Hello people of the world,

FleetingClouds here,

sorry for not updating for sometime now. At first I had been thinking a lot of the pace and chapters in the beginning half now and decided to cut down some superfluous details and pieces to make the story pace smoother and a bit quicker. To do that though I had to adjust a lot of things which I will explain in a second.

Then I got lazy and took a break. A lot happened, GameofThrones had a horrifying bad end, Endgame was great, I can recommend the Legendary Mechanic, its a good CN to read.


Following may involve spoilers for new readers, so you have been warned!






















Soo, let' get down to business! I realized too late that the meeting with Blue lasted a bit too long (~10 chaps), almost as slow as Emperor Domination lol. I cut off the Shiny Part at that time, so Arthur is still unaware of his significant discovery which will shape his future. Blue just didn't tell him yet but that will come later again.

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I also moved his meeting with Sniebel forward, right after arriving in his house and eating Umami Burgers with his fam. The plot is similiar, Sniebel escapes, after Arthur received it, it managed to escape forcefully possibly due to a defect of the ball. The chapter is called 'A Trainer's First Partner' and I added more dialogue for his mum which gives her a bit more strength I believe.

Right after this, Arthur tries tracking down the Sniebel. This is how he meets Khali and! Celine. And then it follows the old storyline which ends with meeting Blue in the mansion. The chapters go from 7-9 and involve a new fight sequence, check it out now! Sniebel still disappears and will come back in the plot of chap27 Last-Minute Hero, as has been the case previously.

There were fors chaps I deleted entirely. One was 'Linguistic Genius', in hindsight, I guess it slowed down the pace a lot and didn't add too much meaning in the greater scheme of things. He still has those language skills which I will talk later about again, but that complete chapter where he learned a new language from scratch just felt superfluous.

The other was 'A Trainer's Path'. Yes, you can definitely anticipate a Pokemon Trainer Academy Arc in the future, and I wanted to tease it a little with that chapter. But now I kind of guess I overdid it a little, because the content doesn't have an immediate significant effect on the plot, just a lot of text about politics, and showcasing how poor his fam is and that there are a lot of hurdles to his way up. So I will try to spread bits and pieces along the chaps.

Then there was 'Surprises', where the Sniebel/Pokeball first appeared and Arthur's backstory got a bit more details. I will re-publish this chapter later again. It just didn't fit into the new continuity for now.

And finnaly, I also cut out the chapter 'Salvation' dealing with Arthur's trauma. I realized it was dealt with too quickly and too early. So I will include in a different way somewhere else.

I cut a lot in 'Viridian City', because his mum talked a lot. I abused her as a info dump tool. Was meant for World-Building, but it looked too forced I guess.

I Also added tid bit in that chapter, forshadowing something regarding Arthur, not mentioned before and added later on.

I also changed some dialogues from Blue and Gary. In the future scientist-like characters will place a bigger emphasis on Infinity Energy or Natural Energy and I changed "Soul Force" into "Infinity Force" as to change the origins of this power.

The soul is still very important and central but it felt weird to me that scientists were talking and researching the soul (which should be a groundbreaking event) and that's why another special character will cover the aspects of the soul in more detail in the future.

As of now Scientists don't believe in the soul or the supernatural realm at all, and try explain stuff with their own theories.

That's it for now. Enjoy the latest chapters and leave a comment behind if you like them. I am also open for critique or suggestions for other ideas :)

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