Land of snow…

Currently, Kirito and Koyuki are standing in front of a big cage while looking at the animal inside of it.

"What do you think it is??? " Koyuki asked looking at the animal which looks like a snow Tiger to her but the problem is that the animal is as big as a normal horse.

"It is a dog. " Kirito said with a serious toen looking at the animal in the cage while thinking 'How does it has so much chakra and still got captured to put in the shop to get sold. '

"No way it's snow, Tiger. " Koyuki said with full confide in her judgment.

"I am telling you it is a dog look it doesn't have any whiskers on its face. " Kirito said pointing at its face.

"Just because you have whiskers doesn't mean it also needs to have whiskers. " Koyuki said while pulling Kirito's whiskers.

"Hey stop pulling it... " Kirito said angrily slapping Koyoki's hand from his face.

"Those whiskers are real!!! " Koyuki asked shocked while taking her hand back.

"Yes it is real, did you thought it is just for the show??? " Kirito said rubbing his face.

"Well, I thought you were it as decorations because it makes you look cute… " Koyuki said with an embarrassed face.

"You know you are the first person who thinks it is cute. " Kirito said with a smile because everyone back at village calls him and his brother devil because of this whiskers.

Looking at that face Koyuki couldn't take it anymore and turned around to avoid Kirito's face and hiding her embarrassed face then said "Anyway we are down here let's go we are returning back home. "

"Aren't you going to buy it??? " Kirito asked surprised by Koyuki's sudden change of thought and returning home.

"Are you crazy, look at its size even though it is cute I can't take it back home," Koyuki shouted looking at the animal in front of them.

"But I thought you would take it. " Kirito said feeling disappointed because he thought it was really a waste not buying that animal and he said to himself 'If it is still here before we return back to the village, I will buy it... '

As they were returning they meet the shopkeeper of the shop and he asked"Did you found anything interested Princess. "

"Though I liked that Tiger it is too big for me. " Koyuki said pointing at the cute huge dog inside the cage.

"That is not a tiger princess but a dog." The shopkeeper said looking at the sleeping dog behind the shop.

"It really is a dog but it doesn't look like a dog. "Koyuki said still doubting the shopkeeper.

"Yes, I can see why you would think that. It is not as dangerous as you might think of him but if you ask me he is the laziest thing I ever saw and he wouldn't go away no matter what I do. So I put him inside a cage and waiting for someone to take him away. " the shopkeeper said looking at the sleeping dog.

"No wonder they were able to capture him because they didn't and it itself got captured. " Kirito said out loud.

"Did you say something Kirito??? " Because the thing he said in a low tone nobody was able to hear him clearly so Koyuki asked him.

"No, it's nothing important… " Kirito said shaking his head.

"Ok let's go. " Koyuki said with a nod because she wanted to return as she is getting bored because of walking outside for so long.

"Wait I want to buy it. " Kirito said stopping Koyuki from leaving the shop.

When Kirito said that the dog opened its eyes to look at him for a moment and thought 'He has quite a lot of Chakra. I wonder if he has one of those beast created by the Sage. '

"You want to buy it??? " Shopkeeper asked with a smile and surprise hearing Kirito.

"Yes, how much. " Kirito asked with a serious tone.

"I would be happy if someone just takes it away an wouldn't charge anything but it ate a lot so I will only charge the money I spend on it and a little for taking care of it. " The shopkeeper said with a smile and after a push, he said "40 000 Ryo yes give me 40 000 Ryo and the dog is yours. "

After paying the money Kirito went near the cage and opened it then said "Let's go I will train you to be a good ninja pet. "

As Kirito said it the dog stood up and opened its eyes then looked down at Kirito and started flowing behind him as though it understood him.

"Did it just started flowing us because of your order. " Koyuki said surprisingly looking at the strange dog flowing behind them.

"I think it is intelligent. " Kirito said with a nod.

"I should have bought it then.  " Koyuki said with a sigh.

"You can still have him if you want," Kirito said with a smile looking at Koyuki.

"Really but it already got contacted with you by blood seal. " Koyuki said with a sigh.

"So what if you want I can still give him to you. " Kirito said while shaking his hands.

"No, it's fine besides it is too big for me anyway

. " Koyuki said while shaking her head.

"Ok if you don't want to then I will keep it. " Kirito said with a nod.

As they were talking the dog behind them thought 'As if I would just let anyone making a contract with me. I have made one with you just because I felt something interesting from you kid. '

As they almost arrived near the castle Koyuki asked with a smile "What will you call him??? "

"Oh, right I haven't named it yet. " Kirito said with a sudden realization while remembering that the owner should name its pate while making the contract and said turning at the dog "What do you think about white. "

"Yes as it is while and looks quite cute I think the name suits it. " Koyuki said with a nod.

"Ok, then it is decided we are going to be calling him white. " Kirito said with a smile.

'Really that is the best you can come up with the naming? ' Suddenly Kirito heard a childish male voice in his mind and started looking around to find the source of the sound.

"What are you looking at??? " Koyuki asked confused by the way Kirito is looking everywhere.

"I am looking for the one who told that he doesn't like the name. " Kirito said with a curious tone.

"Who told something like that I didn't hear anything like that. " Miyuki asked surprised by what she heard.

"what you didn't hear it??? " Kirito asked confused by her answer.

"Yes. " Koyuki said with a nod looking at Kirito.

"Then did I mishear it??? " Kirito asked confusingly.

'No kid you didn't miss hear anything. ' the voice again told Kirito inside of his head.

"Where are you??? " Kirito again started looking around to find who is talking with him and asked with an emotionless tone getting closer to Koyuki so that he can protect her in a moment of notice.

"Who are you asking??? " Koyuki asked worriedly feeling something must be wrong from Kirito's reaction.

'Don't be afraid kid look in front of you. ' the voice said with a joking tone and added when Kirito looked at the dog 'Yes it is me right in front of you.' as the dog gave nod.

"Is that you white who is talking to me??? "Kirito asked getting closer to the dog.

'Who are you calling white, My name is Sadaharu. ' the dog roared in Kirito's mind.

"So it is you. " Kirito said with a smile than he asked confusedly "How come only I hear you but not Koyuki??? "

"That is because I was talking with you using one of my abilities. " Sadaharu said loudly enough for both Koyuki and Kirito to hear him.

"Kirito did you hear the dog just talked with us??? " Koyuki asked with fear upon hearing Sadaharu speaking suddenly. Though she is a Princess she has never seen anything like it before in her life she thought it is something dangerous.

"Princess, please stop calling me a dog I am from the Inugami race. " Sadaharu said with a neutral tone turning toward Koyuki.

"Wohh it is talking to me now...  "Koyuki said while hugging Kirito with fear.

"Don't worry it will not do anything to you I am here.

" Kirito said trying to calm her down.

"Are you sure??? " Koyuki asked while letting Kirito go a little but with an unsure tone.

"Yes, I am sure just let me talk with him. " Kirito said with a nod looking at Koyuki worriedly.

"Yes, princess l won't attack you because If I wanted to attack I would have done that by now. " Sadaharu said with a nod.

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