Chapter 65 – Irrevocable (1)

Translator: Lunarise

Editor: Larkspur

Rosha’s skills were indeed amazing. No, they were perfect. Lustian’s scar was completely gone, it looked like it wasn’t there at all. The pair of master and retainer stared in stupefaction as they watched the magic unfold before their very eyes.

“I suppose it makes sense since you have enough skills to disguise the princess’s face into that of a simple woman. Good work.”

Kyle tried to offer her a few pieces of gold as payment, but Rosha would not accept it. She simply stepped back with her hands clasped humbly in front of her.

“I’m just thankful that you didn’t punish the princess. If you approve of my skill, then I would be glad to cover up Your Imperial Highness’s scars while you are staying in the palace.” As she spoke this, she was visibly very nervous.

Lustian chuckled at the sight of her. Rosha stared awe-struck at the beautiful face of the crown prince. The hand that had touched his face trembled slightly.

“That’s what I wanted to say. All right then, from now on you’re responsible for covering my wound. If Viola were to see this, she would definitely be upset.”

A day passed. In order to stay calm, Viola continued with the same routine. Underneath, a hurricane was thrashing about, but on the surface, she appeared as calm as a sailboat floating atop a lake.

Then, as night drew nearer, she became nervous.

“Your Imperial Highness, your bedchamber has been prepared.”

A maid entered and bid her go to the crown princess’s bedchamber. But Viola didn’t move at all from the room that she had been assigned to when she first entered the imperial villa.

She had been organizing her thoughts throughout the day and had decided to start over from the very beginning. Once the six months’ training-period was complete, she would make sure to be disqualified as a candidate for the crown princess’s seat. She would not wait two whole years. Starting today, she was back to being a regular candidate. Now that Lustian’s identity had been unveiled, the maids that had previously worked at the palace had now returned.

Okay. Since he doesn’t have anything to hide anymore, I’m sure he’ll walk in through the front door.

Viola turned her gaze to the window. It was almost time for him to arrive.

Of course, being the crown prince he could come and go to the imperial villa as he pleased, but he had not shown himself all day. Since he had suffered a large wound to the face, he was probably getting treated somewhere.

Viola lifted her teacup. Just when she realized that the hand that was holding the cup was trembling violently, it slipped from her grasp. She couldn’t move her fingers.

Why… for what reason… is it that she is unable to properly use her hand that she had hurt him with? She couldn’t fathom why, but this was the third time today.

It’s just from shock. Since I’ve never stabbed anyone before… Even if it’s someone that has fallen in love with me…

Her emotions threatened to sweep over her again, but as if to comfort her, Ming jumped onto her lap at that moment. He gently licked her face with his little tongue. Comforted by his cuteness, her unpleasant emotions passed. She stroked his soft fur and basked in the tactile sensation.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be strong.”

As she was being comforted by Ming, the door suddenly swung open. He had finally arrived. Her heart dropped.

Viola’s gaze first went to his cheek. She didn’t know what sort of treatment he had received, but the wound had completely healed without a trace. His face was as beautiful and perfect as ever.

What in the world? What kind of medicine could have done this… a healing stone?

The thought that her act of vengeance was rendered futile made her grit her teeth, but at the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief.

His garments were especially splendid today. Normally, he was garbed in resplendence akin to nobility, but today he wore the official purple garments of a crown prince. Rather than being the clothes that made him look good, Lustian’s face itself was a work of art that was enhanced by his handsome clothes. He was so fancily dressed that it wouldn’t be surprising to see him at a ball, Viola thought distastefully. He was dressed up from head to toe; he practically sparkled.

“I’ll also have a cup of tea.”

“Yes, Your Imperial Highness.”

As soon as Lustian sat across from the princess, the maid put down the tea and disappeared.

Viola looked at him with a face full of dread. She made no secret and openly displayed her discomfort to him. In her mind, she was calmly weighing the recourse of this relationship. Firstly, once these next five months were up, she would have to tell him she wanted a divorce…

Her heart raced, she still couldn’t believe it.

Lustian, leader of the Blood Army and Commander of the Knights Lune…

She didn’t know which of the faces were truly his. Her thoughts entangled again leaving her mind in utter chaos. After a few moments of struggle, she was finally able to express the decision she had come to earlier.

“Starting today, I’m back to being a regular candidate. Since this little game is over, I will leave the palace once the remaining five months of training is over.”

“That won’t be possible.”

“And why is that?”

“The length of our contract is two years. There will be no divorce before that period ends.”


She had known that he wouldn’t agree to her terms easily, but the fact that he said no without even a moment’s hesitation fueled her rage. Was this really the man that had deceived her? Without so much as an apology, he was blatantly leering at her with a deadpan face. What is he thinking? He isn’t suspecting her, is he?

His upper lip curled up slightly, revealing white teeth. “You’ll be moving locations tomorrow. Be ready.”

“Am I being moved to the Concubines’ Palace?” she asked with gritted teeth.

“The Crown Princess Palace.” It was as if her disdain was invisible to him.

“What?!” Viola was utterly flabbergasted.

“You’re my wife,” he said nonchalantly, “you’ll be living in the Crown Princess Palace.”

“Hah, Crown Princess? Are you telling me to become your Crown Princess now?” She looked at him in disbelief.


Viola had no intention of becoming Crown Princess. If she did, the two-year contract could easily become a twenty-year contract. Of course, there was no precedent of a regular princess ever taking the seat of the crown princess, but for some reason, it felt like he could make that happen.

Crown Princess? Do you think I, in my right mind, would ever want to become Empress of this empire?!

There was absolutely no way!

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