Chapter 547 Debate

"Ledos, you are so courageous, you dare to persuade El to turn away from the Norton family in private! Do you not put me in your eyes?" Lorist rushed to come to participate in the military meeting and visit his Ludos by the way. Talk to Gary Lando.

Ledos shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands in a helpless gesture, without a word of excuse. And Gary Lando next to him blew his beard and stared: "What's the matter, can't I let my nephew come back to help his own brother? Boy Locke, don't think that you are a great Duke and Juggernaut. You are so. Why are you still dragging Ayr back to his hometown? Now that Morient City has no big chambers of commerce, his brother Ledos is in charge of the Liberty League again, and Ayr won’t come back to help him. Brother, does this make sense?"

Ledos looked at Gary Lando with a wry smile again, and Lorist understood immediately, dare to believe that all of this was always playing tricks. Remembering that Lorist invited veteran students from the Dawn Academy of Family Knights to a party in Lao Jia’s Red Crow Tavern one night last year. It was a relived dream. El and Redy also went. Lao Jia babbled that night, saying that El and Reddy both went to the remote Northland to start a family, and did not miss his uncle at all. He hoped that El and Reddy would return to their own family. People live with harmony and beauty.

And El and Redy meant that they wanted Lao Jia's family to move to their territory to live, so that it would be convenient for them to visit and take care of Lao Jia's family. But the stubborn Lao Jia died and did not agree to leave Morient City. Lorist and Fatty Shi also persuaded a few words, but the drunk Lao Jia said angrily: "He will not become a A loyal leader of a lord, even if it is Lorist, don’t even want to climb on his head. He is a free man, a glorious and independent Moriente. Their family was born in a free Moriente. People will never become someone's servant or vassal..."

The atmosphere at the time was a bit embarrassing, and Lorist said with a mockery of himself: "Well, Lao Jia, you are a real Moriente, a true liberal. We don't persuade you to leave Moriente..."

That night because of this incident, the final ending was unhappy. But what Lorist didn't expect was that Lao Jia would not give up and wanted to call El and Redy back.

Lorist smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Old Canada, don't make trouble, okay, everyone has their own ambitions. El and Redy have developed very well in our Norton family. El has already established a family in the Northland. Although Reddy He didn’t officially have a family, but he also had a kid. In two years El will be promoted to Viscount, and I will replace him with a large territory. What can you do if you send him back to Moriente now? It is the boss of Ledos. Now Ledos has become the governor of the Liberty League. You asked El to be Ledos's subordinates. Have you ever considered El’s face..."

Lorist is the end, and Gary Lando is the elder of Ledos and El. Now Ledos has something to do. Hope that Gary Lando will come out to help him. There is no problem. But El is different, not to mention that he has a bright future in the Norton family, he is Lorester’s confidant, and he married and had a family in Northland and gave birth to children. It is said that El was organized by a society in Morente. The black boss, Ledos is his deputy and close brother. Now, in turn, let El give up his title and territory, go out to the Norton family and return to Morient to become Ledos’s subordinates, not to mention whether there are any brain problems. It's a face but a man can't stand it.

"What does this have to do? Isn't it the same for brothers who are up and down?" Gary Lando is still very stiff, he is a dead brain, and his mind is still the mercenary group when he was young. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The heavier it is, for the sake of the brothers: "What is so great about being a viscount? No matter how big the territory is, it is not as remote and desolate as there are no people. The city of Morente is now as it was before, becoming more and more lively and prosperous. Hometown, don’t you come back and stay in the north to work hard?

What's more, there is nothing good about being a nobleman. Apart from oppressing the leader, it means fighting each other and flattering the upper lord. El is a sincere child. He can be easily deceived by mixing up with you nobles and even the bones will be swallowed up. Don’t look at him as a legion commander now. You still use him. When you don’t need it, you will throw it away like a rag. It’s not that I said you, kid Locke, even if you’ve always valued El, take care of El. Er, but what about your son and grandson, how will you treat El's descendants in the future? Maybe you can take any mistakes and excuses to deprive El’s grandchildren of everything, so it’s better to return to Moriente as a free man and live a stable life..."

Lorist couldn't laugh or cry at once. It turned out that Lao Jia had considered that El's descendants had gone there. This brain was too open, and Lorist had to express admiration.

