Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

326 Entering the Dwarven Kingdom (3)

"Alloy?" The captain couldn't help saying in a confused voice.

But in the end, he said with a nod, "Alright, as long as you can prove that you have knowledge that we don't have, we'll be able to let you in as a special exception."

With that settled, all three of us stood up and followed the captain out of the room.

Even though this was a guard post, since this was the dwarven kingdom, there was also a forge here.

The captain led us there before turning to ask, "What materials do you need?"

I thought about it before saying, "Do you have a pen and paper?"

The captain gave a nod before turning to one of his subordinates to ask for some.

That subordinate wasted no time in bringing a pen and a piece of paper over.

I wrote down the materials that I needed before handing these back to the subordinate.

The captain looked at it with the subordinate and couldn't help being surprised seeing this material.

Even if they were guards, they were still qualified blacksmiths as dwarves. So they recognized that this list didn't create anything that they were familiar with.

But they still got the things that I asked of them.

When it was all gathered, I just went over to the furnace and tossed it in with the iron.

The way that I did it seemed so casual that it almost seemed like I didn't know what I was doing.

But to the trained eyes of the dwarves, they could tell that it was more of me being relaxed rather than careless.

I was familiar with this process after that tutoring session with Rondo, so it wasn't a problem for me to make this alloy anymore.

In fact, it was almost easy for me to do this now that I had some forging knowledge.

When it was done, I poured it into the mold that I made when we had been waiting for the materials to arrive.

After the alloy was in the mold for a bit, I opened it up to reveal the still hot alloy and started to hit it with the hammer.

I could have had Rondo help me with this, but I wanted to do it myself.

After all, learning a new skill like forging was never a bad thing.

Back when I had been playing this game, I had made sure to max out all my production skills since I knew that it would help me later in the game.

So now, that was what I was treating this as.

I was just maxing out my production skills exp while gaining entry into the Dwarven Kingdom.

The captain could see that my techniques were sloppy, but he knitted his brows as he saw this. That was because this was a method of processing metal that he had never seen before.

After a while, I had finished processing the alloy and I presented it to the captain for him to observe.

The alloy had been cooled, so the captain was able to take it in his hand without a problem.

He held both the katana and the alloy at the same time, looking back and forth between the two of them, as if he was judging them.

Finally, he said, "Alright, I understand that you are the one that crafted this strange sword. The metal that you made here is the same as the one that was used to create this strange sword."

He put them both down before looking at me with eyes that seemed to be sparkling as he said, "How did you make it? How does adding all these different things into the furnace together make this kind of metal? It doesn't make sense at all."

When I saw the way that he was looking at me, I couldn't help revealing a bitter smile.

These dwarves really were all the same…if there was something that caught their attention, they wouldn't hold back at all.

But I had no choice but to go along with him since…he still hadn't said that I would be allowed to enter the Dwarven Kingdom.

It seemed that unless I told him, he didn't have any intention of returning to this topic.

So I gave a sigh before giving him the same speech that I gave Rondo.

"Different metals have similar properties?" The captain muttered under his breath after hearing this.

It was clear by the confused look on his face that he wasn't really understanding this concept.

Of course, that wasn't strange since this concept was something that was beyond the level of technology in this medieval world. There wasn't anything here that would allow them to study the structure of metals, as well as how different metals interacted with each other.

So they would never be able to fully understand this.

In the end, the captain gave a deep sigh and said, "This will take a lot of research." But then his eyes lit up as he saId, "But this will also be something that will be very interesting to see."

He turned back to me and said, "Can we keep this piece of metal that you've made? We want to do our own research on it."

I just nodded as I said, "It's your materials that were used to make that in the first place, so I don't mind if you keep it."

But then I added, "But does that mean…"

I left my words hanging, but it was clear what the meaning behind my words were.

The captain looked like he was hesitating over something as he looked at the katana.

Based on that, it seemed like he had wanted to ask me about the katana as well…

But in the end, he said with a sigh, "Yes, you can enter our Dwarven Kingdom as a result of your talent." However, he looked at Rondo and said, "I will send a report to the king so that he knows about this."

Rondo looked a bit hesitant at first, but he gave a nod in the end.

But I couldn't help slightly knitting my brows.

The Dwarven King…

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