may be dangerous, and the other is that even if it takes nine cattle and two tigers to successfully hunt, it will not eat one meal, but it will give Other predators are used as wedding dresses.

Examples of coyotes actively attacking adults are extremely rare, especially in cities.

Zhang Zi'an checked his words and thought that Father Yang didn't seem to be joking or anything, after all, they were clergymen, and the clergymen did not slang.

He was just a bit weird, why did a priest such as Father Yang know so much about coyotes, and said that he had noses and eyes, as if he had deliberately conducted a detailed investigation, wasn't it ... Fr. Yang was so big before he became a priest ... Do you study animal related majors? That chance would be close to Wei Kang.

The plane broke out of the turbulent airstream and flew into the stratosphere. The cabin broadcast reminded passengers that they could release their seat belts.

Some people adjust the angle of the seat, put on a blindfold and earplugs and go to sleep. Some people may be drinking too much water and ca n’t wait to go to the toilet. Some people are watching the movie provided by the plane. Some people are busy typing on the notebook keyboard to write documents. Someone whispered to each other.

Zhang Zi'an and Father Yang did not intend to use the toilet. Continuing the previous topic, Richard did not find an opportunity to drive for the time being.

"The recent coyote attack on a person happened the night before the local time, that is, yesterday morning in Binhai time. A young man did not return home at night, wandering in a remote neighborhood, and learned nothing from others. "The young man was selling illegal drugs he was carrying," said Father Yang. "On the one hand, the young man was careful to watch out for the police and on the other hand, to try to hack black counterparts, but he did not notice that there was a pair in the dark. His eyes have been staring at him. "

That young man was not the first time to go out and sell illegal drugs during the night, relying on his familiarity with the terrain and his boldness and carelessness, he had never been caught by the police. Once he felt that the wind was not right, he ran away, and did not expect to plant it the night before A big heel.

When it was almost zero at night, he had just completed a transaction with a few Mexican guys, and estimated that there was little left in the pockets. The money should be enough to spend a period of time, and then he planned to withdraw, otherwise it would be easy to attract too much cash. Jealous, after all, mobile payment in the United States is far less developed than China. Even if it is as developed as China, he is not stupid enough to use this payment method that may be touched by the police.

As soon as he turned around, he heard movement in the nearby trees, as if someone was hiding behind the tree.

"Who's there?" He asked warily.

No one answered.

"I warn you, whoever you are, it's best to get out of me, but I have a gun!"

He is not a bluff, and anyone who dares to go out at night is not vegetarian. The words did not fall, he really took a numbered gun from his waist and aimed at the tree.

"Last warning!"

He was convinced that it was not a police officer. If it was a police officer, the police had already fired the moment he smoked his gun.

The biggest possibility is a homeless man all over the streets of San Francisco, or maybe a drunk.


When the thing appeared from behind the tree, he couldn't see clearly in the darkness, and his nerves relaxed, thinking that it was a dog that was lost, so he lowered his gun and grinned, "Frighten your father! Come, Dog! Come here! "

He murmured the usual funny dog's voice ~ ~ and reached out to say hello.

It stepped closer, and a little bright light hit him, and he saw its eyes.

He couldn't say what he thought at the time, but his intuition told him that it didn't seem to be a dog, and his instinct had saved him more than once from the police and his colleagues.

After responding, he wanted to raise the muzzle to point at it again, but it was too late, and the thing rushed up at an extremely fast speed, biting the wrist of the gun holder.


In severe pain, his fingers snapped to the trigger, and his gun was never fired at night.

So the gun went off.

The bullet nearly hit his own other arm.

However, the gunfire also saved him.

The thing was frightened by the sound of gunshots, let go of your mouth, and turn your head into the bushes, as fast as it appeared.

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