In the forest livs a small family of 2, One were a male Human with golden eyes while the other is a female black haired Wolf Fanus living happy together and soon to welcome a new member of the family.

Hank: Oh i cant wait im gonna be a father!!

How are you felling honey?

Alisha: Im felling terrible but also happy ugh!!..

Hank: Its soon here just one last push honey you can do it!!

Alisha: Ugh Aaahhhhhh!!!

Baby: uahhhhhhh uahh uahhhhhh

Hank: Its here!! ah he's here ohhh its a boy!!!!!

there there little one dont cry im your father

alisha here hold him.

Alisha: Oh my baby boy "sniff" you are so cute, my little boy you have my hair and have your fathers eyes.

Hank: He's a human too?! Yes!! atleast he wont be treated diffe.. ah im sorry honey.

Alisha: It's okey Hank but what should we name him?

Hank: Hmm how about Dirk hmm no Tom nonono hmmmm.

Alisha: How about Gin honey?

Hank: Yes that sounds perfect Gin it is

Gin Rolios.

Alisha: Hehe oh darling my phone i want to call your father for the happy news.

Hank: Of course he be so happy that he will be a grandfather, i will give him a call this Will be my biggest surprise yet.

"Phone ringing" ring ring

Roger: Hello This is Roger?

Hank: Hi dad never guess what surprise we have for you.

Roger: Hi son it's so good to hear from you and what surprise are you talking about? if its about any of you dumb pranks i hanging up!

Hank: Nnoo dad it's not any of my pranks this time but guess what.

Roger: What?

Hank: You are now a grandfather!!

Roger: Hah i new it, you are just pranking me i will not fall for it this time.

Hank: No no father dont hang up im really felling the truth here hear very closely to the sound now.

Gin: Ughaaa boo (i Dont know how a baby react)

Roger: ...Really?

Hank: Really!


Hank: Haha thank you.

Roger: Tell me son how does he look like and i will come right now.

Hank: He has black hair and the same eyes as me father and he looks at everything like he sees something and want to touch it.

Roger: SAME EYES! (Oh i hope he has inherited our bloodlines power then he will become someone extraordinary)

Meanwhile in the Gin's mind

Gin:(Wow everything looks incredible my mom looks great, my father looks handsome but in a funny way and i will se my new grandfather too, feel a little wierd i cant move like i want but i get use to it,

But my biggest question is why my status change so much?










Status, Strong Progress, Item Box, Magic, "New" Golden Eyes, Nature Instinct.

How did i get a point in magic?

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