The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 517: No. 1 in the world?

Dozens of people sat in the main hall of Xue Yangcheng's main city.

At the top is three people, one of whom is a young man of about twenty in the British military with a resolute face. This man is the new leader of the Northern Alliance, Tie Ziyu.

The people beside him are the southern capital of Xie Kun, and next to Xie Kun is the blue king of flowers, Rao Yu.

But no matter who sees Rao Yu ’s body weight of three or four hundred pounds, she will feel that Rao Yu ’s name is really blind.

Especially many older generation masters, she could not help recalling the previous generation of Kao, she was really talented.

Under the head of the three men, on the left is a shawl woven with a bright bird feather, showing a bronze chest, a young man with a bright feather crown on his head, and several other men in the same costume under his head.

Opposite him, there were six masters of Shenlun. Three of them turned pale, and suffered minor injuries during the brief encounter.

"This Qi Zixiao is really powerful, Xi Wanya is not easy, those talents are really awesome and terrible!" Said a pale-faced god-wheel master and said, remembering the short-term confrontation just before, he had to admit that the opponent ’s strength was indeed Very strong.

"Thank you Mr. Xiebu and others for help, otherwise we alone will not be able to resist them." Another arched toward the opposite men wearing a bird feather cape and a feather crown.

Not only him, but several others also thanked him.

Although these people called Mr. Bu are not high in strength, they are not ranked as nouns in the ground wheel, but it is not the people who value them, but the few powerful God wheel masters who are still a little higher. Beast.

With the help of these strange beasts, although they are not yet the opponents of the barbarians, they have some self-protection.

If it weren't for Qi Zixiao's shot, the others would not be their opponents.

Before Xie Kun invited these people, no one expected that the Six Doors would be so powerful. They have always regarded them as a small martial art who is proficient in communicating and taming beasts and insects. Although it is true in a certain way, the strength of several strange animals in these six gates is too unexpected.

What is even more difficult to understand is that these six gates obviously have such strong strength, why they have been shrinking in a narrow place, showing nothing.

"Qi Xiaoxiao is indeed very powerful. Tie Shengjun suffered a minor injury. It will take some time to get well." The man wearing a bird feather shawl sitting under the leader of the three major forces began.

Xie Kun heartily understood: "I will provide some sinners to Mr. Bu, in order to restore Tie Shengjun's injury as soon as possible, Mr. Bu can rest assured."

Mr. Bu's bronzed face showed a smile.

Tie Shengjun's self-healing ability is actually good, but eat more people to recover faster.

For Xie Kun's words, others seemed to have not heard.

"Those barbarians thought they had won this time, for fear that they could not have just stepped into our trap. We just want them to think that those rolling stones are our plan to relax their vigilance. If this time, Mr. Ning did a great job. "Another laughed.

"If it weren't for Mr. Youbu's shot, I wouldn't be able to do this even if I thought of it." Sitting under a few Shenluns, a young man with a sullen smile seemed to be twenty-five or sixty-years old and not very capable But sitting under a few masters of Shenlun, still above the position of major generals. From this we can see the status of Mr. Ning.

"Speaking of which, I have to sue to Mr. Ning!" Tie Zizhen smiled.

"Anyway, this fact is unexpected. I didn't expect that the little white face would be mixed up with you as a person out of the country of Yun. Fortunately, it did not cause much trouble." Mr. Ning laughed.

Speaking of this, everyone's faces immediately became weird.

Not only is it causing trouble, it is also a big trouble. Everyone was embarrassed when they remembered the suffocating taste of those days.

"At this time, the side of the mountainside near the mountain road was almost hollowed out. As long as they passed there, the dead men would interrupt the support left by them, and half of the mountain peak would collapse. Even under the sky-changing upheaval, even the flying ride It is also difficult to escape.

Even if Qi Zixiao had nothing to do in the end, would she be able to lay down these three rivers alone? "Mr. Ning smiled a little smugly.

"Mr. Ning's words are extremely true. In this battle, Mr. Ning and Mr. Bu took the lead." Xie Kun finished with a laugh.

