The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 689: Let the empress marry me!

Ren Baqian returned to the palace from the school, and met Shi Qing right in front of the palace gate.

Or that Shi Qing was waiting for him.

"Congratulations to Ren Ren!" Shi Qing's big folds moved, smiling at Ren Baqian.

"Where's the joy?" Ren Baqian frowned. There have been more recent events, and the "Ruyiguan" has been pondering for several days.

The Empress guessed that day, after practicing this set of exercises, the spirit was far more than others. In fact, the physical body is not weaker than others. I am afraid that the origin of this exercise is not simple!

Ren Baqian is thinking about it these days!

The other is to figure out where to find the next volume!

The first volume is in Laos, the middle volume is in Daxia, so what about the second volume?

In fact, except for themselves, only those who can really use this exercise are Divine Martial Arts.

Because only Divine Warriors have sufficient spirit strength.

You should first touch the bottom line of all the gods in the world, especially those who have strange methods, maybe they can find out something on them.

Want to know which godwheel is the unknown? If you want to check the details of the gods in the world, you can imagine the difficulty.

In addition to this, there is another very important reason, which is that I have recently had nightmares!

Recently, I have dreamed of the elderly version of Feng Sie several times, and I wake up with a cold sweat.

If you continue to do so, you will wither before you get married!

They say that they have thoughts and dreams every day, but they are thinking about the Scriptures every day. Why do they always dream of these days?

What kind of resentment is it? Everyone does n’t commit river water, can you stay away from me?

"Recently, the Manchu dynasty has been studying His Majesty's marriage. I don't know what Master Ren is worried about? Is there any dissatisfaction?" Shi Qing saw Ren Baqian look sad and lowered slightly.

"The old man is misunderstood!" Ren Baqian saw Shi Qing unhappy and reacted instantly.

The Tong Zhenye and Shi Qing of the North Korea have always been the friendliest to him.

However, Tong Zhenye's old sister-in-law had great strength, and slapped Ren Baqian into the ground with a slap at three to five, just like smashing a mole.

Looking at it this way, Shi Qing was the only good person in the whole dynasty. He demolished the wall of his house several times, and he didn't react too much.

By any means, Ren Baqian does not want to misunderstand Shi Qing in this matter. If it makes people misunderstand that they are so worried because they want to marry the empress, they are afraid that they will be poked to death on their backs.

Frowning and hesitating, he poured the bitter water of these two days to Shi Qing, mainly talking about nightmares.

"This is the case." Shi Qing said with a beard. "But how much honor it is to marry Your Majesty, my ancient family of thousands of men, who is not envious of you, this trivial matter is quite over. Great man, practicing How can it be persuaded? And the black lights are the same. "

Ren Baqian looked at Shi Qing with a squinting eye, his face resentful.

You're old-fashioned enough?

Speaking while standing did not hurt me at all! I'll find six for you. You pull the lamp and try!

But if you think about it, you don't see much ugly in the ancients.

In fact, the ancient men are not ugly, but sturdy, which is in line with the ancient aesthetics.

And the ancient women are usually strong and strong, with a very good figure, even if the appearance is plain, the wild nature has a unique flavor.

As for the ugly, he really didn't see it.

Probably this is the legendary racial talent.

Like the legendary Asura, the man is extremely ugly and the woman is extremely beautiful.

Although the ancients did not reach this level, they also had this meaning.

So Shi Qing may not understand what is ugly!

You should find a few photos for Shi Qing to stick on the wall, and see if he can still stay a thousand miles old every night!

"Master Shi just said congratulations to me?" Ren Baqian switched the topic directly, with some speculation in his heart. Shi Qing was waiting here for herself, and said congratulations, I'm afraid the marriage period has been settled.

Although I have been thinking about the Wanfa Scrolls recently, I also know that the upper and lower levels of the Central and the Central Government have recently been studying their marriage with the Empress.

Maybe it's because I'm getting married, so I'm a little lost. Recently, the empress often has a little temper and makes a little temper. Although he finds it interesting most of the time, he occasionally has a headache!

After all, the Empress is no ordinary woman.

The average woman's small fist can't be beaten!

"Master Ren, your marriage date has been set with your Majesty. On March 3 of the following year, there are still nine months until now, and then you will be called a prince."

Ren Baqian knew it, as expected. Nine months, it should be calculated that the emperor will go to the 60,000 Dashan and practice the "Chengyang True Explanation" by herself.

"The elders of the Labor University have notified." Ren Baqian took a deep breath and smiled.

"Anyway. The old man just wants to tell you that Her Majesty is Her Majesty's Majesty Da Yao and His Majesty of the Ancient Clan, and Her Majesty must not make His Majesty sad." Shi Qing warned.

"It is also my Majesty. Like the elder veteran said, thousands of ancient males are envious of me. How can I be in a blessing?"

"It's the best. In fact, the old man does not have to worry so much, you are not your opponent, anyway." Shi Qing laughed. "But the old man is waiting for you here, but not only to inform you of your marriage, there is another one."

"Executive, please."

"It's about beating a prostitute ... The old man and others have been clueless these days, but I want to ask you if there is any way. After all, you have a lot of knowledge and a good brain." Shi Qing said, and then gave the ancient people a kiss About eight thousand.

Ren Baqian didn't know that the greetings of the ancients were like this ... It turned out to be up.

Come to a few big guys to stop the road, how many tricks do you and everyone have? Can I still go to the palace? I'm afraid that the empress can grave herself.

Even if you can really enter the palace, there is the oss of the female emperor, in case the female emperor is shy ... you can't hurt yourself!

Immediately said with a serious face: "In fact, your Majesty can marry me, I don't mind at all! By then, you can stop His Majesty symbolically! I can't beat it anyway!"

"How can this be done? My ancients have never had such rules!" Dashio resolutely rejected.

"The rules are set by people. With the first time, there will be the second time ... and who do you think I can beat?" Ren Yaqian spread his hands. I have the ability to find some players I can play! Then bundle the empress and wait for me to take it!

Shi Qing frowned and sighed: "The old man thinks you have a lot of ideas and a lot of messy things, so ask you what you think. But let your Majesty marry you, this is too out of order!"

"If your Majesty and I give birth to my son ~ ~ what is the last name? The last name is Ren or Qi?" Ren Baqian first asked.

"Of course, the surname is Qi! Both men and women are going to inherit the throne!" Shi Qing said without thinking.

As Ren Yaqian expected.

No matter what, if you want to inherit the throne, you cannot surname. Even he felt sure of it.

Of course, he didn't care about it.

Anyway, he is the son of himself and the empress.

Of course, it is also possible to return to the name of the earth, and to surname Qi when Dayao.

Or give birth to two children and choose a surname.

However, Ren Baqian was a little skeptical, because according to his observations, the fertility of the ancient people seemed to be very low, far lower than the fertility of the people in Daxia and Izumo.

For example, many civilians in Daxia and Izumo can give birth to five or six.

After all, there is no entertainment at night.

But there are usually one or two children of the ancient people, and three of them!

However, it is also very interesting that there are not many children of masters in other countries! For example, the masters in the land of skyscape, children are generally very few. Unless you marry a seventeen or eighth housemate, you still have to work hard, maybe you can have ten or eight descendants in your life for more than a hundred years.

This situation makes Ren Baqian have a guess that the higher the strength, the harder it is to have children! So he wasn't sure how many people he and the Empress could make.

"In this case, what else is there to study? That's my opinion!" Ren Baqian straightened out, and then left Shi Qingluo, who was staring at his beard, and returned to the palace.

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