The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 330: Situation for half a month

Before the death, the screams of despair, the voice of despair, the sound of the blade stabbing into the human body, the sound of the human body being thrown and flying to the ground, countless sounds passed into the ear of the empress, and she was as unheard.

At this moment she was sitting on a horse, and the bun was not sure when it would be untied and scattered, and a green silk sprinkled behind her like a waterfall.

Around the steed is a dead body.

One of them opened his eyes in anger, and the body of a middle-aged military general with iron armor was the general of the 25,000 army. However, his identity did not help him at this time, but instead became the cause of his death.

Da Xia's commander was dead, and the army began to flee, but the speed of running was far less than the speed of the flying ride. When it was found that no matter who was standing in front, it would be difficult to escape, and if it escaped to both sides, it would be ignored. Under the circumstances, he fled towards both sides quickly, and the battlefield was chaotic.

The ancients bit a large block of the 25,000-strong army, and the others fled towards both sides.

"Your Majesty!" Countless **** soldiers stopped in front of the emperor to regroup.

"Go forward." The Empress turned her head and looked away, her voice cold.

The flying ride rushed towards the 10,000 soldiers outside the east gate of Liaocheng like a sea wave. They almost ushered in the attack of the flying ride just after receiving the news.

"Listen, what's the sound?" Liao Chengcheng's head was covered with blood, and even the minced meat on his face was too lazy to clean up, but the soldiers and civilians of Liao Cheng opened their eyes by closing their eyes against the wall and holding their time. Asked.

"It's reinforcements!" Someone shouted.

"Reinforcement? Reinforcement is here!" When everyone heard the news, they immediately refreshed, and they all got up from the ground and helped the city wall to look outside.

"Too few!" Some people were disappointed to see the number of reinforcements in the distance, and there were indeed too few thousand people. You must know that there are nearly 100,000 Xia Jun around Liaocheng. Even if more than a thousand people rush into the city, they will be more effective than **** wars outside.

But as soon as this thought turned in his head, someone shouted with excitement: "It's flying ride! It's flying ride!"

Although Feiqi has only a thousand people, its strength is comparable to an ancient army of 10,000 people.

It's important not only that, but also the meaning of flying ride.

Flying ride here, did you come down?

The people on the city wall looked around, and soon they saw the red clothes coming slowly from behind.

"Is that Your Majesty?" Many people just saw the red dot in the distance, but couldn't see who it was, just guessing, that would be His Majesty.

After all, those flying riders have killed 10,000 troops, and a red silhouette slowly followed, and everyone except his Majesty could not have thought of it.

"Your Majesty came with a flying ride!" Such a voice gradually spread from the east gate to the city and to the north and west, and the whole city fell into ecstasy.

A general in leather armor quickly rushed to the east gate wall, holding a telescope in his hand and looking in that direction, his face fell into ecstasy: "Really your Majesty!"

At this moment, there was an impulse in his heart, and he immediately rushed out with someone who could still move.

Lao Tzu also fought side by side with His Majesty!

But glances around, seeing the deep exhaustion of ecstasy on everyone's face, still pressed the thought to the bottom of my heart.

When the empress and Feiqi swallowed up this 10,000-strong army, only two or three thousand people fled. The emperor turned her head and looked at the blood-stained wall, and continued in a cold voice: "Go ahead!"

When the emperor and Feiqi arrived in the north of Liaocheng City, they could see that the Daxia Army was slowly retreating, and there was a hundreds of meters of speed bumps between the two sides, which were covered with Tribulus terrestris.

More than one thousand flying rides and five thousand Liaocheng western fierce battles with the Xia Army led to the loss of more than 20,000 troops before being dismissed by Da Xia, who had broken up more than 30,000 troops.

That night, the emperor took a flying ride and met Li Qianqiu's army in Liaocheng.

The flying ride lost only a few dozens, and Li Qianqiu's 5,000 troops in the Central Government Office were left with only 4,000.

Daxia only withdrew more than 40,000 people, and later gathered the remnants to nearly 70,000, and the 30,000 Xia army died.

On the same day, Xia Jun in the direction of Yusheng City continued to march toward the depths of Dayao. Two days later, 200,000 reinforcements in Da Xia crossed Ziyue City and approached Liao City.

At the same time as Daxia ’s reinforcements, the 5,000 troops in the southern capital of Hufu set off in the direction of Lancheng, preparing to intercept more than 80,000 Xia troops marching inland from Yusheng City to Dayao.

At this time, Daxia had already invested 700,000 troops, of which the first 500,000 troops were invested in 200,000 siege of Tiesuoguan and 20,000 in the northern city of Shuncheng. The remaining 300,000 were left in the direction of Yusheng City. More than 10,000 troops and 70,000 troops outside Liaocheng, a total of 150,000, and an unknown number of Daxia martial arts warriors.

According to the estimates of the northern capital city these days, it should be about 10,000, of which the lowest strength is at the level of the human wheel, and there are many masters of the land wheel strength, even if they are not as strong as the ancient fighters of the same strength, However, the fighting power of both sides has been greatly reduced.

Unless they encounter the elite of flying riders, they can cause considerable damage to most of the ancient army, especially they are mixed in the ordinary Xia Army, and appear suddenly as a squad when the battle is entangled, and the threat is particularly great.

Only half a month after the war began, 150,000 troops were damaged. The war in this world was more cruel and **** than Ren Yaqian knew.

After all, the lethality of those masters is too great, far from being comparable to the ordinary people on the earth. Ordinary people may not be able to lift their arms for a quarter of an hour, and for a warrior with a human wheel strength, he can swing a knife for an hour, and even if the ground wheel strength is chopped for a long time, he will not feel too tired.

For the ancients, only 20,000 troops were left in the northern capital of the capital, and the remaining 8,000 troops in the central capital were left with 4,000. The civilian casualties in Ziyue, Liaocheng, and Yusheng City exceeded 10,000.

Ren Baqian listened to the front-line communication in the radio station daily, while using the notes to write down the current war loss ratio. After removing the flying ride, the current loss ratio between Da Yao and Da Xia is 1:10. If the damage of ancient civilians with considerable combat power is counted, it should be within 1:10 or even 1: 5. To the point.

Such a war loss ratio is acceptable for Da Xia ~ ~ but it is difficult for Da Yao.

You must know that there are still 550,000 troops in Daxia, and the ancients can only use the 22,000 troops in the northern capital, plus the remaining 4,000 reinforcements in the central capital, and the southern capital. The 5,000 reinforcements dispatched totaled 30,000. Even if the flying ride was used as a 10,000 army, it was only in the early 40,000s.

And Daxia's confidence is not only in these 700,000 troops, but also in the 500,000 new troops that are being prepared in the rear.

As for Da Yao, there are 20,000 new recruits, and another 20,000 recruits are being recruited.

If the war loss is 1:10, the gap between the two sides will increase.

Ren Baqian also discovered for the first time that there was such a thing that he obviously suffered only one-tenth of the enemy's damage. As a result, his loss was even worse than that of the other party.

After Ren Baqian touched his head for a long time, he was questioned in the radio station full of doubts: "Xia Jun in the direction of Yusheng City advanced to the interior of Da Yao. How did they supplement the forage? They were not afraid of running out of food?"

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