Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 516: Crisis management

Chapter 516 Crisis Management

After instructing Genorio to take a good rest and sleep well, Lorester got up, took a shower and filled his stomach, and then began to deal with the food shortage problem refreshed. Regarding the problem of food shortages in Moriente, he had long anticipated that this conclusion could be drawn from the fact that more than half of the more than 800 ships organized by the business alliance transported food.

More than one million people in Moriente, plus more than 200,000 laborers and poor people outside the city, and more than 400,000 business alliance armed forces on the front line of the Faliqiu Plain, the daily food consumption of more than 1.7 million people must be It is an astronomical number. The Mana Hill Plain was the famous granary in the Gailint subcontinent in the past, but it is now in ruins, with no harvest in the past two years. Most of Moriente's coarse grains and meat supply can only rely on the barren Cristo Hills, and the food supply pressure of the business alliance has been great.

Tagger was ordered to come and report another bad news to Lorist. The original neighboring fortress city Thomas City was a military ration reserve base armed by more than 400,000 business alliances on the front line, but it was only discovered after being taken down that Thomas City had just sent most of the military ration reserves to the front line ten days ago, enough for the frontline business alliances Armed for about a month, the remaining military rations in the Thomas City warehouse are now running out, and the residents of Morente City, who have only enough for more than one million people, will consume it for a day or two.

The business alliance's plan was to wait for the arrival of the transport fleet to fill the vacancies in the reserve, but they did not expect the invincible fleet to be annihilated and the transport fleet became the trophy of the Norton family. Although Lorist was prepared for the lack of food in Morente, he did not expect it to be so serious. The whole city has only 15 days of food reserves left, mostly coarse grains, that is, potatoes and oats. There are very few refined grains.

After the surrender of the transport fleet, part of the grain was unloaded to Cape Romani, as Schward manages the daily grain consumption of the 100,000 recruits captured and buried in the reef area. The surplus food was transported to Silovas by those private ships. Lorist took the airships that had originally carried the 100,000 recruits conscripted by the business alliance to the Port of Termenia, where they landed in Morente after boarding the Rock Army and the Guards.

The problem now is that the city of Moriente is short of food, there are ships and no one in Lorester, and there are no ships on the island of Silova, and there is no way to transport the food to Moriente. The private ships that originally transported grain happily purchased a large number of commodities and goods produced in the Norton family territory after transporting the grain to Silovas Island. They are currently sailing to the southern waters of the mainland and want to hire them to transport the grain. It's already a step too late.

The North Sea Lightning Fleet under Commander Sunbawood is also heading towards the Golden Bay. They are here to **** the crew of the surrendered Invincible Fleet and the families of the sailors to Silovas Island to reunite their family... All actions are In strict accordance with the established plan, but the problem of lack of food in Morient City can make all the efforts of Lorist and the Norton family armed forces vanish.

After Sunbarwood led the lightning fleet to the Golden Bay, he transported the family members of the captives to Silovas Island. By the way, he also took the transportation team to bring back the food stored on the island. This time and again. Now, the time spent on sea transportation alone will take at least fifteen or six days, and this time is the most important key to the success of the entire plan for Lorist.

In two or three days, Lorist estimated that the business alliance armed forces on the front would be able to react and get news of the loss of Morient City. If the commanding high-level commander in command of the more than 400,000 business alliance armed forces is decisive, they will be able to approach Moriente within ten days. Although Lorester had arranged for the Flying Tiger Army and Cavalry Army to contain the Armed Forces of the Commercial Alliance, after all, the Commercial Alliance has more than 400,000 armed forces. If half of it is divided, the perfect defense facilities on the Mana Hill Plain will be enough to resist. Live the onslaught of the Flying Tiger Legion and the Cavalry Legion in a short time.

Lorester's original plan was to withstand the counterattack of the Commercial Alliance under the city of Morente. As long as it was delayed for seven or eight days, until the arrival of the Flying Tiger Army and the Cavalry Army, there were tigers and wolves in front of them, and they disappeared in the middle. How can the back road business alliance arms not collapse? As long as you get through this hurdle, the Norton family will have a good harvest.

But now Morient City is short of food, which almost puts Lorister on the crater about to erupt. There are more than one million residents in the 24th district of the outer city, and only two corps with nearly 24,000 troops are maintaining order. The current suppression of several small violence* can be regarded as a deterrent to these residents, and they are temporarily in peace. The state of affairs. But if a large-scale resistance riot broke out due to lack of food, coupled with the situation of foreign enemies, Morente City is likely to fall into the hands of the business alliance again, there is nothing to say at that time.

"Tagger, how did the food supply in the 24th district of the outer city be solved?" Lorist asked.

"His Royal Highness, the Business Alliance basically provides a batch of grain to the grain shops in the 24th district of the outer city every half a month, most of which are coarse grains, and then every household can use the registered household book to go to the grain shops for use. To buy these grains at a reasonable price, each household has a quota. If the quota is exceeded, more money will need to be paid.