"Lao Jia, do you think too much? Even if I am a Juggernaut, there is no guarantee that El's family will develop in a hundred years. In addition, the aristocracy is not as chaotic as you think. I admit the nobility. There are many scum in China, but more nobles still insist on adhering to ancient traditions and virtues, such as our Norton family.

In addition, I regret that your vision is so narrow. The Northland is not as remote and desolate as you said. The Northland alone now has a population of more than three million, which is equivalent to three Moriente cities. Also, El’s territory is not in the North, but in the province of Dremque, known as the granary of the empire. The land there is no less fertile than the Mana Hill Plain. El and Redy don’t need to exploit him. Leading the people, the output of the light territory reaches more than 10,000 Jinford every year. "

Lorist had to cite detailed data to show that El and Reddy were not the rags that the Norton family used to throw away: "The land of El and Reddy currently has more than 13,000 people, and they have formed their own A garrison of a hundred people. El already has his own three family knights, and Reddy has two attendants. However, they entrust the management of the territory to our family, according to the tax of 50% , After paying 10% of the family contribution, they can also get 40% of the income from the territory, which is more than 10,000 Golden Ford, plus their salary and welfare subsidies in the family armed forces, the total annual income can reach about 20,000 Golden Ford , This has exceeded the total income of many territories earls.

When El and Reddy retire from the armed forces of the family in the future, they can return to their territories to spend their old age peacefully and at ease. As for their children and grandchildren, according to our family’s rules, they must also begin to receive traditional aristocratic education when they are young, and they must also go to Nico College and Chenxi College to receive cultural knowledge and quality education for more than six years. Successful children and grandchildren can enter We serve in the armed and administrative systems of the Norton family, and perhaps even better ones will be directly accepted as disciples by me, just like Reddy. So Lao Jia, you don't have to think too much and want to be crooked..."

"What are you talking about? Only 50% of the tax?" Now even Ledos was surprised. This can be said to be the lowest land tax on the Gellington continent. Generally speaking, it is 60% or 70%, that is, 60% or 70% of the yield of the land harvested by the lord, and only 40% or 30% of the harvested land. This is still a benevolent and kind lord, and many are divided into two. After a year of hard work, the people got not enough for the whole family. Like the Liberty Alliance last year, it reorganized the farms that were reclaimed in Thomas City and Gipses City. After the sale of the farms, the tax revenue reached 60% of the land produced.

In the past few years, the business alliance called on everyone to do everything for the alliance. The farm taxation on the Faliqiu Plain has reached a frenzied 82%, and it is not grain that is grown, but the high-priced economic crops needed by various chambers of commerce. The grown crops must be sold first before buying grain, so in the process of selling and buying, they were scoured by those chambers of commerce. As a result, in less than three years, the independent farms on the Faliqiu Plain went bankrupt, and most of the farmland fell into the hands of the Fude Chamber of Commerce...

"Yes, the land tax requirement for our family territory is 50%, and it will always be 50%. As long as it is the land of all the nobles within the jurisdiction of our Norton family, the tax on the land must not exceed 60%. In addition, the tax on our family territory Miscellaneous taxes are 10%, and taxes on businesses and workshops and mines are basically only about 5-10%, and there are even tax rebates and subsidies. Only some luxury goods will exceed 10%. Taxation.” Lorist replied very positively. Originally, he wanted to reduce the tax on the farmland to less than 30%, but he was persuaded by Fatty Shi. Good to implement this maverick tax policy, so as not to be isolated by the aristocracy.

"Why do you do this?" Dulles asked with interest.

"It's very simple. With more income, you can buy the daily necessities produced by the family. Only when you have enough food and clothing can you get happiness and satisfaction, and will work harder to produce and work to increase your income. Our family is Treat the leader as a human being, not as a squeeze that consumes labor and wealth." Lorist said.

"It's not the same. It sounds good. Now you can be a benevolent lord, but what about your offspring? As long as there is a tyrannical and greedy lord, everything will be restored to the original state, not to mention the poor lord. For a nobleman like El, you can confiscate everything he has without a word from your Norton family. So for a person, freedom is the most important thing. Use your own hands to create a better future , Instead of relying on the Lord’s gift to get a happy life..." Gary Lando sneered.

