Release that Witch

Chapter 81: Gun training

Every day, this kind of training will last for two to three hours. When he is finished, he will return to the city wall and continue to do his old business. The guys in the same dormitory signed up for the firearms team, and now they are carrying new guns and standing behind them to show off. If it is not a discipline that requires no fight, Fanna can't wait to sew his mouth.

But he also saw something wrong.

Did the folks who joined the firearms train for a few days? I began to temper my shooting skills in the battle with the evil beast, and the artillery team? I didn’t even shoot a shell. Moreover, it is impossible for the heavy artillery to be transported to the city wall.

Look at the top of the wall. Two people stand side by side and almost fill the aisle. Usually, everyone is used to running on the **** inside the wall. Even if it is steep, it is better than hindering the teammates to do the javelin. As for the artillery... The two wheels are wider than the top of the wall, and the shooting is still downwards.

Could it be that this thing is not used to deal with evil beasts?

The next exercise confirms Fanna's conjecture.

The four artillery teams were brought to the river by an iron axe. He found that when I did not know when there was a huge "boat" in the Chishui River! No... He is not sure if this is a ship. The outer casing looks just like the stone that builds the city wall. It is wide and short. Except for the two bare masts, where is the ship? For this reason, the team of Fanner also argued.

"This is a floating bridge," the first to decide is the pomelo peel. He used to go to the long-song fortress with the sailing boat, and often boasted a lot of knowledge. "The deck of a few feet wide is obviously for stability! I saw it in the south, and if it was a ship, how could it move without the wind? In the past, the river had been flooded with water, and the wooden bridges in the fortress had been washed for more than ten years. The people in the city used the pontoon. Instead, put a bunch of wide planks on the boat, and then pull up the ropes into a row, how to get steady!"

“The farthest place I have ever been is the long-song fortress, and I’m still walking north and south,” Rodney said with a smile. “If you need to build two masts for the pontoon, be afraid that you will not be blown away by the wind?”

"And you look at the end, isn't the steering wheel placed horizontally? The pontoon can't use this." Nelson helped, their two brothers were always out of a nostril. "The other way the middle wooden frame is like it is to take There is a shed, but it is not finished yet. This is a ship, no doubt."

Fanna is not interested in whether it is a ship or not. He only cares about the next training content. The answer was quickly revealed, and the iron axe asked them to catch the horses dragging the guns to the township number—yes, the name of the ship, or the name of the prince himself. After listening to the introduction of the iron axe, the pomelo skin suddenly stiffened, and the two brothers were proud of it - then attached the artillery wheel to the reserved blocking rod.

There are two groups of such blocking rods, four in each group, which are located on the center line of the deck and are arranged one after the other. Obviously you can load two guns at a time.

Well, Fanna thought, this can be sure that they are not dealing with evil beasts - the Chishui River flows from north to south, and there is no such a spacious river in the hidden forest.

When he first stepped on the deck, Vanner immediately felt its outstanding stability. The river flows through the hull, and the stone ship does not move as if it is standing on the ground. Only when the horse is caught up will you feel a little swing.

He also noticed that whenever a group of artillery completes a round of boating practice, the iron axe will record the time. Linking to the blocking bar on the deck, it seems that only two groups of the four teams can come in handy. When Fanner secretly told the news to the group members, everyone immediately took advantage of it, and each step used 10% of the effort. If you can't choose to be kicked back to the pike team, it's still a small matter to face the face, and the salary increase is gone, but it's a big deal!

On the seventh day, Fanner finally ushered in the long-awaited live-fire training.

On this day, His Royal Highness also visited the scene and watched the artillery practice. The four groups of people all had their chests high, and they walked up to the ground.

Since everyone who has filled the ammunition has been quite familiar with it, the first shot was quickly started by the Fanner team.

This is also the first time he witnessed the power of artillery. In the deafening roar, the iron ball twice the fist fell in the snow outside, and it smashed a lot of snow and mud, and bounced and flew forward. And his naked eye can't capture the trajectory of the iron ball.

This made Fanna feel a little scared when she was excited. How did the Prince's Royal Highness create such terrible weapons? If you face the artillery attack, even if you have a full body package, I am afraid it will not help.

After each group fired a round, the prince of the prince would have ordered a flag to be placed in the first landing position of the shell, while intercepting a hemp rope from the flag to the muzzle position. After four rounds of playing, and once again the turn of the Fanner group, he heard the instructions to replace the angle of the muzzle.

The two ends of the barrel connected to the gun frame have a scaled turntable with five scales of 0, 5, 10, 25, and 30. Although it is not clear what this means, it is better to follow the instructions. . The iron axe shouted: "The angle of the five!" The most powerful pomelo peel immediately put the gun brush bar under the gun barrel, and picked up the gun from the tail end. Fanner twisted the screw on the gun mount until the first one. The white engraved line did not enter the hole, and the pomelo peeled the gun.

The tail end of the barrel was back, slightly shorter than the initial position, and the muzzle was lifted up, indicating that the scale fell exactly on the 5th.

Then there are four rounds of shooting, flagpoles, intercepting the rope, and adjusting the angle of the shot.

Fanna gradually understood what the prince did.

He collects the distance that each iron ball shoots, and the greater the angle of the muzzle rise, the farther the iron ball falls.

This point Fanna has a deep understanding when using the bow. When the arrow is thrown upwards, the arrow can shoot far, and if it is flat, it will land soon. I didn't expect the artillery to be like this, just because the speed is fast, so the flight distance is much farther. He couldn't help but wonder, if the speed of the iron ball is fast enough, will it never land?


On the edge of the Chishui River, the trial of the township is also in full swing.

Considering the use of Wendy as a power source, the crew on board must be absolutely reliable. So Roland chose a group of politically strong hands to be the first crew of the town. The captain's concurrent command is the chief Cavalier Carter, the helmsman is Brian, the sail and the sail are the responsibility of Carter's attendants, and the courier is Tiguin Pine. These people often contact with the witches, and with their own silent and ideological transformation, they have no prejudice against the witches. Tigu is the house and the Ukrainian, and spreads his love for his daughter to the entire witch group.

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