Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1086 Chapter 1086: Helping Someone

"I have heard there is a park nearby the lake. It is really beautiful when the lights up at night. We can go and take a walk there. It is good exercise after we have eaten a lot earlier." Yu Qi searched about it on her phone.

"Okay. But I think we could have another exercise to do." Long Hui smiled.

"You always think about that." Yu Qi rolled her eyes.

Long Hui chuckled as he drove to the place that Yu Qi had mentioned. When they arrived there, they could see the place immediately because the place was lightened up and it was really beautiful as she had said earlier.

They parked the car. They walked over to the place. They realized that a lot of people here were couples. Looked like it was the perfect place to have a date. Yu Qi grabbed Long Hui's hand and swung around.

"It is really a beautiful place. Let's take a picture." Yu Qi wanted to have a picture here since it was beautiful.

They took several photos together. Long Hui took chance to kiss his beloved Qi Qi. She let him have his way. However, things were not always calm for others.

They heard someone scream. It was a loud scream. Yu Qi looked at Long Hui and nodded. Long Hui understood the gesture and also nodded. They rushed to the place where they heard the scream.

At the scene, they could see there was a man holding a knife and pointing the knife at a man's neck.

"You dare to cheat on me with this man, Mathilda?" The man who was holding the knife said in Helixian language.

"Even so, you can not stab Allen like that." The woman, possibly the woman who screamed earlier replied to the man.

Allen who was held hostage by the man could not fight back as he was injured on his shoulder. The man had been stabbed by the other man and he was bleeding a lot.

"Sir, can you call the police and the ambulance?" Yu Qi asked an onlooker since she did not know to call the police and ambulance here.

"Oh... Okay..." The onlooker nodded as he grabbed his phone to call the police.

"I think he would be in danger if this is continued. Brother Hui, we need to take action on this." Yu Qi looked at the bleeding man.

"Okay." Long Hui nodded.

Yu Qi told Long Hui the plan. They slowly approached the man who held the knife slowly.

"You better mind your own business." The man said when he saw Yu Qi and Long Hui approaching him.

"You better stop this, Harris. You can be in jail for this." Mathilda said.

"Even so, it is better that I can kill both of you," Harris said.

He pressed the knife deeper into Allen's neck. They could spot the blood.

"No, don't!" Mathilda shouted.

With that, Yu Qi moved fast and knock the knife out of Harris's hand while Long Hui gave a punch at his shoulder. That impact made Harris lose his grip on Allen. Allen fell to the ground.

Long Hui got hold of Harris. Harris tried to fight Long Hui but he was a normal citizen. He could not fight a soldier.

Mathilda grabbed Allen.

"Don't shake him like that. It would make his condition worse." Yu Qi said. "Put him down and I will treat him."

Mathilda did what Yu Qi asked. "What are you trying to do?"

"I am a doctor. I will try to stop the bleeding first." Yu Qi explained to Mathilda.

"Please save Allen," Mathilda begged.

"Just let him die. You should join him too, Mathilda. You cheating bitch!" Harris was cussing and laughing when he saw Allen's condition. He also tried to get up but he could not do that.

Yu Qi opened her bag and took her needles out. She stabbed Allen with some needles in a split second.

Everyone was horrified when they saw Yu Qi stabbing Allen with those needles.

"What are you trying to do by stabbing the needles on that man?" An onlooker asked in a horrified tone.

"I am doing the acupuncture to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, he will bleed to his death." Yu Qi explained what she was doing especially to Mathilda.

The bleeding did stop after a while. Yu Qi could not remove the needle right now because once she removed those needles, it would start to bleed again. So, she just need to wait for the ambulance to come and take this man to the hospital where he could get the proper treatment for his injury.

10 minutes passed, both police and ambulance arrived at the scene. Mathilda could not explain properly to the police and ambulance. So, Yu Qi did the explanation.

Harris was arrested by the police and Allen went into the ambulance with Mathilda after Yu Qi took off the needles from Allen's body. The police felt there was no reason for Yu Qi and Long Hui to come to the police station.

The onlookers were impressed with Yu Qi and Long Hui. Usually, people would not want to get involved in that kind of situation.

Yu Qi spotted the onlooker who helped her to call the police and the ambulance.

"Thank you for your help calling the police and the ambulance." Yu Qi said.

The onlooker was stunned. "Oh, no... It is nothing." He was considering to say for Yu Qi's name when suddenly he saw a glare coming from the man standing beside Yu Qi. He left immediately.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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