Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1585: Rowing

On this coast, the gray whale is seen most, but now the gray whale has gone north. It is rare to be able to see the killer whale group, and it is even rarer to see this grandma's killer whale.

If Zhang Zi'an had an assault boat now, he would definitely try to approach it and see if his eyes, which have gone through hundreds of years of vicissitudes, really contained unimaginable wisdom as Shihua said.

Unfortunately, he did not have a ship, and the testimony of the whale could not be used as evidence.

"Have you ever asked, when are they going to leave this area?" He asked again.

Shihua replied: "Anyway, they will not leave for the time being. They seem to be planning to spend the summer here. There are many seals on the coast here, and they need to be full before they go on the road."

Zhang Zi'an thought for a moment and said, "Then, you can play with them. Let's go on the land, and you can follow along while playing in the sea. Maybe the whale can help."

"What can I do for you?" Shihua wasn't very willing. "Is it letting you help you find treasure on the bottom of the sea or find a shipwreck? It's so old, don't you always be a little stingy to toss it up!"

Zhang Zi'an didn't expect to make a fortune by finding a shipwreck on the bottom of the sea, but the treasure hunt of a shipwreck is usually on the high seas. If it is in the territorial waters of the United States, even if 80% is found, it must be turned over to the country ...

"No, let it and the whale pack help save people." He explained: "Maybe someone was alive when Lippitt threw them into the sea, and they need to be out at this time."

Shihua thought about it, it should be fine. Killer whale was willing to get along with human beings. Besides, she didn't want to encounter human corpses in the sea.

She wants to discuss with the whale group without having to get close, just dig her head underwater and talk in a whale song.

About half a minute, she poked her head out of the water, saying that the whale group would be happy to help, anyway, now they have nothing else to do.

After the agreement, Zhang Zi'an and the elves continued to walk on the land. The wolves whose suspected cannibalism was eliminated still ran ahead, foraging and leading the way.

Fai Tui looked around, and thoughtfully said: "It is really a huge and strange team, even if it is not like that ..."

This team walking on the coast has cats, dogs, birds, monkeys, and owls, and there are wolves running in front. There are whale groups and a half-man and half-fish **** in the left, followed by deer herds, and more behind. The place may be followed by crickets, coyotes, and black bears ... the animals that were originally dead opponents gathered for different reasons and pulled out a long and mighty team in the forest. There is more than nothing, it is spectacular.

Shihua swims freely in the shallow seas. For a while, she swims freestyle and backstroke. She uses low-frequency sounds and whale streams that cannot be heard by human ears. She is not lonely at all.

J2 has lived for more than a hundred years. Those eyes can be said to have seen the cold and warm world. It chose to lead the whale group to hide on this deserted coast. It is precisely because it has a complex psychology for human beings. And fear.

The hardest part of the team was Zhang Zi'an. He carried a backpack and struggled to walk on the beach. However, the beach has a wide field of vision. Unlike in the forest, when he hears a little sound, he will doubt whether a thick tree is hiding. What monster?

While walking, Shihua suddenly swam a little to the shore. Both she and the whale heard unusual sounds, periodic and regular, not like the sounds of nature.

After listening for a while, she said aloud, "There is movement in the sea in front, like someone is paddling."

Zhang Zi'an took her out of the sea. In order to prevent the propeller from getting into the sand or foreign objects, he would paddle out of the shallow sea area on the shore, so she knew what the paddling sound was like.

Fatu looked around and reminded: "We are not far away, we should be able to see when we turn the headland in front."

Without Zhang Zi'an's reminder, the elves are alert.

At this time, I miss the lost drone Nehbet. If it was flying overhead, everything within a few kilometers would be seen.

Walking near the cape, Zhang Zi'an and the other elves stopped and asked Shihua and the whale group to check the situation first.

After a while, Shihua reported back: "There is a small boat in front of it, but it is strange that the boat is made of wood but does not have a propeller.

"How many people are on the boat?" He asked.

"About four or five, all men. I seem to hear a woman's voice, but I don't see the woman," she said dumbly.

He let the other elves stand by, put down his backpack, held only the telescope, stepped carefully on the reef alone, and climbed to the headland with hands and feet.

On the other side of the headland, a wooden boat was indeed floating in the not-so-deep sea water, which was larger than his assault boat. The four sturdy men in the boat were divided into two groups of paddles, and there was a man who seemed to be the leader Sitting at the stern.

There is a simple pier on the coast, and a path winding from the pier to the forest.

Further afield, there is a white lighthouse that is not too high on the coast highlands. Rows of wooden townhouses are looming among the trees, and it seems that there are people working in large areas of farmland.

Finally, this must be Lippitt's nest.

As for the wooden boat that made Shihua feel weird, the reason for using humans to paddle without motors and propellers is very simple. Any organization that promotes suspicious creeds must be anti-intellectual ~ ~ Must be Extremely rejecting the products of modern science and technology, it must be said that science has caused the world to fall, and it is always in memory of the good old times ... if not, their rule will not be stable and their demon words will be broken.

The leaders of these organizations themselves will not be isolated from the world, but they will require the believers to be isolated from the world, so they will choose the old nest in such a desolate place, traffic is blocked, and communication is cut off.

Before Zhang Zi'an had time to observe carefully, there was new movement over the boat.

The four men stopped paddling, parked the boat about a hundred meters from the shore, and were directed by the stern leader to lift a struggling young white woman from the bilge.

The white woman's hands and feet were firmly tied with nylon straps, her mouth was blocked by rags, and the most shocking thing was that she had a twine tied to her feet, and the other end of the twine was tied to a stone on.

She struggled in despair like a fish just leaving the water, her eyes filled with tears, praying to God, praying that a miracle would happen, and someone could come to save herself.

But she also knows that this is absolutely impossible. No one can find her. Here is where the devil runs rampant, a corner forgotten by God.

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