Single Dog Ending System

Chapter 120: When the uncle becomes the master (7)

As soon as the sword-casting hall came in, it was an oncoming heat wave.

The hundreds of swords on the right side of the hall hummed slightly the moment Lang Qianxing stepped into the hall, as if to warn the intruders.

Qin Lang said "Quiet", and those swords stopped moving, or they were placed on a shelf or inserted into a boulder, and they looked no different from ordinary swords.

The hall is actually not very spacious. Although it looks large from the outside, the stone wall that isolates it from the outside world is nearly two feet thick. Coupled with those swords in the hall, as well as the casting furnace, forging table, and some tools, the space is not big.

Two people are just right, and one more, it will be a bit crowded.

Qin Lang took out a piece of the most basic stone from the storage ring and threw it into the furnace, and asked Lang Qianxing: "I am in the library every day, have you read about casting or something?"

Lang Qianxing was in the library to peep at Qin Lang, and he only read half of the books at most, but fortunately, he had read it in his previous life, so he is not afraid of guilty conscience when his homework is checked now.

"I've seen it." Lang Qianxing answered affirmatively, but he didn't look away, as if he really studied seriously in the library before, and he was lazy because he was tired from studying and took a rest for a while. In order to stimulate Qin Lang, he asked for an answer.

Qin Lang nodded in relief, feeling that Lang Qianxing didn't mean to misrepresent him maliciously, he just had doubts, and he was still learning seriously.

Teachers will be patient with students who are stubborn but can learn.

"The stone just now is your lesson for today. You can control the time yourself." Qin Lang ignored him after he finished speaking. He held the half-halfed sword on the forging table in his hand and looked at it for a while before throwing it into the furnace. middle.

The temperature in the furnace is extremely high, but in just a few seconds, the rough stone has almost melted.

Ben was hot near the stove, and both of them were already sweating.

"Master, then I'll start." After saying that, Lang Qianxing began to undress.

It looks like what he wants, especially when his eyes speak with a smile, there is always a two-point evil seduction.

Lang Qianxing's temperament is like the protagonist of many fantasy novels. Before the blackening, he was a simple sunshine boy, and after the blackening, he became deep and evil.

His appearance has also changed with his temperament. If he looks at him from a distance, he is still full of vigor like other disciples of Tianyun Sect. However, if he looks up close, he can see that his eyes are as deep as pools, and his thin lips are always pouting. A good-natured smile.

However, a person like Yun Jue who has never been in love, just wants to play straight ball with a little evil spirit, making him unable to resist.

Qin Lang looked at him, paid attention to his actions, and his expression was calm, as if he was just observing whether Lang Qianxing's steps were wrong, and how many points his movements and strength could be.

In fact...

"Wow! My husband's big chest muscles! The abdominal muscles look so hard. The sweating all over the body is really hormonal, so tempting, I feel like I'm going to have a nosebleed! My God, my body is such a mess. Isn't it? Or the kind of thousands of years old? What should I do, I won't go into trouble for a while? System, I ask to hang up!"

System: "Sorry, your system is being blocked."

"..." Has your AI management been so strict? My husband didn't take off his pants again.

Hehe, but I was blocked by the yellow waste in your mind, Twenty-Five thought coldly.

Lang Qianxing has been paying attention to Qin Lang from the corner of his eye, and seeing that he just looked at him for a while like an inspection, he turned his eyes to the furnace, not the slightest interest in his exposed body, nor was he surprised.

His master, how should I put it, probably belongs to the dull type in this regard. Yunhua has been in love with him for a thousand years, so he always expresses it more or less euphemistically, right? However, after so many years, Yunhua still hasn't made any progress, and is still a senior brother.

Either Yun Hua's methods were not good, or Yun Jue didn't understand what his senior brother meant at all. But what kind of person is Yunhua, how could he fail to do so? So, there is only one possibility.

Qin Lang grasped his expression and saw that the sword of the fire was almost melted, and began to take off his robe.

His outer robe is the same as Lang Qianxing's disciple uniform. Wearing a sword is not in the way, and dancing with a sword is more elegant and immortal, but when forging, it looks too bloated, especially the wide sleeves.

He took off his robe and shirt as usual, but found a fiery gaze.

Of course it was Lang Qianxing.

Qin Lang frowned, but didn't look at him. It's just that the hand that was about to take off the shirt stopped, and instead of taking it off, he rolled up the sleeve of the shirt, revealing his tight forearm.

It stands to reason that he should not care about a junior, it will appear that he is too preoccupied and a little pretentious, taking off the cumbersome clothes is for forging not...

This should have been a normal and frank thing. Lang Qianxing's gaze, the frivolous words last night, and the things he had seen him bathing in Lingquan before made him have to guard against it.

Lang Qianxing held back his laughter, his master was guarding him. It turns out that a person who seems to be unaffected by anything in the world actually has such vivid moments, as if he is finally not a high-level immortal, but a person with flesh and blood just like them.

[Ding, Lang Qianxing - Favorability +10, current favorability is 0. ]

Qin Lang found that as the sweat soaked the white shirt and the thin wet shirt was sticking to his skin, his husband's gaze became more and more wrong.

Qin Lang secretly swallowed his saliva. In fact, husband, I don't really want to play wet. Temptation. Temptation. I feel bad for just being **** you. However, the favorability level is not in place. You are strong against me, I must cut you off.

Alas, for the sake of our future sexual life, you should bear it.

