Seized by the System

Chapter 356: Righteousness

"In spring I planted a goblin, in autumn I harvested a boss ..."

The uncle of the system was nagging, and then caught a thief hiding in the basement of a derelict residential building somewhere.

This is a **** from the age of 2o. While he was panicking, he stole around and was good at hiding. He has not been exposed.

In order to maintain order, the local authorities have long been exhausted, and he has been running free for a long time. Until today, he has found the uncle.

It is difficult to grab the head of a professional with intellectual difficulties. The uncle cannot catch the demon, and Xiaomi becomes the main target.

Uncles come and go every day in the clouds, the Oriental Lighthouse, shining on the world, deterring all evil demons, now dealing with these rice players ...

Chivalrous dangled the thief with real energy, and came over the courtyard of a public security institution in this city. The white sign hung on the name, and several sentries were on duty. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

People walked in and out of the courtyard, walking in and out.

Chivalrous Armor was about to throw the thief down, and the middle-aged man in black robe appeared to be in front of him again.

On the other party's unremarkable face, as always, with a fascinating smile.

Upon seeing this, the uncle of the system immediately said angrily: "Big rich, this kid is getting more and more rampant. Let's grab two thieves and he will grab it? You have to find a way to let me brush him, not let him pretend like this."

Fang Ning also had a headache, and quickly appeased: "Listen to what he wants to say first, I don't think he will be idle like this."

The knight thief threw the stunned thief down, and then stared blankly at Zhi Nan.

In his eyes, the metal-like cold light flashed at the same time, like two swords, piercing each other.

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Oh, Fang Shizhu, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come without any trouble?" Zhi Nan seemed to be unaware, but just greeted himself.

Chivalrous A said nothing, just stared at him.

"Oh, this Saint is coming today, I want to personalize to Fang donor again." Zhi Nan didn't care, continued.

When the uncle of the system heard the old fire, the other party said rather: "Damn, he really did not let the thief pass ... The thief is a renewable resource, which is the main input of our daily experience, and we can't bear it anymore!"

Fang Ning frowned. The uncle was right. How many thefts are born every day?

Just look at the daily posts on the Internet complaining about how many people lost their mobile phones, electric cars, and wallets.

And unlike other sins, as the uncle said, this thief is difficult to deter. There are a lot of people who enter the palace. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The number of uncles catching thieves is only related to its work efficiency, and has nothing to do with the number of thieves, because the production of the latter is much higher than the work efficiency of the uncle.

There are only 36oo seconds in an hour, even 36o in 10 seconds, and 24 hours in a day, 864o. Each is calculated according to the 5o experience, less than 500,000, more than 10 million a month.

Compared with the big demon, it is naturally a lot of money. After all, a big demon may be hundreds of millions of years of experience.

However, it is a steady stream of regular income. It can solve all kinds of basic expenses of the uncle. Without this input, it is equivalent to sitting in the sky and having difficulty accumulating.

Fang Ning thought for a while, he had a conjecture about intellectual difficulty before, so he said: "Since this, although the system map is not displayed, you can't brush it, but you can shock him with righteousness. In my guess, righteousness should be right He is effective ... "

The uncle of the system only satisfied: "I knew that the rich had a way, look at me." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

System prompt: (The system activates the legendary "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Tips".

The system consumes 1oo righteous energy troughs, consumes all anger troughs, and releases the legendary arcane skill-"Heaven and Earth have righteousness." Effect: Command the righteousness and deter the evil. Valid range: all areas where the favorability of the map area is "worship". )

Fang Ning listened to the system prompts and saw that the knight dragon body shook, the dragon-like white air lingered, and bursts of dragon chanting appeared.

This dragon-shaped white gas then flew into the sky and spread around.

In an instant, the sky and earth shake, the mountains and rivers change color, the flow of people is stagnant, and white air whizzes from the crowded place everywhere.

Qicheng, Jicheng ... The entire Divine State is boiling, and everyone's heart is suddenly shocked, as if something has left the body.

At this time, the Vampire A was flying above his head, and the Daolong-type white gas hovered, just like the order, the entire sky was already covered by the white gas, and even the sunlight could not be transmitted. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He was majestic and majestic, like a god, watching the black robe in front of him.

Wisdom was hard to see, and finally he put away his smile, and looked at Xia Kejia seriously.

Later, he nodded and said, "Tu Ge" praised: "It is worthy of the first devil of my own land, such a low strength, can even evoke the righteous response of heaven and earth. Such momentum, even if it is the upper boundary, has never been seen before. "

"The big words are not ashamed!" Xia Kejia heard the words, the dragon's eyes glared, the dragon's body shook again, and Dao white gas fell from Jiuxiao, just like the arrowhead flying locust, shooting at the difficult place.

The goal is not the mentally difficult person, but the three-foot land where he is currently.

