Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 726: Voluntary reporting

Lu Shu and Nie Ting's war without smoke has really been around for a long time. Nie Ting wants him to be in the same day, Lv Shu doesn't want to be, and now it has nothing to do with the matter itself. It is no longer the focus of the two people. The focus is on who won in the end.

Lu Shu took Lu Xiaoyu to report the volunteering of the species research major and went home. On the road, Lu Shu was very upset: "Why am I an auditor? Huh ?! I bleed blood for Tianluodiwang!"

Lv Xiaoyu looked at him sideways: "I don't think Luo can be regarded as that day, so don't be hypocritical."

"No, you are young, you don't understand, Luo is responsible for that day. As soon as you go out, the entire intelligence network will be moved for you. If you were your age, I would definitely think that Luo was so windy. , "Lu Shu spit out.

"Negative emotion value from Lu Xiaoyu, +99!"

"Why should I choose a species research major," Lv Xiaoyu asked with a black face: "And is it still a species research major filled with one, two or three volunteers?"

"There are so many things we haven't learned about in this world. Don't you think it's interesting to study those strange monster species? It's boring just to study how you have evolved. If you want to study species, shouldn't you fight?" Lu Shu Explained.

"Actually, you just don't want to fight," Lu Xiaoyu spit out: "So I chose such a partial professional, others chose actual combat and investigation, and many commanders. Who would choose to watch in the era of Reiki recovery? It looks like a civilian professional, will you not be ashamed, Lu Shu? "

"You see what you said is wrong. I also fought the fight, and the eggs are all broken up. What do you want me to do?" Lu Shu argued. In fact, from an inner perspective, Lu Shu is indeed Because of too much fighting, I am tired of fighting and want to enjoy college life.

The specialty of species research does not sound related to fighting. Just sit in the laboratory and dissect the small animals, right? There is no pressure at all.

The time to fill out the volunteer application is 7 days. The students from the three prefectures of Yuzhou, Shaanzhou, and Shanzhou have come to register one after another, and then after the registration of all the people will be announced, the admissions will be announced. Of the school.

To be honest, Tian Luo Di is definitely more rigorous here than the college entrance examination. If you are transferred to a major you do n’t like in the college entrance examination, you can repeat it, but the major colleges do not repeat it. It is mandatory.

Lu Shu suddenly thought that he hadn't taken the exam. What should Nie Ting transfer to actual combat or investigative tiredness? Others can rank according to the score, but he didn't even have a score!

During Cheng Qiuqiao's special call, he asked Lu Shu what specialty was coming. Of course, he was also in Yuzhou and wanted to have a professional with Lu Shu. Lu Shu said that after he reported the species research, Cheng Qiuqiao didn't speak for a long time ...

It was so anxious to wait for seven days. In these few days, the students of Daoyuan class also made up for their regrets.

At first, everyone looked at the fierce enthusiasm of ordinary students filling in their volunteers, but they couldn't participate. They would be a bit lost, as if they were missing a link in life.

It is different now. Everyone is discussing what major they have reported, and they all express their views on the major.

It seems to everyone that the actual combat class must be teaching combat skills, killing or something, and the investigating class must be assassination and the like. As for the practice of organizational relations and security, it is the diplomatic profession of the practice world. What kind of species research professional is in everyone? The impression is basically the same as archaeology.

In this era of rejuvenation, a group of middle school teenagers have all kinds of abilities like the protagonist in anime. Who does n’t want to go to the blood to fight but to study species ...

This kind of mood is like being depressed for too long in the era of aura exhaustion, and longing for too long. Everyone would think if they can watch the martial arts movie and see if they can go to the edge of the sword, but reality has not been allowed. However, when the dream is really realized, all the two genes in the blood of everyone will be touched more or less.

This has nothing to do with finding a job, after all, it is all assigned to the package ... but it is really difficult for everyone to like the specialty of species research, so few people report it.

It ’s a little different from the status of the archaeology major. At least the archaeology major is considered as a scholar. In this discussion, everyone even looked down on the kind of civilian-looking professions such as species research, as if to report this. Professional people are a little cowardly.

Like sales people in many companies look down on logistics ...

Lv Xiaoyu sat in the courtyard while turning over the foundation forum: "I blame you, apply for such a professional!"

The next little fierce Xu knew what they had reported for the major and kept on being happy, Xiaoyu became even more angry at first glance.

Xiaoyu has been the kind of fighting who has been fighting for a long time, especially after training and the Lop Nur ruins. She has long been recognized as a female leader with a strong fighting power and a strong fighting consciousness. Now I ca n’t stand the grievances when I see these comments.

Some people also came up with a paper from Science magazine some time ago to ridicule that a team used MRI to scan the dog ’s brain and found that the dog processed the language in the left brain.

As a result, this year's team of researchers realized that people lie in while dogs lie on their stomachs, so the left and right brains are reversed ...

A group of people can't do it below the post, remind the students of the species research major, don't make this mistake.

"Don't care what other people think of you ~ ~ Lu Shuzheng said:" We have to learn how to ... "

"Don't give me a drink of your chicken broth," Lv Xiaoyu didn't answer at all: "A week of tomato eggs, it's useless to say anything else."

When Xiao Xiu saw that the two people had such a strong smell of gunpowder, they wanted to slip out with their small school bags on their backs, and Lu Shu stared at it: "Go back and do my homework."

"Negative emotion value from Xiaoxiu Xu, +166!"

"Go out to play, he will not let you go, you will not go out?" Lu Xiaoyu said.

Lu Shu: "?"

The little fierce Xu Zangdang took out a small book and wrote: "Come on, hurt by the negative!"

"Have your accent twisted and hang out? When did you twist my accent and go out!" Lu Shu said with a black face.

However, in the process of waiting for the voluntary results to be announced, everyone did not expect that some people quietly reported the practice study class, making this major a popular topic.

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