Chapter 143: There’s no way it’s possible

What in the world is going on? 

To begin with, Karendoll, just like Bridgette, hated that scum of a man Kaisar, though they both had slightly different perspectives. Even so, they were almost the same.

Bridgette, for instance, detested crookedness, and Karendoll despised those who did not carry out the duties of nobility and lived as they pleased. But all of a sudden, Bridgette happened to announce herself a slave of that crooked Kaisar, and now Karendoll is saying that she got engaged to the very waste of nobility she hated. No matter how you look at it, this can’t be normal.

In the first place, didn’t Karendoll ever want to have a fiancée? Wasn’t she only interested in me?

After thinking about it, I came up with one possibility.

That must be because I’ve never treated Karendoll as one of the many women who gather around me, let alone the ones engaged to me. And since I have recently been so focused on Sufia, I wonder if Karendoll is trying to get my attention by pretending to be Kaisar’s fiancée.

So I decided there’s no mistaking this thought.

Being smart is one thing, but it’s no fun solving a puzzle like this so quickly.

However, once I figured that out, I should go and console Karendoll, whom I am still making lonely by not paying attention to her.

“Forgive me, Sufia. I care about you, but I care about Karendoll just as much. I know you don’t like the idea of me acting for another woman when I have you, Sufia, but you have to understand. I can’t choose just one of you. If I did, I’m afraid to lose my mind—”

“Stop talking to me. You’re making me sick. I told you yesterday not to talk to me at all. What is it this time? Why are you talking to me first thing in the morning? And do you make it sound like you’re saying nice things instead of telling me to forgive you because you are a cheater? Even if it’s because you’re royalty, would you say that to a woman you like? Did you forget your sensitivity when you were born? Or are you just an idiot? In the first place, I told you yesterday that I think you’re no better than Kaisar. What is wrong with your head? Is it all empty, Your Highness Claude?”

“You don’t have to be so shy, okay? I know Sufia that you’re embarrassed to say how you feel, especially to the man you like, so you unintentionally say the exact opposite of what you feel. Well, I’ll be off then.”

“Just please don’t talk to me. And stop being obsessed with me for the rest of your life. If you continue to disregard my warning and get involved with me, I will have to consult with the headmaster.”

Then, I left Sufia, who couldn’t be honest with me and headed for Karendoll.

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