The piano was wrapped in a soft silk cloth. After unraveling the silk cloth, the black scorched tail body was finally exposed.

The piano is indeed a good piano, both in terms of strings and body.

Ning Xuemo tried a few piano sounds and nodded. This piano is good and very much in her favor.

When Yan Ziyu saw the piano, her face changed slightly!

Is this ---- the one she lost?

Look at the colors and look the same!

Is it a coincidence? Or is it really the piano?

The piano was indeed thrown away by her pique. As for where the girl had thrown the piano, she never asked if she was afraid of remorse.

Suddenly she saw exactly the same one here, and she felt like a stone was thrown into her heart, turbulent.

Hold your heartbeat and look at the piano a little more, it feels more like it.

After all, this piano has followed her for a year, and she has been familiar with every texture and every string of it, it is impossible to recognize it wrong!

After she was discarded, was it picked up by Gu Ziyan again? What does he mean?

She couldn't help looking at Gu Ziyan.

Gu Ziyan and her didn't look at each other eagerly this time. He didn't have many expressions on his face, but coughed again ...

Naturally, she also recognized the piano. Her face changed and she couldn't help saying: "Brother Ziyan, this is not your usual piano ..."

Gu Ziyan seemed a little unconcerned: "What about common and infrequent use? Qin is a magic weapon, and every piano deserves its due."

Is this for her? Yan Ziyu pricked her mouth slightly, and her heart was mixed.

Fortunately, this kind of non-taste mentality did not last long, because Ning Xuemo had begun to play.

After a few notes of Ding Ding Ding, the people in the entire hall suddenly quieted down.

As soon as the experts reached out, they knew if they were there. Ning Xuemo only played a short piece of music and calmed down the entire hall.

Ning Xuemo likes musical instruments. There are a lot of musical instruments, but Guqin is the best.

Perhaps she has a special talent for Guqin. When she learned this in the previous life, she felt as if she had a divine help, as if it was her innate skill and she picked it up again. Every time she played, her mentor was amazed.

After studying for a year, she not only surpassed her mentor, she also couldn't find her opponent ...

If she didn't become an agent, she might have become a guqin player at home and abroad.

This time she played "Chunjiang Huayue Night", a famous song, but people in this world have never heard of it.

Then she was played by her superb piano skills, and she was brought into the piano atmosphere almost instantly.

With the sound of the piano sounding, the people on the ship seemed to unfold the beauty slowly.

The moon is as big as a disc, the river water is flowing, the moonlight is floating in the river water, the wave light is like broken silver, and there are scattered flowers on the river bank.

With the flow of the river, flowers bloom instantly, and flowers fail instantly. And that round of the moon is missing ...

The full moon is missing, the flowers are blooming and failing, only the flowing river water is unchanged, as if time flows with the water, and the vicissitudes of life in the west and east of each.

Everyone held their breath, lest one who was too angry would disturb such a wonderful piano sound.

People who are engaged in art are inherently sensitive, and their emotions are easily affected by music. Some susceptibility has tears in their eyes at this moment, as if they were on the empty river bank, feeling the passage of time and the impermanence of life ... ...

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