The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 814: Blind!

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Five days before marriage, she was still at work, and Ren Baqian felt that he should at least get a Love Post Dedication Award or something.

If I was so attentive when I was working on the earth, I would have been promoted to a salary increase to marry Bai Fumei ...

Of course, now it is the same promotion and salary increase to marry Bai Fumei, there is still no comparable type.

It is estimated that there is no other person in the world who is more qualified to be called like this.

On the one hand, for the students, after all, they have missed a lot of classes, and now he will not rest as long as he can attend the class.

This is not a single person, but it is common to the ancient people. It is not obliterated by life like most ordinary people. Due to their own strength, the ancient people have a wealthy inquiry psychology and have extremely Full action.

The result is that the ancients are keen to die!

Like ... a telephone pole!

Even if the Department of Public Security and Feiqi arranged aloud to read out the various bans under each telephone pole in the city last night, they still do not want to be the ancient people who want to die.

Last night the sheriff pulled his whip from dark to this morning.

It is said that 90% of the "criminals" want to climb up to see what is on the light pole, and why it glows!

Another 10% want to push the light pole down to see if it will turn on!

Thanks to anticipating this situation before the eight thousand ... It can not be said that it is expected, but the Supreme Court in Lancheng walks in heaven, and there are so many heavens in the sky. These people are flying directly on the poles and the golden rooster is independent!

In order to prevent electric shock, Ren Baqian deliberately buried all the wires under the ground. Otherwise, today ’s news is that hundreds of people were shocked by electric shocks.

Anyway, it ’s easy to dig and bury a line. The ancients have great strength. They can also work on top ten without an excavator. Ordinary people dig a pit that is one meter wide and one meter deep. nothing. Within two months, he had dug Lancheng into an authentic war.

If it were not too late, Ren Baqian would like them to dig out a sewer!

That's a long way to go. The ancient people have a lot of curiosity and plenty of action, so are the students of the university.

Being curious about everything is an important feature of scientific exploration.

Therefore, Ren Baqian still has great expectations for these students. Naturally, if he can teach some, he can teach some. At least as a teacher, he feels that he is a qualified teacher.

In addition to being a student, it is also because I am going to be alone today.

Ren Baqian saw him at the gate of the academy. He was wearing a plain brocade, with a bun on his head, white face and short beard, sword eyebrows, and eyes, which was a little worse than when he was thin.

I was waiting here early in the morning, and I guess I have inquired about my time.

"Lin Mengsheng has met the governor!" Lin Mengsheng looked indifferently towards Ren Baqian.

Ren Baqian looked at him, and he also looked at Ren Baqian. A big bald head, similar in shape to the ancients, with a large waist and a round face, his face is fleshy ... In fact, he is still more handsome than the ancients. After all, the foundation is there.

Husky is not like a Tibetan mastiff, even if it gains weight.

"Well, you are the Lin Mengsheng! Follow me in and talk!" Ren Baqian looked up and down faintly.

He took Lin Mengsheng into the office, and Ren Baqian sat in a chair and took out his gun to play with it, not for intimidation, and the other party didn't know what it was. It is a habitual little action. When I first came, I pointed at this thing to save my life. Although it is not needed now, I can take it out every time I sit here.

It's like some people are holding two walnuts in their hands.

"I heard your Majesty say, you are here to be a sir. Before you say anything else, please satisfy me a little curiosity. Why would you want to come here?" Ren Baqian asked quite casually.

Lin Mengsheng stood at the table and smiled: "If I said that I wanted to teach and educate people since I was young, I don't know if adults believe it?"

"What do you say?" Ren Baqian looked at him playfully. Where can I teach? Have to run here?

Lin Mengsheng replied: "They guess the purpose of the Caomin, and some even guess that the goal of the Caomin is His Majesty ..."

Speaking of Lin Mengsheng's words, he seemed to be watching Ren Baqian's reaction.

I have to say that he is not brave enough to dare to stop here.

Maybe another person just "pulled out and chopped"

Ren Baqian laughed very unpredictably.

Do you really think that anyone can make the empress love? At that time, the emperor celebrated her birthday, and there were many little white faces here, right? A lot of poetry books, right?

why me?

Because I'm showy!

Of course, if someone really has an idea that shouldn't be done, he will arrange for him a miserable death.

Seeing Ren Baqian was unmoved, Lin Mengsheng had a little more confidence in his choice. If this sentence changes Ren Baqian's face, then he must doubt his choice.

"The thoughts of those people are simply the best of the world! Cheng Ping has been sitting in that position for a long time, and his stomach is full! In fact, Caomin came from the office of Ren Ren!

Ren Baqian's smile froze, and Lin Mengsheng looked carefully, indeed a rabbit's face!

"Did you?" Ren Baqian wondered. "I was stung by myself the first day I came to the academy. It wasn't very good to spread it out ... or he could arrange a more suitable death method, such as accidentally falling into it." In a steelmaking blast furnace? "

"I've been moving around the city these past few days. The glassware in the city, as well as mirrors, street lamps, soaps, newspapers, and cement roads, all come from the governor!" Lin Mengsheng continued.

Ren Baqian felt that he could save his life first.

"The measures of those prisoner of war camps also come from the governor! Whether it is a period of ten years or other measures, so that those prisoners can not only survive, but also have expectations for the future, and not be reduced to a walking dead, nor Will become a corpse that can be abandoned everywhere.

They even live better than many civilians in Izumo! The head of the governor has the righteousness and righteousness. Not to mention, adults will live hundreds of thousands of lives alone in captive camps! "

"There are also various measures that Dayao has taken after the occupation of Izumo, and it must be inseparable from adults!"

"No matter how others evaluate the governor, the governor influences the barbarians with ethics and religion, and there are countless living people.

"Now Izumo is dead. Without the governor, millions of people would have fallen into the blood and their lives were ruined. It is the efforts of adults that have allowed Izumo people to live now ~ ~ I heard about the various actions of the prisoner of war camp from other places, and then personally explored it, only to know that today's Dayao has changed, not the previous day. And it is difficult for Dayao's soldiers to stop, and Izumo's defeat is a foregone conclusion. , Convinced many city owners to surrender. "

"The governor made all kinds of miracles to benefit the people, and opened a newspaper to convey the voice of the people. He holds the world with countless living people, acts as a saint, and influences the barbarians. Unfortunately, the students are weak, but they are willing to do their best. Contributing! "

Ren Baqian pondered for a long time, this kid was saying the truth?

Seeing yourself become a saint of great instinct, righteousness, wisdom and courage?

Is he blind?

Regardless of whether it is true or false, this person will keep it first. At least this bragging-time is not comparable to ordinary people. If there is any problem, it is not too late to deal with it.

Ren Baqian drew his lips and said, "Okay, I heard that. When you say it is true, get ready to join the job. But if you want to be a teacher, you have to start by learning Chinese characters!"

"In the next sentence," Lin Mengsheng said immediately, then wondered: "Learn the words?"

"Wait here, I'll find two textbooks for you." Ren Baqian threw Lin Mengsheng into the room and came out himself.

It was a bit stressful to face him.

A figure appeared like a ghost behind Ren Baqian: "Listen to him, my husband almost believed!"

"Who do you look down on?" Ren Baqian rolled his eyes. "The first and foremost person in the world can be turned into a kicker, why can't I have the heart?"

"Hey!" Li Fuhe laughed and disappeared again.

Ren Baqian looked around 360 degrees with squinting eyes, and the keeper, Uncle Li, disappeared again. The sky is full of ghosts, can't you see the figure, just to make a face?

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