Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 394: Gold mine

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Chapter 394 The Gold Mine is in Hand

"This time I have a good harvest." Lorist said with satisfaction.

The place where Lorist is now is the gold-producing hill in the Black Forest, in the gold-hidden chamber of the mountain barbarian tribe named Wallisingo. Under the leadership of El and Reddy, the guards camp had already raided and occupied the camp of the mountain barbarian tribe in the early morning, and the Warisingo tribe became one of the many destroyed mountain barbarian tribes. Even though this mountain barbarian tribe possesses two powerful sacrifices, the crimes of Bibi are the biggest reason for the demise of the Varisingo tribe. Those two powerful sacrifices have become the ghosts under the sword of Lorist.

The cave in front of them was filled with various rough objects made of gold, some of which were very large and some were very small, all of which were strangely shaped, bright and charming golden light flashing under the light of torches. A rough estimate is that the value of the gold objects in this hidden gold cave is about two million golden ford.

"Why does the mountain barbarian use gold to make these weird things?" Lorist picked up a crude golden axe, which was heavy, and waved it a few times: "This thing is very impractical?"

"His Royal Highness, according to the old mountain barbarian slave who made these gold objects, these things made of gold have to be carefully polished. Finally, other mountain barbarian tribes traded in the past as offerings to the mountain **** Kupa Visen. ." Shuade beside him quickly explained Rolister's question.

From the point of view of the mountain barbarian tribe, gold is the most useless thing, it can neither be eaten nor used to forge weapons. Moreover, the trade between mountain barbarian tribes is usually barter. So it is said that in ancient times, gold was similar to stone in the eyes of the mountain barbarians. However, when they discovered that gold could be exchanged for good and practical items from the hands of the flat people's traders, the price of gold immediately rose all the way, and soon replaced sophisticated weapons as the most valuable offering to the mountain god.

Since discovering that there are gold mines in the hills here, the Varisingo tribe has become a very wealthy member of the mountain barbarian tribes. They made gold offerings and sold them to other mountain barbarian tribes in exchange for a large number of slaves who dig gold mines. After buying food and livestock, the life is very good. This can be seen from the small huts where the tribesmen live and the golden ornaments on their bodies. Even the tribes also enshrined two great sacrifices to prevent other mountain barbarian tribes from coveting and coveting the gold mines of their tribal territory.

It’s just that everything they have now has become the trophies of the Norton family. Perhaps the long-term enjoyment and the prosperous and easy life obliterated the warrior tribe’s fierce and aggressive temperament, in two great sacrifices. After falling under Lorester's sword one by one, his patriarch's greed and fear of death finally gained the upper hand, and he ordered the warriors of the clan to lay down their weapons and surrender to the guards, giving up this piece of gold-rich foundation.

"In this war against the mountain barbarian tribe, we did not lose money and made a lot of money. I believe Director Speer must be very happy. By the way, when will Master Sid arrive?" Lorist asked.

Master Sid is here to explore the content and stock of gold mines in this hilly area. Only after he has confirmed whether the gold mine has development value can the family decide whether to continue to invest in gold mines and build castle fortresses and other defense facilities. The poor mines or gold mines have been nearly mined by the Wallisingo tribe. The family’s plan is to get a handful of them and leave. After a few years, the family’s armed forces will be occupied by another mountain barbarian tribe for gold mining. He will come to attack once every few days to get some gold flowers, and the good name is to collect gold mining tax.

"His Royal Highness, how fast is it? We just occupied this place in the morning, and the courier hasn’t left for half a day. It takes at least four or five days to come and go. And the road in the Black Forest is not easy to walk, Brother El has already Organizing the barbarian prisoners to cut logs in the Black Forest to make a way out.” Schwart complained that last night he drove in the Black Forest in order to achieve the purpose of a surprise attack, but he fell several somersaults.

"Oh, sorry, I'm so happy, so I forgot." Lorist shrugged, threw the golden axe in his hand back into the pile of golden objects, turned around and walked out: "Okay, let's go out. , Here is to seal the door, wait for Director Speer to come and then open the seal for him to count. Then tell me how much Golden Ford is worth."

If it is captured on a normal battlefield, the personnel who count the spoils will estimate the value. But the trophies of more than a million goldfords are still gold and gold mines, and then Director Speer himself will take the initiative. As the chief butler of the Norton family’s finances, he learned that the gold mine had been acquired by the family and had seized numerous gold products. Under overjoyed, Supervisor Speer worked tirelessly and the road was difficult. He hurried all night and on the third morning. Arrived at the hilly camp.

