Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 202: Dominate me

The result has not changed.

Although Rhodes re-selected their opponents, and even arranged some combinations that seemed to restrain each other, the crowd still had no choice but to win a victory, and they still did not play, and the other side did not shoot. At that time, everyone felt that they had progressed, but as soon as those memories mirrored, they would immediately burst into tears-the original illusions ... but this time Rhode did not let them fight each other, Instead, they were sent alone, and the others watched the battle beside them. This gave them a new perspective and observed their fighting from the standpoint of a third party. This also gave everyone a lot of new ideas. In the past, they always focused their attention on fighting in front of themselves in the mirror image, and they were a bit "not aware of the true face of Lushan, only in this mountain". From the standpoint of the third party, they have gained a lot of new gains.

Obviously, Rhodes didn't come to abuse them, so after connecting for three rotations, he waved and stopped, then looked at the crowd.

"Okay, my question is next. What do you think of their fighting style?"

Facing Rhode's inquiry, five people frowned, and after thinking for a while, eventually Marin opened the mouth with some hesitation.

"They ... seem to like attacking."

In fact, Malin was not wrong, especially today, after careful observation, everyone found that the five memory images were almost crazy in their enthusiasm for attack. Even the auxiliary professions such as spiritual masters dare to throw the "guardian wall" as a spell to imprison each other. It can be seen how aggressive the fighting attitude of this group of people is. Not only that, it is also the same in the subsequent battles. Originally, as a mage, the proper thing for the shield fighter should be to gain the upper hand, but she did not expect that the shield fighter did not mean to defend at all, but rushed straight up with a shield. This frightened Marine was stunned. For a moment, I almost forgot to put the magic in my hand. As soon as she responded, the opponent had rushed to her side, and a shield smashed her, then ... there was no more.


Hearing Marin's answer, Rhode nodded.

"What do you think of this?"

"This one………"

This time Li Jie raised her hand with some hesitation.

"I don't think it's good, Mr. Rhodes. Their offense is so crazy, but they don't pay attention to defense. If they are counterattacked, then ..."

"Did you fight back?"

In a word, Rhodes directly blocked Li Jie's statement. She opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything. Indeed, the opponent appears to be a deadly attack. In theory, this fighting method has a lot of hidden dangers. In fact, they actually noticed it and want to use it, but they have n’t waited for them to think of a good solution. The offensive has already hit them and they can't afford to look up.

what is the reason? Unfamiliar with the opponent's offense? The profession may be different, but the offensive style of memory mirroring is similar. After so many days of training, they are not unfamiliar with this. And this time, those mirrors are all waiting for their shots, and then they did not stand on the field and stormed them down like before, which gave them a chance to master the rhythm. If you talk about strength, the strengths of the two sides are equal, otherwise they don't even have to fight, and five people on one side yawn.

But why do they still have no good way to face this crazy attack from the opponent? Even if they know the other party's flaws clearly, but how should they lose and how to lose, there is no pressure at all. Why is this? No one understands it. It can be said that the flaws of the other party cannot be seen before, but now their style is so obvious, and their strengths and weaknesses are clear at a glance. So how can they not grasp it?

"This is the second phase, you have to learn one thing, mainly me."

Then, Rhode pointed to himself.

"There is no real perfect way of fighting in this world. Any kind of fighting style is flawed. If you focus on offense, then others can say that your defense is weak. If you pay attention to defense, then others can say that you can only fall into passive, Serre. The weakness of G's swordplay is also obvious. His fancy swordsmanship is more than gorgeous, and his power is insufficient. In theory, he only needs to find a savage player, and he is finished, isn't he? But what is the use of these? He is not the same Is it a master of swordsmanship? "

When I heard this, everyone was sweating, and Serek was also a representative of Shenshicheng. It turned out to be so unbearable in the mouth of Rhodes ... "The reason why you always fail is not only because of Skilled, but because of your thinking. "

Speaking of which, Rhode stared coldly at the crowd.

