Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 615 Urgent Mission

"Sasha, these... are you doing all of this?" Ling Chen raised his head, stared blankly at Shadis Yika, and asked a very strange question. Sasha has always been alone in the kitchen, who else would be there if she didn't do it? However, Ling Chen really couldn't believe that this extraordinary delicacy came from such a young girl!

"Of course I made it. Is it delicious?" Satisika tilted her head slightly and asked expectantly.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious! It's so delicious ... ah, ah, ah ..." Every day, I ate madly and shouted vaguely.

"Very... delicious!" Ling Chen said with some difficulty, because he really couldn't find any suitable adjectives to describe the deliciousness in front of him.

"Really?" Shadis Yika laughed happily: "Great, then, Ling Chen and Tiantian should eat more."

Ling Chen couldn't bear it anymore, even if he could bear it, the glutton in his stomach had to rebel, so he stopped talking nonsense immediately, and started to gobble it up with Tian Tian. Just after taking a few mouthfuls, there was the sound of the door being opened behind him, and then Qi Yue's soft voice: "It smells so delicious, even the smelly people can't control it."

Shadis Yika hurriedly shouted: "Sister Qiyue, hurry up and have dinner, I made it."

The tangy and heart-wrenching fragrance did have a big impact on Qi Yue, and she couldn't help but leave the room. When she took the first mouthful of food, her reaction was almost exactly the same as Ling Chen's. The whole person was in a static state for a while, and even forgot to take the chopsticks out of her mouth.

"This...was made by Sasha?" Qi Yue looked at Shadis Yika with a stunned expression on her face.

"Hmm! Is it delicious?"

Qi Yue looked at Shadis Yika for a long time, and slowly said four words: "The world is absolutely delicious."


There was a knock on the door of the living room, and then a faint voice sounded outside: "Master, Tian Tian, ​​can we come in?"

Chuoying Chuoxi was still dressed sexy today. After they entered the living room, their eyes immediately fell on the dining table. Even though they tried their best to control them, they still swallowed their saliva seven or eight times in a short period of time.

"Sister Yingxi, this is the meal I cooked, do you want to eat it together?" Shadis Yika waved to them.

"Sasha made it?" Chuoying Chuoxi showed the same surprised expression, and then asked expectantly: "Can we really eat together?"

Before they got an answer, they had already arrived at the dining table, attracted by the aroma of the dishes. Each of them had a pair of chopsticks in their hands, and when they took the first bite of the dish, two exclamations came from their air at the same time.

Six dishes, originally was quite a lot for the five of them... Aside from Tian Tian, ​​who is a big eater, Ling Chen's appetite is moderate, and Qi Yue obviously doesn't like the food in the real world, so he only ate three fruits for lunch... ...There are still three strawberries, and Chuoying Chuoxi eats very little in order to maintain her figure. But the six dishes on the table, together with a big pot of rice, were wiped out by them in less than three minutes... and everyone was still full of ideas, and finally voted to Shatisika in unison longing gaze.

"Hmm... Is it because you cooked too little and everyone is not full?" Satisika, who had cooked all the meals but didn't eat a single bite, asked weakly in front of everyone's hungry wolf eyes. road.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Then...then...then I'll do some more."

Everyone nodded again, and the nodding was at least twice as deep as before.

Not long after she came out of the kitchen, Shadis Yika entered the kitchen again. She also had a heartfelt joy that everyone liked her dishes very much. But this time, she didn't lock the kitchen door when she was cooking, and both Tian Tian and Ling Chen went inside, watching Shadis Yika's cooking process without blinking. Need to step on a stool to operate. The six stoves were turned on at the same time, and the six dishes were cooked at the same time, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry, their movements were flowing, and they were as proficient as a top master with half a century of experience. Ling Chen and Tiantian were completely dumbfounded.

This shit... Even if you start practicing from the womb, you won't reach this level!

The ingredients she uses are all ready-made in the kitchen, the same as what she usually uses every day, and there is absolutely no opportunism. Apart from being overly proficient, her technique and process are no different from Tian Tian's usual, but when the dishes are cooked, the mouth-watering aroma is something that Tian Tian and Ling Chen can't match by flying.

This time, Shadis Yika cooked eight dishes, plus a big pot of rice... It was still eaten up by five people who completely disregarded their image, and there was not even soup left. Moreover, he ate in such a hurry and was too absorbed that he actually forgot to leave some for Shadis Yika. Poor little Sasha could only hold a big apple, sitting in front of the TV, gnawing on it in small bites.

"Sasha, where did you learn your cooking skills?" Sitting next to Sasha, Ling Chen couldn't help asking. He knows Sasha's background best. She is not a chef, nor is she the daughter of a world-class chef. She is just a mysterious character brought out in the game... or a person who probably came from ancient times and has no memory!

