Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1050 Chapter 1050: Running Away?

She did not know that she would get caught by this woman so soon. However, she did not have the courage to confess what she had done. She thought that she needed to make a run for it.

Everyone seemed to pay attention to the woman. She took a last look at the woman. She gritted her teeth. 'She would pay for this.' Then she gathered the courage to run away from the living room. She slowly wanted to slip away.

However, the little maid did not know that the woman she hated already had her eyes on her. Yu Qi paid attention to every little movement and expression on the maids. She already noticed someone reacted strangely to her words. She knew that the little maid was about to take a run from this.

"Where are you goning? Running away?" Yu Qi suddenly asked making the little maid stop and got stunned as she turned and looked at Yu Qi.

Everyone, of course, was confused with Yu Qi's sudden talk. They did not have any idea what was going on right now. Who was the person that their young madam talking about?

Yu Qi approached the little maid. The little maid was trembling because she knew that her doing was already exposed.

"I wonder why did you do that? Do you have a grudge against me?" Yu Qi stopped and asked the little maid.

The little maid only looked down and did not say anything. Then after a few minutes, she looked up at Yu Qi.

"Miss, what are you talking about? I didn't do anything with your cream or whatsoever." The little maid became brave out of a sudden.

"Really? Then, please cooperate with me and give me your fingerprints." Yu Qi said.

"Why only me? You should take everyone else." The little maid retorted.

"Don't worry. I don't play favour on this. I will take everyone else fingerprints too. I will take yours first because it seems you have another thing to do. You can leave and do what you want to do after leaving your fingerprints to me." Yu Qi did not give the little maid any chance to retort anymore.

The little maid gritted her teeth again. This time, she did not have any more excuses. "Yes."

Fang Mo Jin asked the police to come and take everyone fingerprints. The police came as soon as possible because Grandpa Long was the one who called the police. Who did not know Grandpa Long, the Great General in the past?

The police officers who came to Long Residence were surprised by this. Not only they could see the Great General Long but Long Hui too, the grandson of Great General Long. The man who was about to receive another promotion. The youngest Senior Colonel.

However, Grandpa Long and Long Hui were silent. On the other hand, it was a young lady who took control of everything. They were wondering if this lady was the rumour fiancee that people talked about.

"Thank you for coming here." Yu Qi smiled.

"No... No... It is nothing." One of the police officers said. It seemed he was the leader, Mr. Jiang.

"So, I think Grandpa has already told you what you need to do. Please collect these people's fingerprints." Yu Qi said.

"Before that, can I know what is going on here?" Mr Jiang asked.

"Someone has put something in my skincare product. Luckily, I have noticed it and did not use it. This container needs to be opened barehanded. So, this container definitely had another person's fingerprints except me." Yu Qi briefly explained the situation.

"I see." Mr Jiang nodded.

"By the way, please collect that girl's fingerprints first. She has something to do after this." Yu Qi pointed to the little maid.

The police officers turned and looked at the little maid. She was trembling.

"I understand. Jun Wang, please bring the things." Mr Jiang asked his subordinates to prepare the things.

So, the police officers were doing their task. Great General Long did ask them to bring the things that they used to collect the fingerprints. Then, after Mr. Jiang asked the little maid came forward.

The little maid slowly came approaching the police officer. However, she suddenly turned and faced Yu Qi.

"Why you? It should be me. Young Master Long should be with me. It is not supposed to be you." The little maid screamed at Yu Qi.

Everyone was shocked except for Yu Qi, Long Hui and Grandpa Long. Yu Qi already predicated the reason as for why this little maid did all of this. It should be because of the man beside her.

"Why do you think Brother Hui should be with you?" Yu Qi asked.

The little maid seemed to be surprised when Yu Qi asked the question. She did not know how to answer the question. Instead of answering the question, Yu Qi asked, she asked this question.

"Then, why does Young Master Long has to be with you?" The little maid asked.

"Of course..." Yu Qi did not have time to finish, someone finished the sentence instead.

"Of course, because I love her. That is why I should be with her. Is that the answer to your question?" It was Long Hui who answered the question.

He even hugged Yu Qi and kissed her hair and displayed public affection. The maids and the police officers were shocked to see this. They remembered that Long Hui was someone who used to hate women and now he was hugging a woman on his own will.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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