Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 367: Do not bully honest people (2)

This cruise ship is very large and can normally accommodate thousands of people.

More than 500 people present boarded the ship one after another, and they did not seem crowded at all.

After getting on the boat, Chen Xiaobei was like Liu Ye entering the Grand View Garden. Look at it, look at it, there is no sense of urgency like the enemy, but more like an ordinary tourist.

Murong Xiaoyao and the eight of them were around, except for the third master, all of whom had their sorrows on their faces.

As the cruise started, the banquet kicked off.

Like most business dinners, today's banquet is in the form of a cold dinner reception.

In the large banquet hall, the crowds staggered and talked with each other, and they were very angry and harmonious.

Even Qiu Hairui personally came to toast a few times, almost forgotten, it was a great feast!

"Smelly Xiaobei! Why did you drink with Qiu Fatty! He almost killed us last time!" Murong asked in a huffy voice.

Chen Xiaobei smiled calmly: "Stupid girl, do you know what the tranquility before the storm is?"

"I don't know! I'm upset if you drink with him anyway!" Murong Xiaoyao pouted his mouth, delicately.

"Did you forget what I said to you last time?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"What is it?" Murong was at a loss.

Chen Xiaobei leaned to one side, with Murong Xiaoyao's little ears, and said softly, "A girl with a big temper ... Mimi is small!"

"You ..." Murong froze for a moment, her pretty face turning red instantly.

I ca n’t wait to slap Chen Xiaobei to death.

But think about it, for the sake of your good figure, forbear first!

Wait for the breast enhancement success, then find this rogue to settle accounts!

"Hmm? Miss is so docile in front of Pei?"

"If there is no fire, is this still our young lady?"

"It looks like our little princess has been tamed by Beige!"

"It's not easy. Finally, there is a man who can control the young lady's temper!"


The five gang elders were whispering, seeing the change of Miss Jiaoman, their surprise was beyond words.

Sanye held the white beard on his chin and smiled cheerfully: "Why don't you say God has vision? Entrust the young lady to Xiaobei, not only for her daughter, but also for the gang! This step is absolutely amazing! "

"What's the destination! Grandpa 3, you can just talk nonsense ..." Murong Xiaoyao was full of shyness, and his little face was almost red.

"It's high seas! The cruise ship has stopped!"

Just then, the turkey, who had been following the cruise ship's movements, issued a small reminder.

Everyone was right, and they no longer tangled in the episode.

The storm is coming!

"Everyone! The boat has arrived on the high seas, and you can move to the gambling hall below, enjoy your happy time and officially start!"

Qiu Hairui took a microphone and sang.

Everyone in the Black League started to rush to the gambling hall with tacit understanding.

"What the **** do they do? They really called us to play? What about a good Hongmen feast? Negotiations? What about dismissal? Rush?"

The turkey and the five veterans were aggressive.

Murong Xiaoyao said alertly: "They must have conspiracy! And they must be related to gambling!"

"Dwarf oil! It's not easy! You silly girl is finally smart once!" Chen Xiaobei said with a smile.

"Don't you dare say I'm a stupid girl! I'll ... I ... I can bear ..." Murong Xiaoyao was about to explode, and when he thought of his chest, he could only bear it.

"Xiaobei, now that you see a conspiracy, what are you going to do?" Sanye asked in a deep voice.

"The soldiers came to guard, the water came to cover the soil, gambling is my strength!" Chen Xiaobei said with a light face.

"Bragging! When will you gamble?" Murong Xiaoyao rolled his eyes in disapproval.

"So far, I have nothing to hide! In fact, I have a secret that I have never told everyone!"

Chen Xiaobei frowned and said with a grin: "Actually! I am! Director of the Gambling Committee of the Universe Alliance in Ayutaka Office!"

"What a mess ..."

The crowd rolled a big white eye at the same time.

"Simply put, my gambling is cosmic! On earth, I am the only lonely gambler in the gambling world!" Chen Xiaobei raised his chin and used Rejoice to be confident!

As soon as this remark was made, everyone's white eyes were almost over their heads!

"If you don't pretend to die, you will die alone! I think it will be about the same!" Murong Xiaoyao said ruelessly.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and go to the gambling hall! Today you are noble guests! Everyone is waiting!"

Qiu Hairui came over and invited everyone with a smile on his face.

"We won't go there, we don't know anything about gambling, and it's boring to go." Chen Xiaobei shook his head and said seriously.

I heard that the eyes of several people around me were almost turning to the back of my head!

Are n’t you alone in the gambling world?

When someone came to invite them, they were in shape!

"Mr. Chen, you are too modest, all adults. Even if you don't like gambling, don't you know anything?" Qiu Hairui said.

"Did you not hear it just now? Miss Murong told me to be alone and defeat! You asked me to gamble, and it was clear that I wanted to pit my money!" Chen Xiaobei shook his head again and again.

"How can it be a pit? Gambling is luck. As the saying goes, recognizing newcomers to cards, the better the newcomer cards are, the better we are. We want to send money to Mr. Chen!"

Qiu Hairui had a sincere smile on his face, and he was so full of energy that he would cheat Chen Xiaobei into the gambling hall!

"Are there such good things?"

Chen Xiaobei said vigilantly: "But in case I win a lot of chips, and you don't exchange me cash, who can I justify?"

Qiu Hairui laughed: "Rest assured! Electronic chips are used today. At the end of each round, cash will be automatically transferred to the winner's account without any arrears!"

"Okay, see you are so sincere, I'll lose you guys."

Chen Xiaobei said cautiously: "Fell in advance, you must not bully me as an honest person!"

"No! No! Mr. Chen please!"

Qiu Hairui spreads his hands to make invitations and looks very friendly. In fact, he has already laughed viciously in his heart: "When I entered the gambling hall ~ ~, I will not believe Qiu if I don't lose your boyfriend without pants! Ha! Haha ... "

Enter the gambling hall.

There is a big table in the middle.

More than 500 people from the Black League were sitting around.

The scene looks like the King of Gamblers in the movie.

Murong Xiaoyao, eight of them sat in the first row closest to the gambling table, and could see the most clearly.

At the same time, Dongfang Hong and Gu Chaozhuo are already sitting at the gambling table.

After Qiu Hairui and Chen Xiaobei took their seats, it was a four-person gambling situation.

"Four, can I start licensing?"

A blonde, hot-looking Rice dealer came over.

Her Chinese is very standard. It looks like she should be a senior dealer in a big casino!

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