"I don't know either." As Ling Chen expected, Shadis Yika shook his head and said in a little confusion: "When I was thinking about dinner, I suddenly felt that I could do it too, so I gave it a little try... It was a success."

Ling Chen groaned inwardly... More than just a success! We almost swallowed our tongues in our stomachs.

"Sasha! You are simply a genius! You are amazing! You are so young, but you are even better at cooking than your sister!" Sasha, who was satisfied with eating, looked at Sasha with a look of admiration, then his eyes flashed, and he grabbed Sasha's hand hand, and said very seriously: "I have decided that I will learn to cook with Sasha in the future, and I will learn to cook as well as Sasha... Ah! Sasha, you will definitely stay here, right? If you leave Here, I will never eat such delicious food again!"

"Of course I will stay forever." Shatisika nodded without hesitation: "As for teaching cooking every day... Although I don't know how to teach it well, I will try."

"Okay! That's it! Then... let's start teaching now, okay?"

"Well, good!"

The two girls bounced into the kitchen. Seeing that there was no one around, Ling Chen secretly stuck out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth... Sasha's cooking is so damn good. Compared with today's dinner, the various delicacies that I have eaten before can only be reduced to "tasteless".

The construction of the new city has entered the final finishing stage, and it is estimated that it will be officially completed at noon tomorrow. What he needs to do is to apply to the Qinglong city master to set up a permanent teleportation array in the central square after the official completion of the project. The rest are basically useless to him.

The so-called fullness of lust, Ling Chen, who was full after the first meal made by Sasha, stood up, walked out unsteadily, and hummed: "Ying, Xi, get ready for an urgent mission! "

The place to carry out the urgent task is in the nearby bamboo forest, the process is very intense, very intense, much more intense than the previous few times, the main reason is Qi Yue's arrival.

Qi Yue, the witch among witches, was doing all kinds of provocative actions in front of him. Although Ling Chen succeeded in suppressing it time and time again, his desire was still accumulating. Sometimes, it will naturally vent on Chuo Ying Chuo Xi. In the uninhabited bamboo forest, coupled with the cover of the night, the three of them intertwined frantically. Chuo Ying hugged Ling Chen from behind, and rubbed his full chest on his back. Ling Chen hugged Chu Xi's two round petals, impacting hard, but Qi Yue's figure kept appearing in his mind uncontrollably. Chuoxi's snow-white slender legs were tightly hooked around his waist, panting and moaning uncontrollably, her willow waist twisted up and down like a water snake, driving her hips to move up and down quickly. The loud collision sound, coupled with the delicate singing, made the surrounding large bamboo forest exaggerated with a lewd atmosphere.

Chuoxi was followed by Chuoying, and Chuoying was followed by Chuoxi. The three of them fought for countless rounds, and their positions also shifted in the chaos. At this time, their positions were at least ten meters away from their original positions. At first, Chuo Ying Chuo Xi tried her best to cater to them like a bee and a wave of butterflies, but in the end she had to beg for mercy. When Ling Chen finally vented his desire on them, the two girls had already fake passed out several times in a row.

The mission was over... The sound finally stopped, and the boredom in Ling Chen's heart was swept away. He put on his clothes, leaned against a piece of bamboo, and didn't think about anything, but simply admired the beautiful picture drawn by the two girls under the moonlight. The two sisters, Chuoying and Chuoxi, hugged each other naked, the seductive red glow covered their entire delicate bodies, their beautiful faces were filled with satisfied and bewildered expressions, they were unparalleled in their allure, and their charming and charming eyes, Under the release of lust, she became even more enchanting. It's just that their bodies are so soft that they have lost any strength, as if even their souls have left their bodies, their eyes are blurred, and they collapse there powerlessly, presenting an extremely seductive lying posture.

Sasha and Qiyue entered the real world from the game world, which made him vaguely feel that his life and even the world he was in were about to undergo some unpredictable changes. But anyway, life is good.

Xiao Qi is safe and sound, Die Wu has returned, and the new city built for Yunmengxin is almost complete. The only regret in life is Shui Ruo who is always in my heart. If Shui Ruo can also come back, then everything will be perfect, and he no longer needs to worry about chasing anything.

Trust me, that day will come...and it won't take long.

Ling Chen moved over, kissed Chuo Ying and Chuo Xi lightly on the cheeks respectively, and said with a lecherous smile: "You two beauties, the task has been completed well. But remember to shout louder next time." Then a little bit, don't hold back on purpose, they won't hear it."

After rubbing the upturned breasts of the two women at the same time, Ling Chen got up and left contentedly.

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