Lorist patted his forehead with his hand in distress. Lao Jia is a deeply liberal patient. The views he said are the concepts commonly accepted by the millions of residents of Morente. This is also Lorist. The most taboo point. It’s ridiculous that when they slandered the territorial aristocracy system practiced by the Gherint subcontinent for thousands of years, they, the liberals, forgot the deceptive squeeze they were subjected to during the business alliance rule. They were just another It's just a form of leadership, but they don't know it, but they are proud of it.

Is there real freedom in this world? Lorist is very suspicious. Just as recorded in the history of the Asian continent, the Age of Doom is a thousand years of darkness. Without the sword saints and sword gods created by the magicians, humans have always been in the fight against Warcraft. Disadvantages, it was not until humans learned how to use fighting spirits to gradually become the master of the continent. In the latter part of the dark millennium, those human beings who had awakened their bloodlines and possessed fighting spirit became heroes and became the people's support. They were the first batch of territorial nobles.

The history of the continent after the dark millennium is the history of the hegemony of the nobles in these territories. They fought each other, annexed and surrendered, and finally formed kingdoms one after another, which resisted the current situation of the Gailint subcontinent. From a critical point of view, it was these territorial nobles who brought wars and sacrifices to the people, but from another perspective, it was these territorial aristocrats who brought order and development to the people of the mainland, and more than a thousand after that. In the years, rules and traditional virtues were established for later nobles.

"Old Jia..." Lorist shook his head and sighed: "I don't know how you developed your prejudice against the nobility and the absurd conclusions you reached. In fact, the territorial aristocracy system implemented on the mainland for more than a thousand years You have already put an end to what you think the upper lords can do with the lower lords at will. Like our Norton family, which has many subordinate aristocrats, it is absolutely impossible to deprive the subordinate aristocrats of their titles and territories at will. It is possible to arbitrarily deal with the safety of the lives and property of the nobles of the subordinates. Unless the nobles of the subordinates have committed an unforgivable crime or there is definite evidence to prove their intention to rebel, which has been confirmed by the nobles of other subordinates. Only with support can we punish the nobleman in the territory.

In a sense, the aristocracy is the supporter and guardian of the lawful camp. What we want more is order and development rather than chaotic anarchism. Besides, you liberals have forgotten that before our family’s armed forces landed in the Golden Bay and captured Moriente, you were ruled by the commercial alliance during the period of life. Could it be that you think that the quantitative single distribution system is the real one? freedom of?

I think that only within the framework of an orderly management system can an individual have the freedom he thinks. Just like the current Liberty Alliance has done, formulating laws and regulations can guarantee the freedom that you urban residents have. This is actually similar to the territorial aristocracy. The lord is kinder and treats the lord like a free alliance. The lord is harsher and becomes a business alliance. No matter how much you brag about your freedom, you still live under a system. It is nothing more than the absence of a lord in name. In fact, you are also another form of lord..."

Lao Jia stopped talking. Although Lorist said it bluntly, it was not without reason. Instead, Ledos asked a question: "Brother Locke, I have always been worried about one thing, that is, the Freedom League was first established, and there is no problem now, but if it continues to develop, will it be like the commercial alliance, with wealth and prominence? Will the people in China be dissatisfied with their mediocre status and will once again go the same way as a business alliance and become another business alliance?"

Lorist laughed. He understood the meaning of this question raised by Ledos: "Of course there is a great possibility, but this may be a problem that will only appear many years later. The solution to this problem is actually very simple. That is to implement the lord system."

"Lord system?" Ledos was anxious: "Isn't that the same as the business alliance again?"

" I said that the lord system is different from the business alliance." Lorist waved his hand: "The lord system implemented by the business alliance is actually the feudal system of territorial nobility. This is the business alliance. The biggest mistake and the root cause of the decline of Morente City. And the lordship system I said should be called the honorary title system, let the title become a symbol of honor and status, for example, each title has a fixed amount of capital income every year , To establish his manor residence within the designated area, each title has a different courtesy method, except for no territory, other aspects are no different from the territory nobles, so that it will not disperse the power like a business alliance Going to their respective chambers of commerce territory will instead encourage more people to work hard to obtain the title of the Liberty League."

Ledos was a little bit comprehend and a little confused, he muttered and asked, "Is this possible?"

Lorist said: "You can talk to someone after you go back and see what other people think. I'll just talk about it."

Genorio opened the door to remind him: "Your Highness, the time has come. Please move to the meeting room with you and the two adults. The meeting will begin soon."


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