Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 959: Do you want me to help you?

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Elder He is not a young man who can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest when he is touched. This is obviously a strange thing. What's more, Ling Chuxi and Liu Qingzong's Yue Qingjie had a holiday, and Elder He easily linked the two things together. Moreover, although the sarcasm of Ling Chuxi was unpleasant, it really hit the point. Now these young disciples are too grandiose and unstable. Someone's mind gets hot as soon as someone touches.

"But Elder He, it's a fact that she appeared in the forbidden place of our Liuyun Sect!!" Some young disciples began to be dissatisfied and couldn't help but open their heads.

Elder He was about to say something, but there was a full voice in Liuyun Valley. "She's right, your group of people's brains are growing under the armpits, do you need me to scratch them?" The voice was a little angry, but it clearly reached everyone's ears. , The eardrum of the trembling person buzzed

However, this voice is so familiar to everyone in Liuyunzong. Because the master of this voice is their master, Bi Xuanshan!

Bi Xuanshan flew in a robe, full of momentum, and slowly crossed Ling Chuxi to the valley entrance of Liuyun Valley.

Ling Chuxi hesitated, followed, and walked out of Liuyun Valley.

"Sovereign." Elder He and several other elders greeted him.

"Sect Master, what's going on?" another elder asked doubtfully.

"Yue Qingjie, our Liu Yunzong will not be able to accommodate you from now on, and you will seek another chance. You will go on the side where your Yue family has done for us Liu Yunzong... well, a little contribution, you go. Yuan Hui, think Crossing the valley, eternal life cannot come out." Bi Xuanshan did not answer the elders' questions, but raised his face with a cold face and announced his decision. Just when talking about the Yue family, there was a pause. Because of the contribution, the Yue family really did not contribute to Liu Yunzong. It's just a group of people. Elder He already knew what was going on. Ling Chuxi appeared in Liuyun Valley, and she and Yue Qingjie could not be separated!

"Sovereign?" Don't say that the elders are a little puzzled, even those disciples are even more puzzled. Only Yue Qingjie and Yuan Hui were the same face. They knew one thing clearly at the moment, that is, what they did, Bi Xuanshan knew!

Zhu Tianzhi is also difficult to look. Bi Xuanshan's words have already explained everything. Yue Qingjie knows what they do! And this punishment is undoubtedly a severe punishment. The Yue's family can do well in Liuyunzong, and the foundation is very deep. If they were driven away, it would not be easy for their Yue family to go out again if their previous efforts turned into running water. Moreover, they were offended by the Liuyun Sect, and the other Sects would not accept them easily. And that Yuan Hui, this life is over. Although he didn't die, he never came out of thinking.

Zhu Tianzhi was more and more frightened, he didn't even dare to look at Bi Xuanshan's eyes. He lowered his head and listened to the sound of discussion around him, and suddenly there was a glimmer of hope in his heart. Bi Xuanshan did not punish him just now, did he mean that he did not know that he was instructed? No, not right. Now that you know what Yue Qingjie and Yuan Hui are doing, then Bi Xuanshan should also know what they have given them! But did you punish yourself? Is it because he still remembers the mentorship and let himself go?

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