Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1621: Prophets and Saints

Faiyui is completely ignorant of Chinese martial arts. It just watched the old-fashioned half-handed style of Lao Cha and Emir, only to find it very magical. Their use of power is very different from that of Western fighters. Gorgeous and weird, as if every move contains countless back tricks, and the flexible advantages of cat bodies make their martial arts levels far exceed the limits of humans, and even the eyes of France can't keep up with their movements. .

However, Fai ’s understanding is very strong, maybe it is the reason for the rich experience in wild hunting. It actually found some animal shadows from the old tea and Emil ’s moves. It seems that these moves are made by humans imitating the actions of animals and then improving them. Coming, including cats, snakes, lions, eagles and other fierce beasts, this is the area where Fai is best at.

Since its appearance in the city named San Francisco, Fayette has noticed that this is no longer its original era, and it is very different in all aspects. One of them is the wild. The wild in this era is very desolate, and The wild in its era was full of danger, and various beasts lingered in the night, even including some modern beasts that have been quietly extinct. Even it had to clamp its tail to be a wolf, and the robber bandit howling gathered in the forest to burn and plunder without evil. .

Fayui has played against various beasts, so at a glance, you can see the shadow of those animals in Chinese martial arts, and initially drafted a countermeasure, but never expected that Mieza rushed to fight it with both defeats, using the The unruly villager's rude counts of slamming, scratching, biting, Wang Baquan, etc., have made France astounded!

As the saying goes, the master was beaten to death with a random punch, and the method was unprepared. After being beaten several times, his body was caught several bloodstains. Based on his body shape and weight advantage, he could still hold it for the time being.

Under the storm-like offensive, France pushed back and forth to avoid being hugged by the other side, because once the two of them were held together, even the clever moves did not work, then they could only bite their necks instinctively. Whoever killed first.

Fai does not know why Mieza chose this strategy, because if the game bites the neck, Fai will definitely have the absolute advantage. Whether it is the length of the teeth, sharpness or bite force, it will never lose to a cat. It has the confidence to kill the enemy first.

Of course, under the enemy's back bite, it will also be injured, but it will not be lethal.

Because it is so easy, it has doubts. Why did Mieza choose this type of suicide attack?

Before trying to understand the problem, it would rather be at the disadvantage of passive beatings.

Before he met Zhang Zi'an, when he led the wolves and cats to confront each other, he felt the slyness of the other side, so he kept an eye on it.

"Are you just a little bit capable? Your master only taught you a little bit like that? Or do you intend to hide like a lifeless master and spend your life on trivial matters, Finally died tragically like an old dog? "Mieza attacked physically and verbally, trying to provoke Falun Gong, just like it used to anger Fina's routine.

The life and experience of Fayui is different from that of Fina, and the resulting personality is also different from Fina. It does not have the pride of Fina, and the feelings towards the host are not like the attachment of Fina, but more like ... Taoist, so Mieza's words had no effect on Fai, and its owner's glorious and great life had already been concluded, and the slander of a pagan cat was insignificant.

He learned the world, and won the name of his life. He chose the path he wanted, and insisted on it throughout his life. He had many followers during his lifetime, and he was more widely recognized after his death. Even his enemies recognized him as an inscrutable sage and a near-perfect person. , Even today there is still a bustling super city named after him ... what could be happier than this?

Due to the lack of information early in the age, Fina's owner is controversial, so Fina is very sensitive to the remarks that denigrate her, and can't tolerate the sand, but the law is different. Its owner ... No, its brother, Undisputed saint!

Fayui suddenly figured it out. It reminded of those strange cats that were born and resurrected. If those cats were resurrected because of Mieza's power, then Mieza as the source might well have the ability to resurrect!

Everything makes sense, why did Mieza take this life-threatening combat method ... because it can be resurrected, but Faith cannot.

Fahui is not the same as Fina and Vladimir. It knows that there was a person who was resurrected two thousand years ago, so he naturally accepted the possibility of resurrection.

Wanting to understand causality, Fai is more vigilant to keep Mieza close, but he still has no clue how to defeat the opponent.

The response speed and dynamic vision of canines have a natural disadvantage to cats. After becoming an elf, they will not bridge the gap. In the face of the enemy ’s true and crazy attacks, France cannot avoid all attacks It can only fight and retreat, and has already suffered several injuries on its body. Such a war of attrition continues to drag on, and it will undoubtedly lose.

"My brother, please give me strength and help me defeat the devil!"

It has no other way but to pray religiously.

"Forget your faith! Your faith cannot protect you!" Mieza laughed wildly, stepped up his offensive, and tried to interfere with his prayers.

Faith was unmoved. It had been subjected to a more severe test. The enemy's attack would not distract him. Once the prayer began, it would not stop.

It prayed more loudly, his eyes seemed to penetrate the dark night sky and the dirty clouds, and saw him in the sky.

"Devils come in all kinds of faces, sometimes human, sometimes inhuman. The best way to overcome them is personal sacrifices and unremitting efforts!"

"My brother! Give me strength when I need it! You are my shelter, my strength, and I am fearless, because you are with me!"

Faith ’s prayer seems to be of no avail. The wounds on his body are increasing, and the blood is bleeding more and more, but he is still praying, burning his life like a candlelight.

Blood ran down from its back, dripped from its limbs, flowed through its left ribs and its four feet, leaving a little blood on the ground.

On the left rib and the four feet, the five traces were originally pale red and inconspicuous scars, which became extremely distinctive after being stained with blood. These five locations were clearly not injured, but it seemed that blood was also gushing.

Personal sacrifice and unremitting efforts are the only way to win God's favor. This is God's trial of man, otherwise it will not prove his piety.

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