"At that time, those traitors should also make them look good. I did not expect that Deng Qingyun sword was the first to take refuge in the barbarian!" Someone later resentfully drew a lot of echoes.

"Let's wait until they survive the day's collapse!" Someone laughed.

"This statement is extremely!"


"Your Majesty, the meat has been roasted, and it's time for dinner." Ren Baqian sat on the barbecue in front of the fire and shouted into the car not far behind him.

At this moment, a few pieces of lamb leaning on the fire, after spraying the spices, sent out a pungent aroma, so that many people around them secretly swallowed.

"My craft, even as a chef, is also a master chef." Ren Baqian smelled a little smug about the aroma.

With his voice, the empress sat beside him, holding a wine bottle in her arms.

"Your Majesty eats hot!" Ren Baqian took a gaped lamb and put it on the plate and handed it to the empress.

The empress was about to reach out, but suddenly felt something, turned her head and looked behind him.

"Good smell!" A voice came from a distance.

"Who is it?" The surrounding guards immediately pulled the knife out and looked in the direction of the sound.

However, Ren Baqian was surprised to find that there were already two people around him.

One of them is an old man, or an old beggar? The hair was tangled, a mess of beards, a few rags hanging on the body, and the pants on the legs could be a little more complete, but the pants below the knee were also missing, and there were still a few gaps.

And beside him, there is a woman in a flower-like brocade pattern with a charming face and a flower in her head.

The woman looked familiar.

"Master Ren, bother." The woman said to Ren Yaqianqianjiao, but her eyes were sparkling as if they contained water.

"Ning Caichen?" Ren Baqian was surprised.

"It is the slave family! But the slave family has been renamed Ning Caichen." Ning Caichen said charmingly.

"This is it?" Ren Baqian set his gaze on the old beggar, who had politely took a piece of lamb from the fire and gorged it, regardless of the cold eyes of the opposite emperor.

Could this person be named Hongming Qi?

"Who are you?" Numerous guards gathered around the fire with their swords.

"Let's back down." The empress looked at the old beggar tightly, waving her guard away.

"I invite you to drink!" The empress tossed the bottle of wine to the old beggar, and the old beggar looked up and took a sip, shouting "Good wine!"

Ren Baqian's reaction to the empress is not right ~ ~ You must know that the emperor has always been overbearing. At this time, someone ate her barbecue, but she even gave away drinks?

"I ate 朕 's dinner and drank 朕' s wine. After a while, you let 朕 see the world's first strength." The emperor saw him and drank the wine bottle for half a bit before she said.

"No. 1 in the world?" Ren Baqian's voice almost pierced the sky, showing how surprised it was.

You must know that the third in the world is Li Yuanzhu, the fourth was originally Teng Yue, and now is the emperor. These masters are often mentioned. Only the world's first and second people rarely heard.

It is said that these two people haven't appeared in the world for decades. If there weren't two people on the list of masters in the world, many people would think that they had already died.

Unexpectedly, the old beggar in front of him turned out to be the first master in the world?

Ren Baqian did not think that the Emperor could recognize the wrong person, especially the first person in the world. How could the talented Chen Ning mix with him?

Ren Baqian looked at Ning Caichen, his eyes were full of doubts.

"This time, the slave family took blood and exchanged electric batons with Ren Ren!" Ning Caichen said brightly, and then his face collapsed: "I encountered this halfway, but I had to let the slave's green beads take him to heaven.

"Take it!" Ren Baqian didn't understand Ning Caichen's expression.

"Let ’s not say that the Spirit Sword cannot take people to heaven, even a sword master like a slave ca n’t.

The important thing is that since the last day of Da Yao's party, the green beads of the slave family have got fear of heights! "

Ren Baqian: Hey!

A bite of old blood almost spurted out.

I haven't heard that Feijian still has fear of heights!

You green bead is also a sword in the spirit sword!

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Recommended reading: New Book of Celestial Potatoes, Yuan Zun, New Book of Feline Gods, Road to Heaven

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