Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 424: The decision of 2 princes

Chapter 424: The Decision of the Two Lords


   The wooden raft that was originally inserted in the trench as a partition was pulled up and built into a solid wooden bridge on the trench before the water came. ?? If the generals of the defending Principality of Forando knew that this idea of ​​using a wooden raft to divide the trench was just a brainstorm of a heavy armored soldier, I wonder if they would vomit blood with anger. His Royal Highness ordered the soldiers and goalkeepers who occupied the forward positions to carry these wooden platoons up. It was just for them to build simple camps to be stationed at night. They also meant to use these wooden platoons to build wooden bridges across the trenches when the trenches were torn down when the trenches were flooded. .


   The captain of the White Lions regiment who was ordered to garrison had a headache looking at the trenches extending in all directions. The situation at the time was that the offensive side belonged to the offensive side during the day, and the defending side at night. The captain thinks that if these trenches are not blocked, even if a temporary camp is built with wooden rafts, it will still be unavoidable to be attacked by the soil rats of those principalities at night. You can spend some sleepless raging with some kerosene and shooting rockets. Burning night. However, the order of the Second Highness was very clear, and no action should be made to block the traffic in the trench.


   Although the captain did not know that His Royal Highness was about to implement the plan of flooding the trench, he still did not want his soldiers to lose their lives in the night attack. In distress, the squadron leaders and the squadrons were summoned to discuss the good way to deal with the night attacks and sneak attacks of the local tyrants of the principality. Just as a large group of people scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks and was struggling to make no good plans, a vigilant soldier standing beside said that the width of these wooden rafts is about the same as the width of the trench. Why not insert the wooden rafts in the trenches as partitions?


   The captain was overjoyed. After the reward, he asked how the soldier came up with this idea? The soldier was embarrassed to say that he had something wrong while carrying the rafts and was shocked by the workhorses hauling the rafts. As a result, the rafts all fell into the trenches, and it took a long time to pull them up again. So the team leader punished him and let him stand guard here. Just now the captain brought so many squadron captains and small captains to inspect the position to discuss how to deal with the night attack by the duchy’s rats. He remembered the effort of pulling the rafts into the trenches. Some wooden rafts were stuck in the trenches. Inserted such a sentence.


   This is the platoon tactics that made the defending generals of the Principality of Forendo feel headache and a lot of pressure, so that they neglected the most threatening water attack to the trench defense position. If they are not deceived, as long as the scouts are strengthened, they will find out what your Highness is thinking. After all, whether it's Lorester recruiting the poor to build a small reservoir or digging a trench that stretches for four or five miles, this is no small action. , No matter how strict precautions are taken, some movement can be detected. It's a pity that they were all misled by this platoon tactic.


The sky was already bright, and the soldiers of the White Lion Corps following the flooded trenches had successfully arrived at the place where the Second Defense Corps of the Principality of Forendo prepared to fight back last night, where they captured more than 10,000 souls and souls. The soldiers of the Second Defense Corps who survived the disaster were soaked. Almost all of them were bare-handed. Even with weapons, they lost the thought of resisting. They had been terrified by the sudden flood of water in the early hours of the morning, especially those The corpse of the companion who was drowned in the trench is presented in front of you. The boundary between life and death is above and below, the difference is only half a meter...


   The Second Highness who received the report, Lorester and Grand Duke Fesabrun have arrived here, and everyone was surprised when faced with the large trench full of dead bodies. Even if the trenches were flooded, they only thought that they would drive the defensive duchy's mice to the ground, but the drowning of nearly 10,000 soldiers was an unexpected result.


   But I heard the report that the Second Defense Corps of the Principality of Forlund last night was preparing to launch a counterattack in the early hours of the morning, and everyone suddenly realized that this was a blunder. We can only blame the enemy for tapping the back and letting water on our side. Eight trench squares now turned into ponds. Nearly 20,000 soldiers were guarded. Except for one trench square that was slightly higher, almost half of the soldiers were drowned. The worst was the trench square where Viscount Sanscoro was located. Only 524 soldiers escaped from the 3,000 soldiers.


The body of Viscount Sanscoro, who committed suicide and fell into the water, has been salvaged. In order to express his condolences and respect, His Royal Highness ordered the commander of the enemy to prepare a good coffin to be sent back to his relatives in the future. There. The soldiers of the White Lion Corps are still searching for survivors in the trenches and squares and are preparing to organize the captured soldiers to salvage the bodies of the drowned.


The four-wheeled carriages full of wooden platoons on the camp side staggered on a platoon road formed by two platoons side by side, and there were many soldiers holding wooden platoons on the platoon road. Gap so as not to sink the wagon wheel carrying heavy objects. These wooden rafts will be sent to the front to continue to extend this wooden raft into the distance...


   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." A commander of the White Lion Corps hurriedly came to give a knightly ceremony: "The water has stopped ahead..."