"His Royal Highness, all the seized gold items have been appraised, with a total value of 2.32 million Golden Ford." Director Speer reported to Lorist and regretted that it was too late for the family to attack here, if it was the year before. At least the seizure has to be doubled. According to the confession of the captive mountain barbarian slaves who made gold objects, last year was the mountain **** Kupavesen Festival. The Wallisingo tribe made countless gold offerings and traded with other mountain barbarian tribes, and also made a three-meter statue. How high is the gold statue of the mountain **** dedicated to the holy land of Smore Megan Mountain, and nearly a thousand heads of cattle were used to transport the statue...

"It's so wasteful to use gold to make such a big statue, and use the cattle from the trade to haul it, and at the same time let the thousands of mountain barbarian warriors who helped **** all the way to eat and drink, and the remaining cattle after arriving at the Holy Land They were also slaughtered for blood sacrifices, and nearly a thousand heads of cattle were used up in exchange for countless gold offerings. This is really a waste of gold offerings worth millions of golden ford!" Director Speer said indignantly.

Lorist didn’t take Supervisor Speer’s words seriously. It would be bad if he attacked the Valissingo tribe to grab the gold mine the year before last. He dedicated the gold offerings traded by the Valissingo tribe and other mountain barbarian tribes to the mountain god. To **** it is equivalent to stabbing a huge hornet's nest, which is almost an enemy of the millions of mountains in the Demon Dragon Mountain Range. All the mountain barbarians will regard the Norton family as enemies. The family armed forces can easily pack more than a hundred thousand mountain barbarians, but no one can bear the influx of millions of mountain barbarians into the family territory. Even if you seize tens of millions of worth of gold, it is not worth the loss.

"By the way, Director Speer, remember to send 10% of the captured goldford, which is 232,000 goldfords, to Mayor Duboff. That is the dividend I promised to give him." Lorist remembered. Matter, instruct Speer in charge.

Director Speer hesitated: "His Royal Highness, will this be too much? In fact, it is enough for us to send Mayor Duboff a 10,000 or 20,000 Golden Ford to make him grateful, and he doesn't know how much we have captured..."

Lorist smiled and shook his head: "Just do as I said, people are trustworthy, you can't hide from others, but you can't hide from the gods. Although the 10% dividend is huge and valuable, it is more valuable than the Norton family. In terms of credibility, it is trivial. Honesty is the foundation, and we must do what we say, otherwise we will covet Mayor Duboff’s dividend today because of jealousy, then tomorrow we may covet the compensation of the soldiers who fought bravely for the family. Kim... That's shaking the foundation of the family, do you understand, Director Speer?"

"His Royal Highness, I was wrong." Director Speer lowered his head in ashamed.

"Director Speer, I didn't blame you. You are the chief steward of the family finances, and you care about all the expenses and expenses of the family finances. I believe in your integrity and integrity. Besides, you are also considering your family. I don’t want to covet this dividend privately. After all, the Norton family now has a big business, and the war has increased family expenses in the past two years. You have worked hard for the family finances to find ways to achieve a balance of expenditure. I see it all. I also appreciate your attitude for the sake of your family. But you can’t just look at some things from a financial perspective, otherwise it’s easy to blind your eyes and not see the farther and more beautiful scenery. Do you understand what I mean?" Lorester spoke earnestly, and it was a beating of Director Speer, who was increasingly prone to miser.

"I understand what you mean, Your Highness. I promise to deliver this dividend to Mayor Duboff without any problem."

"Very well, this matter is left to you. Also, you can tell Mayor Duboff by the way that after this war, the mountain barbarian tribe's vitality is greatly injured, and there will be peace for a long time. So. The family decided to formally bring Liangshan Town under the jurisdiction of the territory. As the mayor of Liangshan Town, his performance in the past ten years can be said to be very outstanding. Ask him whether he chooses to continue to be the mayor in Liangshan Town or Enter the ranks of the administrative officials of the Norton family. The family's sphere of influence has expanded, and it is very necessary for an administrative official like him to work for the family. I think that talents like him should not be buried in the position of the mayor of Liangshan Town. This sentence of mine Tell him that for talented and loyal people who work for the family, the family will not treat them badly..."

"Yes, Your Highness, I will tell Mayor Duboff your evaluation and expectations of him. I believe he will make a wise choice." Director Speer replied sincerely.

After another two days, Master Sid from Pommel Lawton finally rushed to the hilly camp with his disciples.

Without taking a break, Master Sid directed his disciples to carefully explore and survey the entire hilly area and the mine where the gold mine is located, and Master Sid took pains to go down to the mine to check the gold veins. Distribution. After three days of busy work, Lorist obtained the survey report of the gold mine.

