"Old Xiao, you come here to sit here, what about the cracks in North China?"

Dean Shi Zhi has absolutely no intention to gossip about Ling Shuying and Zhou Hao, and he is still worried about cracks everywhere.

Xiao Jiangtian is one of the four military gods, and like Zhou Hao, he is also a peak extraordinary powerhouse.

For a long time, it has been sitting in the cracks in North China.

Now the cracks on their side have appeared abnormal many times, and the risk factor is constantly increasing.

After careful consideration, the Qingyun Department sent Xiao Jiangtian directly.

One is to understand the situation and find out the reason, and the other is to bless and sit down, just in case.

"You don't have to worry over there. Over the years, the military has trained a lot of successors."

"Actually, the real trouble is here. Even if I come here, I'm afraid the situation will not be optimistic."

Xiao Jiangtian said that he was not optimistic, but his behavior was obviously very optimistic. At this moment, the spirit of gossip was still burning, and he looked at Ling Shuying and Zhou Hao in the distance with interest.

Seeing Ling Shuying being stomped straight by Zhou Hao, Xiao Jiangtian couldn't help laughing out loud.

Dean Shi Zhi looked at Xiao Jiangtian's smiling face with a confused look on his face. He couldn't help thinking in his heart whether he said something wrong just now, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

On Zhou Hao's side, he has been inquiring about the Qingyun department, but he has not given a precise word yet. Just when Ling Shuying was about to explode with anger, he finally figured out everything.

"Okay, I agree to join the Qingyun department, how do I go through the formalities?"

Zhou Hao now knows that in his situation, there is almost no harm in joining the Qingyun Department.

The only downside is that the task quota of ten stars per month must be completed.

Because most of the tasks of the Qingyun Department are also combat and reconnaissance tasks, which are related to aliens.

And if he wants to get lucky points, he also needs to keep hunting aliens.

The same goal is achieved by different paths, so hunting aliens can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"This is simple. After I complete the registration for you on the intranet of the Qingyun department, you can access the intranet through the communicator."

"However, when accessing the intranet, you must read the rules of the Qingyun department carefully, and it is best to memorize them."

Ling Shuying said, and began to help Zhou Hao enter basic information and open the Qingyun department's intranet.

After Zhou Hao logged in, he completed the information and completed the registration.

Soon, he saw the Qingyun Department's code, in addition to the regular martial artist code, there are many more confidentiality regulations.

Of course he totally agrees with this.


When Zhou Hao joined the Qingyun department, the Qingyun base somewhere in China was also discussing his affairs.

It's just that in the spacious conference room, there is not a single person, and the twelve people participating in the conference are all virtual images.

Obviously, none of these twelve powerhouses are in Qingyun Base, or even in Qingyun Base, there are some things that can't go away, and they can only use virtual imaging to participate in the meeting.

"Have you seen the data and video data sent back by Ling Shuying?"

A low voice came out.

"Look, this Speaker Zhou is really incredible."

Another strong man spoke.

"That's right, before you cultivate the vitality of a martial artist, you can cultivate the Poji Finger to the level of Theravada. I think there will be an extra seat in this conference room after a while."

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this, but they were relieved quickly.

Zhou Hao's level of evildoer is indeed unusual.

For a long time, several of them have been the real ceiling of the combat power of Chinese warriors.

Before Zhou Hao cultivated the vitality of a martial artist, he was able to cultivate the martial artist vitality level of Poji Finger to a small level. With this, he was absolutely qualified to sit here in the future.

Because of the difficulty and the level of enchantment, it is no less than that of Huaxia's ancestors using the abacus to figure out the parameters for making an atomic bomb, which shows Zhou Hao's enchantment.

The front line of defense, the southernmost point of the crack core area.

The current location of Zhou Hao and Ling Shuying.

Zhou Hao has completed the registration of members of the Qingyun department, and successfully accepted a one-star mission.

Looking at the one-star mission that he accepted, Zhou Hao only felt blood loss.

Because of this task, it is to kill the swarm of thirty phantom sound insects.

He didn't know how many phantom worm swarms he killed before, but unfortunately, he hadn't joined the Qingyun department at that time, so he couldn't get merits.

One hundred colored energy spar can be exchanged for one yuan crystal.

Of course, 100 points of merit can also be exchanged for a piece of Yuanjing. Among them, completing a one-star task will get 10 points of merit.

He had killed nearly 2,000 phantom sound worms before, and after conversion, he could have 600 meritorious deeds, and he could exchange for 6 yuan crystals!

You know, Yuanjing is of high value, and Ling Shuying was reluctant to touch him before.

It hurts to think about it.

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