Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 43: Du Lengding 03

It has been closed in recent years, and the cold stars of the winter night are clear and transparent, and whispered silently. Music novels|

When Zhou Yanshen woke up, the sheets on his side were empty, and only the body temperature remained. He sniffed the smell of her hair on the soft pillow, and mixed with the more intense body fragrance because of alcohol. The scent seems to drift away from the dream, from those ridiculous, passionate dreams.

Ye Qiao has already washed away the alcohol of last night's carnival, and the body smells mild and fragrant, and wipes his hair into the house: "Wake up?"

Zhou Yan was not in the upper body and leaned on the bed to look at her.

Ye Qiao ignorantly sat on the edge of the bed and put wet hair on his chest: "Who was the birthday party last night?"

“Shen Ting.” Zhou Wei took over the towel to help her wipe it, and explained it to me. “She represents the company to help you plan your birthday party and keep me secret.”

Ye Qiao guessed this and said, "Is the rainroom, is she thinking of it?"

“She came to ask me to collect ideas for the birthday party, and I told her about it.” Zhou Wei was very light and appropriate, and the towel rubbed out the sound of the squeak. “You didn’t want to see it before?”

"Yeah." He was such a cynical person who could remember the art exhibition she had accidentally mentioned. Ye Qiao’s heart was full of fine and dense movements. He thought that he didn’t even take a bite on the cake. He even felt guilty: “Why didn’t you come to eat cakes last night? Anyway, there are so many people, there are fans and more fans. It won't be conspicuous."

“What's delicious about the cake?” He paused and leaned over, his smile gradually becoming meaningful. “I can't eat anything I eat.”

Zhou Yanshen's hand crossed the seams of her bathrobe, Ye Qiao clasped his wrist: "Tell you seriously." Zhou Xiaoshen smiled in her ear: "Which is serious." , sigh, "It’s quite..."

The sensation of the genius disappeared, and Ye Qiao broke free from his hands, but hugged her waist with a pair of arms, and the two men embraced a pair of lovebirds in the bed for half a week. The doorbell rang when the overwhelming heat swept around her.

- "Hello, room service."

Zhou Yanshen’s face was dark. Ye Qiao secretly laughed, pushed people down, and gathered a bathrobe to open the door.

The breakfast she ordered in the morning, light hangover, just used to defeat the fire.

After eating this breakfast, according to the original plan, Ye Qiao will personally enter the theater to test the results of the first day of the "Watcher" release. This is her habit for many years, and now naturally he is also accompanying him. It’s just that the usual couple dating project has been transformed into academic research by Ye Qiao, and because of her recent high popularity, she has to avoid people’s eyes and ears. Zhou Weishen seems to be interested.

So when Ye Qiao entered the vip hall and found that there was no one, there was no complaint.

Zhou Yanshen saw that she was not happy, saying: "What happened to the wife who bought the wife?"

"Is this more than two?" He directly wrapped up a large auditorium. The significance of Ye Qiao into the theater is to test the effect of the screening in the field, and the second is to feel the realest real-time feedback of the audience. This will lose the second meaning.

Zhou Xiaoshen remembered some unpleasant experiences and refused to give in at this point.

After the zero-point preview, the evaluation of the first wave of film reviews is acceptable. Although the original male and female starring roles were forced to be deleted, the integrity of the story was hard to be affected. However, Gu Jin’s operation is very clever, and the inspirational story that was originally developed around Cheng Jiang’s role has become a growth record centered on Ye Qiao’s “Lu Zhiyao”, which has changed from a single inspirational theme to a topic of humanity. Complex expression.

The role of "Lu Zhiyao", which was forced to go astray and mistakenly entered the evil path, has its own strength to break through, and it is naturally a propaganda gimmick with the topic of Nirvana rebirth after the film experiencing a blast accident.

After the well-known film critics thoroughly analyzed the story frame, they focused on the performance of Ye Qiao. The title of the article is a good summary of the central idea - "The most difficult thing to hide is her beauty."

Zhou Yishen quite agrees with this.

On the big screen, Ye Qiao has rough makeup and even ugly, but her face is radiant, her eyes are clear and clear, like the lakes on several thousand snow mountains. So even if she plays a criminal and is kicked by the victim's family, he can't feel any venting of justice, frowning: "Do you really play or fake?"

Punch and kick on the screen, but anyone who knows how to do it can see the true and false. Ye Qiao did not hide: "... really hit."

After answering the answer, look at his reaction.

Zhou Yan deep and gloomy, looking into her eyes: "Gu Jin let you shoot this?"

"No." Ye Qiaoming was talking about a truth, but he felt guilty that he wanted to cover it. "I asked for it myself."

He really frowned: "Really?"

"I really asked for it myself."

Zhou Wei deep eyebrows stunned: "Is not protecting Gu Jin?"

Ye Qiao is a little funny: "What do I care for him?"

She and Gu Jintong are in the circle, and they don’t look up and see it, and they cooperate with this drama, which is even more difficult to avoid. Zhou Xiaoshen also understands this truth, but perhaps at the time of her first knowledge, she has witnessed her many disobedient frustrations and understands the difference between this person and her heart. Ye Qiao has cooperated with so many male stars, and the national male **** of a small water has not seen him wrinkle his brows. When the film's main creation information appeared, the director's name glared at Ye Qiao's, and he had to look back at her.

Ye Qiao’s heart is at the bottom, and deliberately making proof proves her irritability.