"You always subconsciously want to defend the opponent's offense and then attack the opponent. You want to do your best in both aspects, but this is impossible, because of the surname, some people like to defend, but Some people do n’t like it. Not everyone can be an all-around fighter. Instead of showing your strengths, you are constantly exposing your weaknesses. In this way, it is weird not to lose. "

That's it!

Hearing Rhode's words, Marlene's eyes lighted up. At this time, she finally understood why she could not control the rhythm of the battle, and was always led away by others. As long as they attack, they can only attack, they like to attack, so they don't need to choose, they just need to do it according to their wishes. But what about Marlene? She can attack and defend. But is she going to attack? Or defense? Marin herself did not have an accurate idea. She defended when others attacked, and attacked when others did not attack. In this way, the rhythm of the battle was naturally led by the other side. Because she does not have a fighting style of her own, she is not sure what she should do, and she does not know what she should do. In fierce battles, even one second of hesitation is enough to determine the outcome of the battle.

"In my hometown, there is a saying called Yangchang avoiding weaknesses, that is to show your strengths and avoid your weaknesses-just like these guys, indeed, you think their crazy attack will make their defenses very vulnerable If you are attacked by the enemy, it will be very dangerous. But you also saw that under their crazy attack, you have no chance of counterattack at all, how can you talk about attacking their weaknesses? The theory is the theory, anyone can talk, but The reality is more than just talking. "

Having said that, Rhode paused, looking at the thoughtful expression of everyone, and nodded with satisfaction.

"You should understand what I want to say. Remember, I am the main player and I am the main player. Maybe the fighting method you choose is flawed, but it does n’t matter. In theory, there is no fighting style in the world without weakness. It ’s better to be defeated as an archangel. But after all, these things are only theoretical. Do n’t care what others say, remember what you should do, be sure of your choices, do n’t shake and hesitate, that ’s enough. ”

It is not unreasonable for Rhodes to say this. He has seen many players also follow suit here. Some people had their own ideas and talents, but they all kneeled under the lips of the people. It's like the "little bubble gum" around her. When she chose to use the spiritual master pk, the crowd questioned the combat ability of the spiritual master. Some people analyzed it from the time of cd, the amount of damage and the number of skills. Some people simply assert from their own experience that the spiritual master wants pk, which is a night talk, and it is the right way to go home for your assistance and treatment. At the beginning, “Little Bubble Gum” was also a losing streak. At that time, many players came forward to say that they had a foresight. The spiritual master was not suitable for pk. The game company designing this profession did not intend to add it. Fighting ability and so on, etc. I'm afraid I've given up for another person. But after all, she is a girl in a rebellious period. She is more and more resistant to this kind of thing. In addition, Rhodes was very supportive at the time, and even given her many suggestions based on her own experience. Eventually, “Little Bubble Gum” She became the most famous "dual-control bomber" tactic among the spiritual masters. Since then, her pk ranking has skyrocketed, and she has finally occupied a place in the top 10. It is also the only spiritual master pk among the first fifty.

It can be seen from this story that many times the suggestions of others are to stand up and speak without too much backache, and how to decide for yourself in the end is really specific. Rhodes didn't want them all to learn the extreme offensive desires of these people, but just wanted to let them know in this way how important it is to stick to their own style. If it is as crowded as before, swaying, without its own style, and changing the fighting style as soon as it is affected, then it will only end in a disastrous defeat in the real arena. Just as Marin thought, what others would do, they could only react passively, so they would never win.

Fortunately, unlike in the game, your choice will be criticized and discussed by many people, which will make people feel pressured, and if they do n’t play well, they may give up. Therefore, the only thing Ma Lin they have to face is themselves. If they can pass this level and determine their style, then it will be a big victory.

After talking about this, Rhodes ended his training and turned to leave, leaving the rest of the time to Marin themselves to think and understand. They can do all they can, and then see how much they can understand. Rhodes is convinced that if Marin and others can really figure this out, they will not be killed at least once again by the other party. As long as they can do this, they are already qualified.

But Rhodes didn't take it easy either. As Yue Zi passed by day by day, he began to get busy.

The mercenary association's ban period finally ended.

(To be continued)

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