   "Well? What's the matter?" The Second Highness asked.


"My Majesty, the trench in front is over. The water is no longer flowing forward. Some low-lying places are beginning to overflow. According to the scout's reconnaissance, the front of this trench area is open and flat, three miles away. How wide, but after the past, there is a large trench defensive position." The commander replied.


   Oh, everyone understands, the trench defense zone set up by the Principality of Forlando is not connected one after another, or there is not much time and energy to dig the traffic trench. It is also possible that the flat land is used for training or for gathering forces.


   "Let's go and see." His Royal Highness waved the horse whip in his hand and galloped the horse along the wooden platoon road. Lorist, Grand Duke Feisabrun and others followed.


   "What should we do?" The Second Highness asked after reading the position.


"Hehe, we still dig the trenches to connect, but we have to plug the small reservoir in the back to prevent the position we occupied from turning into a swamp. We continue to attack the position in front, and when the trench is dug and the water is released, the position is equivalent to falling into us. In the hands of. It’s just that now that the enemy is prepared, it’s impossible to have nearly 10,000 people drowned like last night.” Lorist answered with a smile.


"Haha..." Grand Duke Fisabrun opened his mouth with joy: "They used to dig ditches and built so many earth walls, but now they are busy pushing down the earth walls to fill the trenches to prevent us from being flooded. Yan. I knew what was going on like this. It was ridiculous to think of it in vain! I believe they regret it now...Haha..."


   Everyone on the scene laughed. The changes in the world are really amazing. It was originally that the offensive side desperately filled the trenches, and the defending Principality side desperately dug the trenches. Now it's all the other way around. The offensive side digs trenches to divert water, while the defender wants to fill the trenches to set up water-retaining lines. The conversion of offense and defense is really ridiculous.


His Royal Highness nodded: "Okay, just do it. Lord Kenmes, let the two heavy armored regiments of your family continue to cooperate with the White Lion Corps to attack the front trench defense positions this afternoon, and take the dozens of trenches ahead first. By the way, the wooden platoon cut off trench tactics devised by the soldiers of your family's heavy armour regiment is very effective against those duchy rats running around in the trenches, and deserves heavy rewards..."


   The Duke of Kenmez smiled on his face: "Of course, I have ordered to go down and give credit to that soldier, and the family will promote and reuse him."


His Royal Highness nodded and continued to give orders to the guards around him: "Order the logistics personnel to speed up the transportation of supplies and wooden platoons. While the soldiers are attacking the front trench defense area, temporary camps will be established in this clearing. The Lion Corps and the Heavy Armor Corps take turns to rest. At the same time, we must strengthen our defenses to prevent the enemy from mobilizing troops to counterattack us like a dying struggle."


   "Yes, Your Majesty."




For a long time, Duke Frando looked at this palace-style castle full of vicissitudes of history over a century, and the corners were covered with moss. This is the family castle built by his ancestors for 17 years. It was named the Summer Palace. In the Christian Empire era, the Summer Palace was one of the ten most famous palaces in the empire. He has lived here since he was a child, and every corner and hidden place of the Summer Palace and its affiliated castles and gardens has left his figure and laughter...


   "His Royal Highness, we should go..." the chief guard reminded him.


Grand Duke Frondo retracted his reluctant gaze, and sighed: "I must be the most unscrupulous offspring of the Frondo family. I will give up the family territory and glory that lasted two or three hundred years and go to Handra. Take refuge in the Principality. If my ancestors knew, they would definitely spit and roar at me in the kingdom of God of War."


"No, my lord, you are not to blame. I can only blame the king of the Antinac Kingdom for being so cunning that he drew water to submerge the trench defense line we set up, and lost all the trenches we dug with the power of the nation. The role of blocking the enemy..." The chief guard felt that he was really awkward. He clearly wanted to comfort Duke Furundo, but he didn't know where he was going.


Grand Duke Frondo smiled bitterly: "Rickel, don't say anything, now everyone knows that we spent three months conscripting all the citizens of the Principality and digging so many trenches for defense. It has become a big joke. Why did we not expect that a simple water attack would make all our efforts in vain? Unfortunately, Sanscoro, he should understand that I will not blame him for this idea of ​​digging trenches. , He shouldn't commit suicide."


   "Your Highness..."


Grand Duke Frondo waved his hand and motioned his chief guard not to speak. He turned to look at the summer palace, which had become empty and quiet without the crowds of the past. He sighed again and withdrew his nostalgic gaze to his chief guard. Said: "Let's go, Rickel, I don't know if I can return to this summer palace built by our ancestors in my lifetime..."