Not only these grains, but even meat, wine, cloth, leather, and some livelihood products have been purchased quantitatively. As long as the price is very low within this quantitative amount, but if the order exceeds this order, you will need to pay several times the money. Now there are some dealers specializing in reselling these quotas in Morient. It is said that their monthly income has several Golden Fords..." Tagle opened a folder and reported.

Wait, Lorist is a little dizzy. Why does this thing sound so familiar? It seems to be the planned distribution during the period when the planned economy was implemented in the previous life? I remember that when I was young, my grandfather and grandma had to bring a lot of cloth tickets, food tickets, meat tickets and so on. Once I was greedy and took a cloth ticket in exchange for maltose, and my grandpa found out that he was beaten severely. Remember that grandpa said that he was greedy and wanted to eat sweets. Grandpa is not blamed. He beat you because you didn't tell him. That is the act of stealing and must be taught!

The businessmen of these business alliances really didn't know what they thought, and they even formed the distribution system of the planned economy. Lorist asked curiously: "Haven't the residents of Morente protested this? And how are the food shops that distribute these materials managed?"

Tagore shook his head: "His Royal Highness, the residents of Moriente are easily incited. The slogan of the business alliance is that everything is for the front. They think that as long as they defeat the invaders of the Andinac Kingdom, everything can be restored to its original state. It seems that the purpose of suffering now is to live a happier life in the future. Moreover, although the grain on the ration is coarse grain, it is better than the price. There are also fine grains, but the price is a bit more expensive. Many families prefer to eat coarse grains. Sell ​​the fine grain ration sheet to earn some extra money.

In the past few days, I sent people into the 24th district of the outer city to investigate. Nothing else was found, but the investigation was very clear. According to those investigators, the cheapest food in Moriente now is potatoes and dried salted fish. Potatoes come from the Cristo hills, and dried salted fish are caught by the fishermen of Moriente in the Golden Bay in the past few years. Nobody used to eat it, but now it has become the main dish for residents in the 24th district of the outer city.

Our family has taken the city of Moriente armed, and now the potatoes and meat from the Cristo hills are not available. Lord Belunek led a Rock Corps to occupy the storage base outside the East Gate, and found that the number of potatoes and coarse grains in stock was not large. After statistics, it can only supply the residents of the 24th district of the outer city normally for ten days. , Unless it is to reduce the orders of each household, it can last for 14 to five days. There are a lot of dried salted fish, but this stuff can't fill your stomach.

All quantified material sales are under the responsibility of the various chambers of commerce in the business alliance. For example, coarse grains, fine grains and meat, belong to the Fude Chamber of Commerce, fabrics and leather are the old business of the Peterson Chamber of Commerce, luxury condiments like honey and spices belong to the May Flower Chamber of Commerce, and the Leward Chamber of Commerce takes care of the distribution of other living supplies , The Cheekde Chamber of Commerce is a seafood product, and the Double-headed Dragon Chamber of Commerce is a variety of rare ingredients, exclusively for the rich and nobles to purchase.

In short, the current Morient City is very divided between the rich and the poor. The rich and powerful can buy whatever they want to eat as usual, and those who have no money and power can only rely on orders to allocate these things and barely support their families. Among other things, even the beef and mutton that everyone in our family territory can afford is sold at sky-high prices, at least ten times higher than ours. I heard that some people in the 24th district of the outer city organized mouse traps to catch mice and sell meat...

It is worth noting that, your Highness, the shops of the various chambers of commerce in the 24th district of the outer city after we captured the city of Morient are now closed. In the past, residents in the 24th district of the outer city used to purchase all the necessary food and daily necessities in one go in the first few days after the order was distributed. It is now less than three or four days before the next order is allocated, and the shops are still closed. Therefore, the residents in the 24th district of the outer city are now a little commotion. They are worried that they will not be able to buy food and living supplies. Supplies..."

Lorist walked around with his chin. After listening to Tagger’s report, the situation was a bit grim. The top priority was to appease the residents of the 24th district of the outer city. The maintenance of stability is now the most important thing. At the crucial moment of the battle, a rebellion broke out in Morente City, and all previous efforts were lost.

"Let Torrin, Belunek, and Jades come to see me right away, and send someone to order El and Oviz to withdraw all the supplies from Thomas City and Gypsy City to Moriente as soon as possible. "Lorister gave two orders, and several guards hurried away.

"Tagger, send a letter of eagle transmission, let Baron Shrider and Supervisor Speer of the family territory organize a transport fleet as soon as possible to store nearly a million pieces of Warcraft fur in the family territory and all the living supplies stockpiled in the territory. The goods are transferred to Silovas Island, waiting for my next order, and at the same time, let Baron Shred and Director Speer bring a group of capable civilian officials to Moriente as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Highness, I'll do it right away," Tagore replied.

"Wait, Tagore, you send someone to inform the clubs and organizations in the 24th district of the outer city that Moriente is responsible for, and invite them to a symposium on my behalf. "Lorist stopped Tagore.

