Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1084 Chapter 1084: Going To The Night Market

*** Please be advised that this chapter contained R18 Scene.***

"Qi Qi, can I?" Long Hui asked.

"Why do you need to ask at times like this?" Yu Qi gave a soft punch at Long Hui's chest. "But just once."

"I promise, my dear." With that, Long Hui thrust into Yu Qi's secret place.

The entrance was already wet, did not know whether it was due to Yu Qi's liquid or the water. Yu Qi moaned when she felt the hard presence in her secret place.

Long Hui moved in rhythms, pushing in and pulling out. He supported Yu Qi's body using his hands, afraid that his beloved Qi Qi would fall down.

Long Hui watched his beloved Qi Qi's face as he pulled and pushed his little brother into Yu Qi's secret garden. It was a very pleasant feeling. He could see that Yu Qi was enjoying his rhythms too.

"Faster..." Yu Qi said slowly.

Hearing that, Long Hui followed her request by increasing the rhythms. Yu Qi let a moan out. Long Hui rested his head on Yu Qi's shoulder and made a love bite on Yu Qi's shoulder.

Yu Qi felt both pleasure feelings in the upper and bottom of her body. She could not help to moan even louder.

"It feels good, right?" Long Hui asked.

"Yes..." Yu Qi answered.

"Do you want to feel even better?" Long Hui asked again.

"Yes..." Yu Qi subconsciously answered that.

With that, Long Hui turned Yu Qi's body to face the wall without letting his little brother out. Now, Long Hui was behind Yu Qi. He penetrated Yu Qi deeper.

"Now much better, isn't it?" Long Hui whispered in Yu Qi's ear.

"Hmmm....Ah...." That was the only sound that Yu Qi could make right now.


Yu Qi saw Long Hui smiling while she was wearing her clothes.

"Are you that happy?" Yu Qi asked.

"Of course, making love with the one whom you love is a very pleasant feeling." Long Hui answered it without feeling embarrassed.

Yu Qi was the one who felt embarrassed. "Idiot." She said in a low tone.

"Let's go out. I am ready." Yu Qi said hiding her face.

"Sure." Long Hui nodded.

So, both of them left Yu Qi's space.

"Where do you want to go?" Long Hui asked after both of them got into the rental car that Long Hui had rented.

"I want to go to the night market here." Yu Qi said as she opened the browser on her phone looking for the direction of the night market.

"Sure." Long Hui said.

So, they went to the night market according to the direction that Yu Qi searched on the browser. Cindy was the one who told her about the night market when they were eating the local food during lunchtime today.

Cindy told her that in the night market there was even more delicious local food that Yu Qi could try. Yu Qi said that she would visit Country Helix again if she had time in the future since she would return tonight.

But she did not expect that she would have a chance to go and visit the night market that Cindy told her about tonight with Long Hui. If Long Hui did not come here, she would be on the flight right now.

They arrived at the night market. It was difficult to find a parking lot. So, they had to park the car a little bit far from the night market.

"I am sorry. There is no nearby parking lot." Long Hui apologized.

"No worry. I am happy that I can walk like this with you." Yu Qi said.

Long Hui smiled as he grabbed Yu Qi's hand. They walked toward the night market. There were a lot of people coming here.

"Let's walk around." Yu Qi said.

There were a lot of stalls. They were selling various things such as food, clothes, toys, and other things. It brought memories back.

Yu Qi used to come to this kind of night market while she was living with Wang Family. Not as customers but as sellers. She followed someone to sell food at the night market. Since a lot of people came to the night market, she would get more commission by helping out. That money would be for her school fees since Wang's Family did not pay for her school fees.

"Let's try something." Yu Qi saw the food that Cindy told her about.

"Hmm..." Long Hui followed Yu Qi's lead.

"Auntie, give me one portion of this one." Yu Qi spoke in Helixian Language.

Long Hui was surprised to hear that. He did not know that Yu Qi knew how to speak in Helixian Language.

Yu Qi knew just a little bit. She learned before coming to Country Helix. Everyone at the medical conference tended to speak in English. So there was no need to speak Helixian Language. Yu Qi learned the language just for fun. She did not know that it would help her in this situation.

"Here you are." The auntie who sold the food said in Helixian Language. She then continued. "Is this your boyfriend?"

"No. It is my fiancee." Yu Qi replied.

"Hmmm... What a matching couple!" The auntie said.

"Thank you, auntie." Yu Qi said and paid for the food.

They left.

"What are you talking about with that auntie?" Long Hui asked. He did not understand the language.

"She asked me if you are my boyfriend. I said no." Yu Qi said.

"What? You said no?" Long Hui was shocked.

"Of course. You are not my boyfriend." Yu Qi said.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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