Walking out of the gate of the Summer Palace, stepping on the white horse that had already been waiting at the door, he heard the sound of a galloping hoof, and a guard Pegasus arrived, leaped off the horse and knelt down on one knee in front of Grand Duke Frondo's horse: Your Highness, Lord Noori refused to lead the Mountain Legion back to the Principality of Handra. He asked me to tell His Royal Highness that in the hills and mountains of Pedrona, the army of the Kingdom of Antinac could not help the Mountain Legion. He said that he had made his decision. Continue to resist and guerrilla in the hills and mountains of Pedro, so that all the citizens of the principality will know that His Royal Highness did not abandon them, and the army of the principality is still resisting the enemy's invasion..."


Grand Duke Frundo didn't seem to be surprised to wave his hand, and motioned to the guards who came to report: "It's not surprising that Noori has such a mood. Forget it, it will be winter in ten days, and the second highness wants to go. It’s impossible to attack the Mountain Legion guarding in the hills of Pedro. Even next year, Noori will have enough space for him to deal with, and the Mountain Legion is equipped with sufficient supplies. Let him retreat without a few battles. The Principality of Handra is not convinced, so let him go."


   "Rickel, have everyone else gone?" Duke Fredo turned around and asked his head guard.


"Yes, Your Highness." The chief guard replied respectfully: "The prince was the first group to **** the family and transport supplies and guard the first legion seven days ago. The second prince and the great swordsman Limad took the guard first. The Three Army Corps is waiting to rendezvous with His Royal Highness in the town of Kud in front. Now there are only the guards of our brigade in the city."


   "Okay, come out. By the way, is there a messenger from Perrias?"


"No. Didn't Mr. Berrias send a messenger yesterday? He said that he can only hold on for two more days at most. The forces of the Antinac Kingdom are unstoppable, and the Fifth Defense Corps formed by the defense teams of various towns He couldn't resist the enemy's attack at all, and the casualties were heavy. Lord Berrias used the supervising team and the harsh military method to suppress the soldiers' attempts to escape. That's why he hopes that you leave Pedro City and go to Principality of Handra..."


   Grand Duke Flinders smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Okay, Rickel, we'll be out. I just hope that Berias can come back without incident..."


   After the gate of the castle, it is the central street of Pedro City, the principality's residence. With the sound of horseshoes, more and more city dwellers began to gather on both sides of the central street. Now everyone knows that the army of the Antinac Kingdom is about to come to the city. It once cost the people of the Principality of Forendo three The trench defensive position dug and proud of Moon Time cannot stop the enemy's attack at all. In the past twenty days, urgent letters have been sent for help almost every day. In order to avoid harm to the people of Pedro City, Duke Frundo decided to give up holding the city and head to the Duchy of Handra.


   Some residents gathered on both sides of the street began to wipe their tears. The atmosphere in the crowd was extremely depressing and sad. More residents just silently watched the leaving figure of Duke Fredo and his guards...


  As soon as he reached the southern gate of Pedro City, Duke Frondo finally took the reins and stopped the mount under him. A fat figure walked out of the crowd on the right side of the street, and came to the mount of Duke Frundo.


Duke Frondo smiled and nodded to the fat man in his fifties: "Maritt, my friend, this city will be handed over to you after I leave. I hope you can keep the wealth of the residents of this city. Safe, and hope to be with you again in the near future."


   "Your Majesty, I will definitely try my best." The fat man named Maritt bowed and replied. He is a businessman, and he has dealt with the Snow Salt Chamber of Commerce and also visited the Duke of Kenmes. Grand Duke Frondo asked him to surrender to the army from the Antinac Kingdom on behalf of the residents of the city, hoping to maintain military discipline without harming the residents of Pedro.


   "Marit, two-thirds of the grain and grass reserves are left in the warehouse area behind the Summer Palace. You can take the army of the Kingdom of Antinac to receive it." Duke Forendo said.


  Maritt was taken aback: "His Royal Highness, are you...?"


Grand Duke Frondo smiled bitterly: "Marit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The army of the Antinac Kingdom in this offensive is as high as 300,000. If they don't get enough food and grass, they will plunder the peasants of the principality. Yes. With these grain reserves, they won’t cause much harm to the citizens of our principality..."


  Maritt bowed again: "Thank you, Your Highness."




At the same time, on the southern outskirts of the city of Falimah, the Principality of Falkel, the two eyes of Archduke Falkel were full of blood red: "The people have been driven out, why don't you do it? Hurry up and set the fire to the ground. I will never allow that **** Second Highness to enter my city and my palace! Burn it, hurry up and set it on fire!"


  The wind helped the fire, and soon the entire Falemosi city fell into a sea of ​​flames. The tens of thousands of residents who were driven out of the city looked at the burning home and cried to the sky...


Grand Duke Faker turned his horse's head indifferently and ordered: "Go out and go to the Principality of Handra. We still have a large army in hand. After the Principality of Handra, we will slowly compete with the two hateful His Royal Highness and want to destroy us. It’s not so easy for the four principalities in Central China!"



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