Zhou Wei was half-squatting at her, patted the stiff shoulder and settled: "You see more time for my ex-boyfriend than I saw, and I am not interested in investigating."

Ye Qiao's eyes are not good: "What do you want to investigate? See if I have a soft heart. When he is frustrated, he will give him a gift in the snow?"

"No." Zhou Yishen wanted to tease her. I didn't expect to really make people angry, and hugged her into her arms. "Where can I. Is Joe Joo this kind of person? The average person is satisfied."

Ye Qiao, who had just relaxed his face, heard the latter part of the sentence and immediately opened the man and yelled at him: "The three sentences do not leave the paragraph."

"Isn't it good?" Zhou Xiaoshen caught her resisting hand and put her on her leg. The voice was hoarse. "You don't like to eat leeks." He said a hand touched the flesh from her waist. Going up, Zhou Yishen has a long-term armed armpit, and the Capricorn is rough and warm. Ye Qiao thought that the skin should be red, otherwise it would not hurt like this. She rubbed her body forward to dodge, and eventually the whole body rolled into his arms.

The singing and singing in the film have long been unable to remember each other's minds.

Zhou Yanshen actually laughed and reached out to her forehead: "Jojo."

She noticed the seriousness of his tone and finally awake: "Well?"

The scornful tail sounds slightly floating, scratching the heart. Zhou Yanshen kissed her slender neck gently: "I will celebrate the New Year, you said to accompany me home, but still do not count?"

"I have no place to go during the Spring Festival, and I will go back to my grandmother's house at most. If you want me to accompany you, I will have two more days to come out."

Zhou Yanshen heard her telling the schedule, and it was sour for a while. After she had been lingering on her slippery skin for a long time, she couldn’t help but ask for the exit: "What are we talking about now?"

Ye Qiaozhen, I don't understand the meaning of this question: "It is the relationship that can go to your home."

Zhou Weishen did not answer, forcing her to explain.

Ye Qiao was stared at him by no means, and his heart suddenly felt that he was suffering from a loss. He blamed: "Would you like to be so niece? Just arrogant and arrogant, it is because I only wrap the field."

Zhou Wei deep eye tips, this picks up, the smile of the mouth is leaking. Ye Qiaodun was alert, but his hand had been pulled by him and pressed to the real place. The initiator was relieved with a sigh of relief. "Nothing comes. Think for a while."

Ye Qiao did not hold the dirty words: "...艹"

So in the second half of the movie, the light in the auditorium changed brightly, and the blue light was melancholy for a while, and the sadness was gray for a while, hitting the body of two proverbs. Ye Qiaoyu heard the next heavy rain behind him, and the voice on his screen burst into tears, as if he had to exhaust his life with tears and was washed into mud by heavy rain. She couldn't listen to the deep despair in her head. She only thought that the rain was really long. The coldness of the deep winter was like a cold rain. The body was covered with a burning fire, and her consciousness was baked. It is ashed.

Ye Qiao was also rational in the ups and downs, and thought of this, even the thin distance of 00.3 mm was abandoned, what will happen in the future.

The future is like a fog, but she will deliver herself in a confused way.

In the case of the unreliable distrust of the unknown, Ye Qiao will turn the place where the heart has not melted, and become a weapon of the grinding person, fiercely embedding his flesh and spirit.

A 120-minute film ended, and they went away in the weird eyes of the vip room service staff. Ye Qiao's cheeks were suspiciously thin red, holding Zhou Qianshen's hand, and even walking felt awkward, as if returning to the two-year-old toddler. Zhou Wei was deeply stunned and took her away, and she was proud and satisfied. Every look made her feel owed.

Back at the hotel, he was not allowed to sleep, saying that he had to make up his birthday present.

Ye Qiao took over the succinct documents of the cover, and was overwhelmed by the fatigue and sleepiness.

That is Ferra's endorsement contract - "Is this a gift from you, or is it your sister?"

Zhou Wei is not full of words: "Liang Shu's idea."

Cheng Jiang’s contract has recently expired and the accident is doomed to her inability to renew her contract. What's more, in Liang Shu's words, even without the big fire, Ferra's endorsement will be included in Ye Qiao's bag, and there is no reason to let others replace it.

Ye Qiao and his female strong sister only played a few short-term photos, heard her send such a big gift, and squinted: "Is this your family's meeting for me?"

"Not counting. I have to give it to see you again." Zhou Yishen was planning a plan later. "Gang Yu is very generous, and the meeting is definitely more valuable than this." He licked her delicate waist like a willow. Unexpectedly seeing and rising.

Ye Qiao blocked his hand: "The eight-digit endorsement contract is more expensive than this. What does she have to send me?"

Zhou Wei was silent for a moment.

When Liang Shuo handed the contract to him, he was surprised and asked her: "Do you not like Ye Qiao?"

But she said: "I don't like Ye Qiao. I am afraid of the past. You two of you can't go to this hurdle. Since you can't care, she doesn't care, it's not a problem. As for Dad, I will help. You pass."

Zhou Yan said: "Really?"

Liang Fury said: "I am your sister, I am not standing on your side, who else will help you?"

He doesn't like to say that he is moved, just paying a smile.

In fact, there is a sentence in Liang Shu’s words that he can’t determine.

Zhou Hao deep back to God, surrounded by people in his arms: "What do you want Liang Liang to send you, do you want it?"

Ye Qiao was asked inexplicably and said, "Yes. There is nothing I can't afford."

The sky is clear outside the window, there is no snow this winter.

The author has something to say:

We are all implicit people, implicit people =-=

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