Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1094 Chapter 1094: Their Reason For Coming

After dinner was over, Dian Shu Xian and Dian Qi Qi called Yu Qi for some talk. Both of them went to Yu Qi's room. Dian Shu Xian hesitated to enter a girl's room. But he needed to.

It was because the talk that they were about to have could not be heard by others. So, Yu Qi's room was the perfect place. If they went to the living room or even the garden itself, there was still going to have the servants walking around. It was not safe.

"Come in." Yu Qi said.

Dian Qi Qi entered normally while Dian Shu Xian walked in restrained

"Here." Yu Qi told them to sit on the chairs in the corner of her room.

She put away the paper on her table. They were her paperwork. After that, she sat in front of the two siblings.

"Well, what do you need to discuss with me like this?" Yu Qi asked.

"Sister Yu Qi, do you like to join us in the martial competition? It will be fun if you can join us." Dian Qi Qi said without explaining properly to Yu Qi.

"Qi Qi, you can not just ask her like that. We need to explain to her properly." Dian Shu Xian sighed. He then looked at Yu Qi. "You know about the cultivation world, right?"

"Hmm, yes. But nothing much." Yu Qi nodded.

"The cultivation world usually holds a martial art competition. We as the younger generation from the cultivation world need to participate in this martial art competition." Dian Shu Xian explained more.

"Great-Grandpa wants to introduce you as his newest great-granddaughter using this competition." Dian Qi Qi added.

"However, Great-Grandpa said, if you don't want to join, it is okay. He does not mind." Dian Shu Xian said. It was like Great-Grandpa Dian said, he did not want to burden Yu Qi if she did not want to.

"I see. May I know when and how long the martial art competition would be held?" Yu Qi needed to know about that. She had work that she needed to consider.

"The competition is going to be held within 6 months later. As for how long it is, the longest competition that we used to have was about one week. The shortest one was three days. It depends on the participants in the competition. The faster they complete the competition, the shorter are the days of the competition." Dian Shu Xian said.

"Hmm... Let me think about it first." Yu Qi said.

"Please don't tell others about this. Normal people should not get involved with the cultivation world." Dian Shu Xian advised.

"What about my fiance?" Yu Qi wanted to discuss it with Long Hui but when Dian Shu Xian mentioned it, she needed some confirmation.

"Oh, since your fiance already knows about our family, you can tell him about it." Dian Shu Xian said.

"Okay. Can he participate in the competition as well?" Yu Qi asked more.

Dian Shu Xian wanted to say no but on the second thought, he hesitated. He remembered that Long Hui was not a normal person as well. He could fight equally with Great Grandpa Dian.

"Hmm... I think he can if he wants but he is probably going to participate under Dian Family's name. However, it needs to be discussed with family elders." Dian Shu Xian replied.

"Okay. I will visit Dian's Family in the near future." Yu Qi said.

"Sister Yu Qi, it is exciting to fight someone." Dian Qi Qi said.

"Have you joined it before?" Yu Qi asked.

"Of course, I have already joined when I was 14 years old. I was the youngest participant ever. Usually, people will join the competition when they reach the age of 17 years old. But I was bored at that time, so, I signed up secretly." Dian Qi Qi laughed when remembering that moment.

"Have you won?" Yu Qi asked.

"Of course not. Brother Zin Fang was the winner of that year. I got beaten up by him after that." Dian Qi Qi could still feel the pain of getting beaten up by her brother. "After that, I got scolded by my father and my brother."

"Of course, you needed to be scolded. You can be injured in that competition." Dian Shu Xian interrupted the conversation.

"But Brother Zin Fang is the one who beat me up." Dian Qi Qi rolled her eyes.

"Well, father told him to do that." Dian Shu Xian said.

"Well, even so, after that year, I started to participate in each of the competitions every year." Dian Qi Qi said.

"Because Elders think they could not stop you anymore. So, they just let you participate in the competition." Dian Shu Xian said.

"Well, is this competition dangerous?" Yu Qi said.

"Well, it depends on the mission." Dian Shu Xian said.

"Well, I have heard two or more had died during the mission." Dian Qi Qi revealed the truth.

"Oh, really? Since it is so dangerous, why do you need to participate?" Yu Qi asked.

"It is for the honor of our family. The ones who died were probably careless about their safety, and just wanted to compete. So, they died." Dian Shu Xian said.

"I see. Like I said before, let me think about it first." Yu Qi said.

"Don't worry about it. We don't require your answer right away. Just give a thought about that." Dian Shu Xian nodded.

He really did not expect Yu Qi to agree right now. He knew that she was very busy as a doctor.

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