The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter Nine The Powerful Praying

Later, Xi Wei found the bodies of several other baboons near the cherry baboon.

Most of them died in the same miserable state as the one discovered at first, while a few others had most of their bodies eaten, leaving only the difficult-to-swallow remains such as the head and limbs.

Through the investigation of this killing scene, Xi Wei got a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that, judging from the footprints and some other marks on the ground, the invading predator was not a herd creature and should have only one head.

The bad news is that judging from the amount of wreckage, the intruder's appetite can be regarded as terrifying. If left unchecked, it won't be long before the ecological balance on this hill will be completely destroyed by the invaders.

After wandering around the mountain for a while, but after searching to no avail, Xi Wei returned to his mage's tower halfway up the mountain. And stood at the intersection, hesitating whether to go down the mountain to pick up Alisa.

But before he could think about it, the small figure of Alisa appeared on the mountain road with a bamboo basket.

It seemed that everything was fine, Xi Wei was slightly relieved.

At dusk, Alisa exhaled lightly, opened her eyes, and ended her more than four hours of meditation, only to find that her teacher was not meditating with her eyes closed as usual, but was feeling a little uneasy Standing at the window, looking out of the tower.

Before the blond girl could speak, Xi Wei realized that she had finished meditating. Turning around, he asked, "Are you leaving?"

The girl nodded obediently, and the braids on both sides of her head danced with her movements, looking very cute.

"I'll see you off."

After all, it was an extraordinary time, and if something happened to his precious student, he would not even have time to cry.

Xi Wei walked near the door and picked up an extremely rough staff.

The unlucky guy in Xi Wei's predecessor needed to chant to cast spells, and this staff was helpful in speeding up spellcasting. But now Xi Wei was able to cast magic silently. With this near-instant technique, the accelerated casting effect of the wand was no longer useful to him.

But anyway, this thing looks quite strong, if you encounter any situation and it is too late to cast spells, you can still use it for hand-to-hand combat...

Xi Wei felt that he was very considerate.

"Hey, teacher..." Alisa didn't expect Xi Wei to say that, she didn't realize it for a while, she blinked her big water blue eyes blankly, and then a faint blush spread on her jade-white cheeks Kailai, she lowered her head and said softly: "This is not very good..."

"It's okay." Xi Wei, who was so focused on the mysterious predator, naturally didn't notice the little girl's pretty face: "I'm your teacher."

In the end Xi Wei ignored the little girl's objection and sent her down the mountain. Fortunately, nothing happened.

After explaining that Alisa didn't need to deliver food at night, Xi Wei told her to go back quickly.

Seeing the back of the little girl who seemed to be in a good mood, bouncing towards the village, Xi Wei felt a little relieved.

He didn't dare to meditate for a while until the problem of the predator was resolved. If when the meditation ended and he opened his eyes and found himself facing a big mouth full of sharp teeth, his little heart from modern times couldn't stand it.

"I don't know if my body will stay in the dungeon or stay in this world when I play the dungeon..."

Just as Xi Wei was muttering and walking back to the mage's tower, he noticed a faint smell of blood in the air.

Maintaining vigilance, Xi Wei clenched the staff in his hand and touched in the direction of the bloody smell.

I saw a mountain elk lying dead on the ground in a small open space not far from the mountain road.

This kind of crusade level is only level 1. It is good at running. It looks a bit like an elk. It has almost no means of attack, and its meat is tender and its fur is gorgeous. It is the favorite prey of hunters who go hunting in the mountains.

However, the mountain elk in front of Xi Wei obviously did not die naturally. Its neck bone seemed to have been bitten off, twisted into an awkward angle, most of its internal organs were eaten away, and almost all the flesh on its body was eaten.

However, those flies that are extremely sensitive to corpses haven't gathered much yet.

This shows that the mountain elk was killed not long ago, and indirectly shows that the other party eats very fast...

If the other party's foraging route was a little bit off at that time, I and Alyssa might be regarded as dinner on the plate.

If it was before the soul wear, it would be better to say that Xi Wei's predecessor was a real low-level mage, and the crusade against monsters below level 10 was not a threat to him at all. Even against those with a subjugation level of 10 or above, they are not invincible!

But the problem is that the current Xi Wei is purely a mage apprentice who is slightly stronger than ordinary people. In addition to the magic missile that comes with it, the only magic learned is fireball! And Nima is still inferior!

It's really hard to say who has a better chance of winning when encountering a mysterious predator.

Why don't you just give up here and live at Alisa's house for a while?

As soon as this idea came up, Xi Wei strangled him to death. Although there is no such thing as a demon in magic practice, if something leaves a shadow, whether it is meditation to temper magic power or understanding of magic mysteries, it will have a big impact.

To paraphrase a certain novel, it means that if one's thoughts are not clear, how can one improve one's skill greatly!

"As long as the metal resources are collected in the next dungeon early this morning, the Dean's Mage Tower can be built, and there will be no worries at that time!"

Unlike Xi Wei's own mage tower, mage towers in the true sense are equipped with various magical defense measures, and some powerful mage towers can even attack actively! If the mage tower produced by the system is more powerful, then the mysterious predators and so on will not be a concern at all.

Thinking of this, Xi Wei managed to pull himself together, and walked cautiously towards his stone building, which could not be called a mage's tower at all.

After returning to the mage's tower, he dragged all the furniture in the tower to the door to block the door, which felt a little safe.

Then he simply sat on the ground and began to meditate.

There is still a lot of time until twelve o'clock in the morning, even if you are mentally damaged, you must meditate desperately, and seize every minute to improve your strength!

After discovering that the super academy system he was carrying was useful, Xi Wei subconsciously relaxed himself, thinking that as long as he relied on that system, he would soon be able to surpass ordinary people even if he didn't work hard.

However, the appearance of predators made him completely awake, and he understood that even if he had a system that surpassed ordinary people's common sense, if he didn't work hard to improve his strength, he would become the ration of wild beasts if he was not careful!

Although the appearance of predators put Xi Wei in a dangerous situation, it also became an opportunity for Xi Wei to become stronger. This is the so-called blessing of misfortune.

{Floating astronomy

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