
Ninja Academy…

After performing the transformation jutsu Saito Sensei became very happy to find a genius. He is happy that a kid just at the age of 3 is able to perform the transformation jutsu which is a jutsu that the academy uses for testing the graduating students. If Kirito is groomed properly he might be able to become someone even stronger than his friend and all the previous generations. He knows that Kirito has never seen jutsu performing but still after just a single try he did it perfectly which shows just how talented this little kid is. Though he could be wrong from just one time because it could be a lucky turn still he will give the kid in front of him a chance and not be sorry in the future after all Kirito has the potential to become a great asset and even Hokage just needs proper guidance. He also knows about the nine tails.

So after making his decision, Saito sensei thought he will help the kid and protect the twins. He will even make Kirito his short time student then he looked at Kirito with kind eyes and asked with a gentle smile "Splendid, Say kiddo do you want to join my class? "

"If you give a chance I would like to but I am not able to pay the academy... " Kirito first started to talk with an N excited tone but then he remembered his position and said with a low tone. Though he knows that the Hokage might pay his and his brother's tuition fees when they turn the age but now he wasn't so sure.

"Don't worry about the tuition fees just leave that to and I will take care of all of your problems. " Saito Sensei said as he puts a hand on Kirito's head and rubbed it while smiling happily finding a diamond.

"Then please take care of me. " Kirito knows this is his best chance to become strong and protect himself and his brother from future threats and also have a free life because of no matter where you are powerful always rules over the weak. Though he is angry because of how the village mistreated him and his brother but this is more important for him than his anger right now.

"Good I think you learned enough for today and should go to your house I will visit you tomorrow and by next week I will be able to make everything right for you. " Saito Sensei said and Kirito returned back to his seat to leave with his friends.

"You learned the jutsu. Great brother now let's go and teach me how to do it.  " Naruto said with a smile at his brother's success but he didn't understand how to do the jutsu correctly but he knew one thing that he will be able to learn from his brother in the future. He is also proud of his brother.

"Yes let's go we also want to learn it. " Shikamaru and Choji said in excitement but Ino just looked at Kirito with a smile as she thought 'He is not like how everyone said he would be and he is also nice and good to me. '

"Let's go I will try to help as much as I can. " Kirito said with a smike and went out with his friends together.  

Outside of the academy, they started walking towards the park to continue where they left from. When they reached the park it was almost noon time and they needed to go back in there house by now but they also wanted to learn the jutsu from Kirito and they started ignoring and continued trying but they failed after trying a little. When Naruto said "Aaaahh this is too hard. Why can you do it so easily? Wherever I will learn later. "

"I also need to go it is already my snack time. Hey, Shikamaru let's go. " Choji said as he rubbed his tumy and a growl came out of his belly.

"Yes I think if I don't return now mom will get angry at me lets go Ino. " Shikamaru said as he could learn from his dad.

"Thank you Kirito, let's meet in the afternoon then you can teach me again. " Ino said with a smile as she flowed her behind Shikamaru and Choji as Choji was dragging Shikamaru.

"Yes, I will try my best. Be careful on your way home. " Kirito also said with a smile.

'He is so cute I don't know why everyone says Sasuke is so cute. I didn't meet that boy but Sakura always says Sasuke-kun is the most. Whatever I will find that myself when I meet that boy. ' Ino said as she looked one last time at Kirito before leaving.

[3 years old really. Well it is possible in some cases I know because I saw kids love but I don't know what happened at the end but I know it doesn't work most of the time]

"Hey brother what are we going to eat? " After everyone left Naruto asked as he was curious and feeling hungry when he heard everyone talking about food.

"Let's eat candy for now and then we can go to the riverside to catch some fishes. " Kirito said as he gives the remaining chocolate that he had from Choji with a sigh. Though he can use transformation jutsu to buy some food if the jutsu gets interested and undone he and his brother will be even more problem then. So he wanted to take a safe approach for now.

"Ok let's go catch some fish. " Naruto said with a smile and full of excitement as they went toward the forest side to catch some fish.

After a lot of hard work, they were finally able to catch 7 fishes. Kirito was able to catch 3 fish while Naruto was able to catch 4 fishes. When Kirito put the fishes on a stick to cook them he looked at his brother and asked "I will go and look for some fruits you look after the fishes. "

"Ok, you go I will try and see if I can catch more fish. " Naruto said as he agreed to his brother.

[Wait how did they light fire. Did they brought lighter or something]

After Kirito was gone Naruto smaller the fish cooking and went to see if it got burned only to find out an old man was eating their fish with bliss as he shouts out "What the hell do you think you are doing old man???"

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