"Congratulations, this is a rich gold mine. It has now been found that the gold ore that has been mined accounts for only one tenth of this gold vein. And based on what I have learned from the mining slaves, it is speculated that the land was originally occupied. Because of the primitive and backward mining and alchemy technology of the mountain barbarian tribe, the value of gold mined every year is less than more than 500,000 golden fortunes.

If our Norton family can increase investment in the use of the latest mining equipment and alchemical technology, I estimate that gold worth 1.5 to 2 million Goldfords can be mined and refined a year, and it is expected to continue mining for nearly a hundred years. This is great news for our family. "Master Sid is very happy. Since he was canonized as a Viscount by Lorist and granted the Viscount Territory in Dremke Province, he has been proud of being a member of the Norton family.

Now that the Norton family can own such a rich gold mine, Master Sid is also very happy, the family is rich, then Lorist will still support him in all kinds of fantastic experiments and inventions. Every year, he and Professor Bob of the Gunpowder Laboratory have one hundred thousand Golden Ford experimental funds each year. These are the only two special-purpose grants in the family and are kept secret. While enjoying this special treatment, Master Sid often fears that one day the family will cut these two expenditures due to financial difficulties. He has always been used to doing experiments, and has always wanted to borrow some of his own. Inventions make one's title to the next level...

"Thank you, Master Sid, you have brought us good news." Loriste smiled. The rich gold mine that can be mined for nearly a hundred years can increase the income of one or two million Goldford every year. This news is true. It couldn't be better. Director Speer, who was standing next to him, was so happy from ear to ear.

I really didn’t expect that there is such a huge gold vein under this unnamed hill in the Black Forest. Think about the fact that the Feisabrun family took great pains to occupy the large and small Jinchuan areas rich in gold mines, and the annual gold mine income It is no more than one million Golden Ford. And now the Norton family also owns a rich gold mine that is no less than that produced in the entire area of ​​Jinchuan, how can it not make people happy?

"I have decided that this hill will be called Jinling from now on. What do you think of the golden hill?" Lorister gave this unnamed hill a name with satisfaction.

No one has an opinion. Director Speer echoed the words in an amusing way: "The name that His Highness gave is really worthy of its name. It is indeed a mountain covered with gold. But Your Highness, I think the top priority now is to arrange the construction of the castle fortress and defense facilities. Let the family occupy this gold mine forever, so as not to fall into the hands of the mountain barbarians again."

Director Speer’s reminder was timely, and Lorist woke up and immediately held a military meeting. The theme was to build a castle fortress in Jinling to protect the gold mine.

"Abandon the small hills in front, build a castle fortress and supporting defensive facilities that can protect the entire gold mine site on this largest mountain, and name it Golden Ridge Fortress. At the same time, from here to Wollongong Fortress, and then to A long wall must be built in the extension of the left mountain of the Rock Castle, so that the entire family territory can be separated from the Demon Dragon Mountain Range, and we no longer have to worry about being attacked by the mountain barbarian tribe in the future.

At the same time, we have to build a road in the Black Forest, leading to the small lake where we gather and annihilate the mountain barbarians. In the small lake, we will build a town to provide logistical material support for the Jinling Fortress. Because it is located in the Black Forest area, during construction, we still need to cut down all the trees within 500 meters of the shooting range, whether it is a fortress or on both sides of a long wall. This is the only way to go. UU看书www.uukanshu. com, we can guarantee that the mountain barbarians will not rely on the cover of trees to attack the guard soldiers armed by our family.

This will be a major project, but all other affairs related to the war that the family currently has must make concessions. Whether it is funds, materials, or labor, the construction of the Golden Ridge Fortress and the Long Wall is the most important priority. El, Reddy, you two will first lead the Guards Battalion and the 78th and 18th Battalions of the Guards and garrison here. The task is to expel the nearby mountain barbarians, guard and guard, and maintain the construction of the fortress and the long grab. Safety of the labor force. In case of emergencies, both of you can handle it at your own discretion, understand? "Lorist started a little.

"Yes, Your Highness." El and Redy stood up.

"But, your Highness, the guard camp stay here, isn't there no one by your side?" Reddy asked.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'll just bring a brigade by my side, five hundred people are enough," Lorist said.

"Sid's major event, and Director Speer, you two will stay here for the time being. Master Sid can you be responsible for rectifying and updating the mining equipment and refining technology of the gold mine. And Director Speer, Provide logistical material support and fund allocation for the construction of fortresses and long walls. At the same time, strict supervision of gold mining must be carried out. I hope that during the construction period, the gold mine can still produce output instead of stopping mining. Construction is complete."

"Yes, Your Highness, I will complete the gold mining equipment update and refinement technology improvement work as quickly as possible." Master Sid replied loudly.

"Understand, Your Highness, I will do a good job of supervising gold mining." Director Speer stood up and said.

...To be continued.

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