Countless white gas arrows rushed by like a wind.

However, Zhi Nan himself, like the breeze blowing, did not move his figure, and seemed not to be affected by the slightest.

"Don Fang, he was distracted again, really sinful." Zhi Nan shook his head and sighed. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Damn it, it's so difficult to adjust," the uncle of the system was very annoyed. "Wasting me so much righteousness! The rich, you can't ...

Fang Ning thought thoughtfully: "Wait."

In a few moments, the intellectual difficulty in the smile, suddenly his face changed, the smile closed, the black robe that enveloped the whole body, a faint white light appeared faintly.

And his ordinary face was disillusioned.

A handsome boy's face emerged, his eyes clear, with a trace of misery in his face.

"Damn, you're not dead yet! The world here is right, and it can lead you out!" Zhi Nan said coldly, and whispered, there was no previous pride.

He folded his hands, and his figure moved, and he wanted to retreat from the void.

Only this time, his technique of moving in and out of space has failed, and the whole person seems to be confined to the sky. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Hey, rich man, you are too powerful," the uncle of the system said ecstatically, "this guy is a pure black!"

what? Fang Ning heard it, and his heart was horrified. It turned out that his horrible conjecture was indeed true. This intellectually difficult target was really unimaginable!

At this time, a three-headed dragon suddenly appeared.

Green, red, purple, three together.

In the next moment, a dragon sword, Huo Ran takes shape!

Then, countless white qi descended from the sky, haunting the Dragon Sword, and suddenly passed towards Zhi Nan!

"Hateful, this holy truth is still untimely!" Zhi Nan roared, desperately earned, a slight movement, a dark air, rushed out of his heavenly cover, suddenly disappeared.

At the next moment, the Excalibur broke in, and then broke inch by inch! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The mentally difficult body is as tough as a diamond!

"Alas, the past is like smoke, why bother ..."

A sigh sounded, and the body of Vajra suddenly softened.

The remnant body of the Excalibur, punctured it with a stab, and the whole demon body of Zhi Ji exploded and turned into countless black powders, spreading out all over the sky.

Countless white air diffused in the sky, as if they were facing each other, they immediately wrapped up.

Those black powders, after encountering these white qi, "zizi" sound, desperately shaking and struggling, seeming to want to escape.

It is conceivable that once they escaped, there will definitely be a group of demons dancing around the world!

Demon Saint Yuwei, horror like this, the hundred-footed worm, die but not stiff!

However, more and more white gas surrounded him ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The face of the handsome young man, somehow, has disappeared, and he hasn't said a word to Xia Kejia from beginning to end.

Then the system prompts refreshed.

(The system uses "Dragon and Sword Unity", and the system uses "Zhongzhichengcheng" ...

The system defeated a wise incarnation of the devil's wisdom.

The soul of the inflexible incarnation escaped.

The system received a training value of 1.5 billion.

The system obtains the value of Tiandao merit, which is currently 1 point. For every merit value, you can listen to God's will. Every 1oo point can summon Tiandao to shoot once.

The system obtains the astronomical figure hero value, and the legendary degree of the system increases from 35 points to 5o points.


The uncle of the system was shocked and happy: "It is only 1.5 billion to defeat once. If it is completely killed, can it not be hundreds of billions? This is just an incarnation, or the strength is greatly suppressed, how rich is the demon master ... … ”& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Fang Ning could almost imagine how the uncle was drooling.

So he proudly said: "How? I am convinced this time, I will say wait."

"I'm really convinced. Speaking of a rich man, how did you show his weakness?" The uncle of the system wondered afterwards.

Fang Ning just wanted to speak and suddenly held the conversation, so he pretended to say: "Heaven cannot be leaked."

Nonsense, this two-stroke system has been quite a bit volatile lately, and you can't hold back ...

This time, I ca n’t tell you anything like this, and I have to keep my hands.

The uncle of the system heard the words and said: "You are catching my appetite again, then this holiday will not be let go."

Upon hearing this, Fang Ning quickly asked, "How long can you leave?"

"Ten days." The uncle of the system gritted his teeth.

"Then I will tell you the reason ~ ~ It's actually very simple. After listening to the Bodhisattva to explain the origin of the wisdom, I think he should be the obsession of the prince Ji.

"And the nine incarnations should be his nine obsessions. In this case, there is a question, where did the real surname prince go? He should be a kind person, knowing that he had broken his family in his early years There must be good intentions for those who become monks when they die. "

As soon as Fang Ning had leave, he immediately put those little abacus behind him, there was no way he could be such a straightforward person ...

"It turns out so, so you want to use his righteousness to evoke his kindness, and he should be inside and outside to defeat it." The uncle of the system was very shocked.

Only then did it really understand that the gap between itself and this host in the brain hole is as big as the two sides in force.

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