The Genius Doctor, My Wife, Is Valiant

Chapter 1166: Defamation video

   Chapter 1166 Defamation Video

  Most people were still alive when the ship sank, but it was in winter, and everyone was on the high seas. You can imagine the situation after it was submerged in the water.

  Since the ship was completely silent, the LED screen went black.

  The whole scene became extremely silent in an instant. After a while, someone threw something towards Di Jingan, and soon someone smashed something that could be smashed in their bag towards Di Jingan.

  Di Jingan's complexion at this moment can only be described as defeated.

  He has no doubt that with Di Jingqian's ability, they can find these images on the high seas back then, and they will not find the information between him and the contact person. The key contact person has long been exposed in this plagiarism incident.

  Di Jing'an regretted it, he thought it had happened more than 20 years ago. For so many years, Emperor Jingxuan has not found out any clues, so it must have been impossible to find out.

  Even if Emperor Jingxuan hated him, he hated the royal family of Country B, or hated his father, how could he hate him from here.

  What he wants to see is the fight between the royal family of country B and the emperor of country Z. The harder the two sides fight, the better it is for him. Who makes Grandpa always treat his brother Di Jingcheng better?

   High probability, will the emperor Jing inherit the throne in the future, right?

  So before the dust settles, it is best for Emperor Jingcheng to die. And he didn't think that Emperor Jingxuan would inherit the throne of Rao Shizi from their country B.

  The emperor’s family is already rich enough and has status, how could it care about the throne of a small country?

"Ah, what are you doing? Di Jingqian, you are too much, you actually played other defamatory videos in the Chole fashion design contest! I want to sue you! I want to sue you to the United Court! You are too rampant! What does that person have to do with us?"

  Li Jiayin trembled with fright, but still couldn't stop cursing.

The God of Taiwan, Lei Le was already ashamed, because she had also realized that Di Jingqian was able to find out what Taylor did and make it public, so she must have found out everything.

  She regretted that she came to touch Di Jingqian's mold, and always wanted to surpass her. I felt that as long as I crushed Jing Jie, he would surpass Di Jing Qian.

  Who knew that at this moment, things had happened to an uncontrollable situation, and she discovered that Di Jingqian and her were not of the same order of magnitude.

  She was still thinking about hitting Jing Jie to get sick, but Jingqian already knew her purpose, not only designed to let her step on the pit, but also stepped on their home.

   And this foot stepped on her, and she picked it up with her hand, and it really made her feel the difficulty of the worm shaking the tree.

  This foot not only permanently cut off her design prospects, but also ruined her home.

  After this incident broke out, they will be condemned by the whole world. What should they do?

  Looking at the mother yelling at her position like a sleepy beast, and the corridor of the lotus area where they are located has been disconnected. If they want to leave, they can only jump into the lake and swim to the shore.

  This is obviously impossible.

  So they can only watch the LED screen display their criminal evidence.

  Suddenly, the screen turned on again, and this time, it was the image that was found using the satellite's precise shooting.

  In the image, everyone is floating on the sea, crying and shouting helplessly. As a very high-strength Emperor Xuren, he also followed his bodyguards to help people on the sea, finding them some floats and life jackets.

  (End of this chapter)

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