Qin Lang was very attentive in forging, and could not tolerate distraction. He was particularly angry when he found that Lang Qianxing was staring at him so distracted. It's like a bad student who was caught and fished in class and promised to study hard, but blatantly fished again in the next class.

Itchy skin needs to be cleaned up well to be obedient.

So Qin Lang took back the barrier that he had specially designed to protect Lang Qianxing from being hurt by him, so that he could really feel how powerful the energy that the cultivator burst out during forging, so that he could no longer just follow him when he was interested. Shout out to learn.

"Bang!" The heavy hammer slammed on the stone, and a thick spiritual pressure swept out of the air.

Lang Qianxing snorted, and his hands almost didn't hold the stone hammer in his hand and let it hit his feet.

He looked at Qin Lang without the slightest surprise, obviously expecting that his behavior these days had annoyed his master.

This is what he must experience, the punishment to test Qin Lang's bottom line. But as long as he passed this level, he could really trust Qin Lang.

The extremely proud Dao Zun of Tianyun Sect, if he was molested by his own disciples but did not directly kill him with one sword, there would be no other reason than Yun Jue who wanted to save him.

Can't blame him for being so suspicious, he doesn't want to be played in the palm of his hand again because of his stupid gullibility, and suffer everything from his previous life.

"Bang bang bang!" Three times in a row, sparks flew, and the hot light reflected on Qin Lang's face, outlining his cold outline.

"Pfft..." Lang Qianxing finally couldn't hold his knees, he half-knelt on the ground, clutching his chest and spurting a mouthful of blood.

He watched the heavy hammer in Qin Lang's hand rise and fall again, and the spiritual pressure in the air attacked him again. He saw Qin Lang's frown, but he could not see the emotion in his eyes, and his vision became more and more blurred. I could vaguely see that figure still beside the forging table, tempering the stones impatiently.

Qin Lang heard a light sound and saw that Lang Qianxing finally fainted. He hurriedly dropped the things in his hand and moved to Lang Qianxing's side one step at a time.

"Husband... I'm sorry, it's a bit heavy, are you okay?" Qin Lang was a little anxious, and wiped the blood from Lang Qianxing's mouth with his sleeve, staining the snow-white fabric red, "A lot of blood..."

System: "Hey, hey, OOC..."

"It's not you! I told you to come, but I won't. What if my husband dies if I'm not careful?" Qin Lang hugged Lang Qianxing with a distressed face, and fed him a high-quality qi and blood Dan, took his hand again and sent him gentle spiritual power.

The system rolled his eyes: "How can a cultivator be so easy to hang up, spitting blood or something is too common, right? If you care about it, you will be confused. You see your face is pale, he just fainted, just sleep for one night. "

Hearing that the system said that Lang Qianxing was really fine, Qin Lang's tense body relaxed, but the hand holding Lang Qianxing did not loosen.

System: "Do you still want to do business? Get blood now."

Qin Lang frowned, spread out his palm and took out a knife out of thin air, "It hurts to look at, take a drop and you can copy it?"

The system was convinced: "He's unconscious now, even if you **** him, he won't feel it, make him an artifact, and you will definitely let him know in the future, if you take a drop of him, the amount you need does not match. , this is a bug!"

"Husband, don't be afraid, it won't be too much." Qin Lang coaxed very gently in Lang Qianxing's ear, "I'll give you a kiss after taking it..."

The system had a constipated look on his face, and saw that Qin Lang was holding a knife and didn't know where to start, and he clearly wrote the expression that he didn't want to start, so he simply pushed Qin Lang's account to himself.

After two seconds of resolution, the system directly escaped. Who knows what his host will do next? My husband is pregnant, and I don't need to worry about OOC when I don't have any awareness and no one is watching... Hehe.

There was about a bowl of blood taken, but it was actually quite a lot. But in order for a sword to give birth to a spirit, the master's blood must be used in forging.

After Qin Lang collected the blood, he put medicine on Lang Qianxing's slashed palm and bandaged it, and then prepared to dress him up for Bo Yizhong to send him back to rest.

However, he fetched Lang Qianxing and took off the clothes that Fangzheng was folding on the shelf in the back. Just as he was about to put them on, Qin Lang stopped and his eyes were glued to his husband's big chest muscles, which could not be torn apart.

Hey, his husband would be unconscious, and he didn't feel that someone was using the mysterious mirror technique to peep at him, then... Wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't make out with his husband for a while? !

Qin Lang looked left and right, and with a wave of his hand, the small window on the side of the Foundry Hall was also isolated.

The time for repairing went by very quickly. It was obvious that he had brought Lang Qianxing to Qingyun Peak for almost two months, but he and Lang Qianxing didn't even have a kiss. The carnivore Lang said that he was too hungry.

This is something that didn't exist in the previous worlds!

Qin Lang caressed Lang Qianxing's sturdy upper body recklessly with one hand, and gently rubbed his lips with the other.

He swallowed again, looked left and right again, very guilty and nervous, just like a fluffy boy who just fell in love, stealing a kiss is really like a thief.

Qin Lang kissed Lang Qianxing, and the smell of blood and herbs remained in Lang Qianxing's mouth. The unconscious person couldn't give him a response. He felt a little boring when he kissed and kissed by himself, and the excitement of the little kiss just now faded away.

Forget it, let’s hurry up and brush up on the sensitivity, let’s do it with real guns.

However, when Qin Lang left Lang Qianxing's lips and wanted to put Lang Qianxing's clothes on, he looked down and found that Lang Qianxing was hitting him straight in the crotch, showing its existence very arrogantly.

Qin Lang: "…"

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