Ning Shu said that he said that the forsythia could be turned around and let Forsythia wait for her in the restaurant.

Ning Shu is behind the carriage of Yiqing.

Yi Qing in the carriage pulled the wound of the red dragonfly, preventing excessive bleeding and dripping everywhere.

The carriage trail was taken out of the city and went to the manor on the outskirts.

This is a small manor that is unobtrusive.

The red dragonfly was pulled down the carriage, and Yiqing’s back was straight and he was holding a gun against the red dragonfly.

Hung Hom knew that this thing was powerful, and he continued to retreat with his hands. He said painfully: "Miss Yin, you think about it, you killed me, do you and the world have a future?"

Yin Qing calmly said: "I don't know if there is any future, but who will manage a dead person, if Zhuo Cheran knows your attitude towards me, I am afraid that he will kill you manually."

"Knowing why I am so confident, it is this thing in my hand." Yin Qing closed his eyes and pulled the trigger, hitting the heart of Hung Hom.

The pistol was equipped with a silencer, and the birds in the forest did not start to panic.

"Let's find a place to bury." Yi Qing's voice was a little trembling. He was a just policeman in the rule of law society, but when he got here, he shot and killed a person.

However, Yin Qing could not do this because some people came to report in the manor, and the army had rebelled and ran with a gun.

If these days, these people who run away will have a big book on the guns.

The husband is guilty of sin and the whole Yin family is finished.

These things were not created in this era. Yi Qing was afraid of being caught and asked how this thing came.

How was it made?

Her jade bracelet is gone, and there is no follow-up replenishment. She still has to rely on these things to make a living.

Yin Qing was afraid that the guns he had hidden were discovered.

However, this red dragonfly is always around, so that she has no way to get out.

Today, with the meeting of Miss Su, you can push the death of Hung Ho to the Su family.

Yi Qing still doesn't want to turn his face with Zhuo Cheran, he can only do things like this.

Yin Qing really feels that fate is not at all.

Ning Shu is between a tree and watching what happened below.

Yi Qing and two hoes entered the manor, and Ning Shu followed them.

Ning Shu kept his attention on Yi Qing’s body.

Yiqing went to the manor and first convened his own army. These groups had men and women and were of different ages.

Wearing a coarse cloth on the body, apparently came back from the field work, seeing Yin Qing have marched in military service.

There are about a hundred people, and the ranks are neatly arranged. Obviously, they are training in a modern way.

Yin Qing knocked on these people and said that if they had a disagreement, they would get out of the manor.

Yi Qing took out a gun and shot and killed several people.

These people have been sneaky.

There are people with ulterior motives in the team, and people who are loyal to her. Yi Qing killed people, and these people dragged the body down.

Yi Qing’s fierce means frightened some people directly, watching Yi Qing’s eyes fear and fear.

Yi Qing’s back is shaking behind his hands. This is not a modern society with a sound legal system.

These super-era weapons have been discovered, and may be a dead end, so they must be suppressed with blood.

If she can choose, she would rather not take out these things.

If the bracelet is still there, she can come up with even more powerful weapons.

The machine swept the world, but the bracelet was gone.

The bracelet was lost in the end, why did it disappear, or the bracelet abandoned itself.

Yiqing’s heart is difficult.

This thing is not handed over and threatens her.

I beat my own people, Yiqing let the two of them do something to eat, and they went to a remote cave in Houshan.

Ning Shu was behind Yi Qing and hid outside the cave.

Yi Qing stayed inside for a while before coming out.

When Yiqing went far, Ning Shu turned into the cave and bent out his spirit.

In the innermost part of the cave, there were traces of earth renovation. Ningshu squatted down, and the soil was cut by hand, and the animal skin was dug up.

There is a gun in the fur, obviously it is afraid that the moisture in the soil will make the bullets tidal.

Ning Shu dug hard and dug out the guns that could assemble a group of almost 500 people. The bullets were not counted.

Ning Shu did not dig, covered it with soil, then retreated, stepped on the footprints when he came in, and stepped back, and stepped back to smooth the footprints.

Out of the cave, Ning Shu mobilized his energy, quickly shuttled between the forests, and then returned to the city.

Forsythia extended his neck and waited for Ningshu. He saw Ningshu finally come to the restaurant, and looked at Ningshu with tears.

"Miss, what are you doing in the end, you have to come back again, the slaves must go back to find the lady to die and sin." Forsythia must cry out.

"When you go around, what do you buy?" Ning Shu transferred the topic.

When Ning Shugang returned to Xuanping Houfu, he was called by Mrs. Rongguo. Mrs. Rongguo condensed his face. "Are you hurt Miss Yin Jia's maid?"

"Do you know that the entire Beijing has been spread all over, saying that you are not being remarried, and looking for Miss Yin, the dispute has also hurt her."

Mrs. Rong Guo hates that iron is not a steel. "What is his Yin family? You are the daughter of Xuanping Houfu. Why do you have to take porcelain to touch a stone?"

Ning Shu is not surprised by this result. Mrs. Chao Rongguo said: "Mother, don't care, these people will discuss for up to three days, then discuss the new gossip."

"Zhu Ru, you represent the image of the daughter of Su's family. People will say that the Sujia family can't do it. You are the one who has retired from the pro, and made such a joke. I feel bad and you blame you for not fighting for it."

Ning Shu bowed, "Mother, I know."

Mrs. Rong Guo stunned her eyebrows. "Don't go out in the near future, stay at home."

Forsythia pouted and tried to talk a few times and was stopped by Ning Shu.

"Yes." Ning Shu went to court and thought about it: "Mother, I want to live in the manor for a while."

Basically, every aristocratic official has a manor, which is said to be a manor, which is the land of the nobles.

Then hire someone to work and produce food and vegetables.

Mrs. Rong Guo was very angry. "I thought you were smart, how do you do this?"

Ning Shu said: "My daughter went out and really met Miss Su in the tea house. As for the rumors in the workshop, there are many good things to exaggerate, and the more they pass, the more outrageous."

"It is the daughter who is not careful enough. The daughter wants to live in the manor for a while."

Mrs. Rong Guo waved her hand. "With you, what is missing from the butler, don't grieve yourself, come back and know for a while?"

"Thank you." Ning Shu salute, and then returned to his yard.

"Miss, when did you hurt Miss Yin's embarrassment, and Miss did not touch a finger, how can I marry Miss?"

Forsythia wants to blew himself in the same place, too bullying.

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