Tolin is the father of Tok, the deputy commander of the North Sea Fleet. He is only responsible for the logistics of the North Sea Fleet because he is old. This time Lorist asked him to lead a dozen large armed battleships equipped with bronze artillery to blockade the mouth of the Tibetan Golden Bay. This task he accomplished very well.

Torrin arrived first, followed by Jades, and the last one was Belunek from the storage base outside the East Gate. Seeing them coming, Lorist also straightforwardly introduced them to the difficulties the family armed forces are facing now and the current situation, and then he started to call.

"Uncle Tolin, you go to the fleet area, let Pachico cooperate with you, call up a group of crews and sailors of the invincible fleet that surrendered to send the remaining transport ships to Silovas Island, let Pachico transfer a battalion Responsible for escort, take as many transport ships as you can take, and you must leave before tomorrow afternoon. I will give you twelve days to transport the grains from Hilovas Island.

In addition, I’ll write you a warrant. If you encounter Sunbarwood’s North Sea Fleet on the road, he will not need to come to the Golden Bay and turn around and return to Silovas Island to complete this food transportation mission. Do you understand? "Lorister's first point was Torlin, and he could feel relieved by bringing the grain from Silovas Island earlier.

This time Lorist regretted sending the surrendered crew and sailors of the Fourth Squadron and their relatives to Silovas Island the day before yesterday. He had known that he would save it until today. The remaining crew members and sailors in the fleet area either have no family members or have relatives who died under the attack of the North Sea Fleet. The labels on them are unreliable elements. It can be said that it is very risky to let Thorin lead the transport fleet on this trip.

"Yes, your Highness, please rest assured, I will come back with food." Tolin said, time is precious, he retired and immediately went to the fleet area.

"Jades, you immediately seal the business area and start searching all the chambers of commerce's material warehouses. All the found properties are shipped to the inner city. The remaining materials are sealed and put in a list and turned in, waiting for my next order."

"Yes, Your Highness," Jeds saluted immediately.

"Berunet, you take a battalion to the Cristo Hills, not to collect grain, but to purchase, whether it is potatoes or other coarse grains, all are purchased at half the market price. If the farmers there transport the grain by themselves If we get to Moriente, we will buy it at double the price, and we will also buy the cattle and sheep at double the market price. Also, I only give you three days, you don’t need to go deep into the Cristo hills. , We just need to spread the news of our purchase, understand?"

"Understood, sir, I will do it right away," Berunek said.

The next day, Lorist met the leaders of the organizations that had been invited in a large conference room. Among them was the former brother of Ledos, El. It's just that he hasn't seen each other for ten years, Ludos has a strange look in his eyes, and he didn't say hello to Lorist. After all, the fortunes of the two sides have been very different. After El insisted on following Lorist, Ledos became the leader of the society. More than a decade later, Ledos was still the leader of the society, but Klorist went from a dark iron mercenary to a well-known swordsman on the mainland, and the Northland Grand Duke of the Antinac Kingdom.

"Gentlemen, our Norton family occupied Morient for peace, not for plundering wealth." Lorist said brazenly, regardless of whether these people here believe it or not. After talking about the reasons for occupying Moriente in order to achieve a permanent peace between the two countries and forcing the business alliance to sign a peace agreement, Loriste revealed his purpose.

"Our Norton family promises not to plunder all the residents in the 24th district of the outer city, as long as they do not engage in any resistance or rebellion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have just said that what we are opposed to is only for our own ambitions. And the innocent Moriente residents were involved in the chamber of commerce in this **** war, so even if we have to confiscate only those chamber of commerce materials, not the residents of the 24th district of the outer city.

Please be quiet. I know what you want to say. Indeed, all the living materials and food distribution of the residents in the 24th district of the outer city are in the hands of the various chambers of commerce. If the materials of the chambers of commerce are confiscated, it will cost a million more. The residents of Special City are in trouble and unable to make a living. However, in order to express our sincerity in pursuing peace, we will not ignore these million residents. All the materials of the chamber of commerce must be confiscated, but the confiscated living materials and food and grass will be sold at a low price or distributed to all outer cities for free. The residents of District 24...

Gentlemen, in the past, you were only responsible for the public security, health, taxation and other chores in each community, while the transactions of living materials and food were in the hands of the major chambers of commerce. Now that there is no chamber of commerce, I hope that you can take on the heavy responsibility of solving problems for the residents of the 24th district of the outer city, assisting us in distributing or selling these living materials and food to the residents of the respective responsible communities, and maintaining the 24th district of the outer city. Peace and stability..."

The corner of Lorist’s mouth evokes an arc: “There is also good news. In three days, we will distribute a batch of grain for free to all residents in the 24th district of the outer city. Each person can get ten catties of potatoes and one catty of dried salted fish, whether adults or children. At the same time, we will also take out the living materials confiscated by various chambers of commerce and sell them to all residents at very low prices. You will be responsible for the sale of these materials."


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