The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 1184: The Harvest in Heaven and the Danger of Breaking Through

Xu Tui has basically understood the internal regulations of the ancient heavenly court.

The priesthood palaces in the heavenly court govern ordinary priesthoods of varying numbers and grades according to their grades, in order to perform their duties.

Take Jishui Xingjun as an example. Jishui Xingjun himself should be the existence of the nine guards or even surpass the nine guards. There are three star officials, fifteen star deacons, and a thousand star guards under his command.

The minimum requirement for the three star officials is eight planetary ranks, and the minimum requirement for the star deacons is six planetary ranks or seven guards, but there are very few eight guards.

The minimum requirement for the selection of a thousand star guards is one star guard, but in fact, the star masters are all human beings, and no one will choose one guard as a star guard. They usually choose four or five guards. As a satellite satellite, occasionally only when there is no one else, will the three satellite planetary ranks be added to one's satellite satellite sequence.

The twenty members of Jishui Xingjun Palace, besides Bao Zhang, there is another XingXiu deacon, like Bao Zhang, who is at the peak of the six-guard planetary level, and the other eighteen people are all star guards.

Among the star guards, five are five guards, and the remaining thirteen are all four star guards.

These people, more or less, have a little bit of the so-called monster race characteristics in the ancient heavens,

Xu Tui even wondered if the Muya people evolved from the monster clan in the ancient heavenly court.

Of course, there is still a difference between the Muya people and the so-called Yaozu.

For example, the final evolution form of the monster race is human

However, the Muya people have continuously amplified and strengthened the genetic characteristics of certain monster races.

The weak Muya warriors that Xu Tui had seen, such as the human-beast Golden Pterosaur Dalak, and the three-headed dog-faced beast Beqisi, from a scientific point of view, their animal genes are far stronger than human genes

However, the priests, bishops, cardinals, and purple bishops among the Muya people are all in human form, which made Xu Tui have new doubts about his previous judgment, and overthrew Xu Tui one after another. previous assertion.

Or, within the Muya people, there are two completely different degeneration systems?

It can be said that these low-level clerics of Jishuixing Junyin are all Gumya people,

"Yan Lie, have you met the previous Lord Xingjun?" Xu Tui asked abruptly,

"Yes." Wu Lie gave an affirmative answer

"Then what did the last Lord Ji Shuixing look like? He was just like you,

Or are you like me?" Xu Tui asked,

"This...subordinates don't know." Yan Lie replied.

"have no idea?"

"How could this happen? Haven't you seen it before?" Xu Tui was stunned.

"My lord, I especially don't dare to look at Lord Xingjun squarely, and I especially won't let me know the real body of Lord Xingjun.

When I confirmed the identity of Mr. Xingjun, I judged it through the priestly five guards, and I had my own induction. " Yan Lie said.

What Yan Lie said was true.

Since Xu Tui returned to the temple with the seal of the Jishui star Lord a few minutes ago, in his induction, there were twenty extremely turbid contact auras on the seal of the Jishui priest's palace, which were the twenty people in front of him.

Xu Tui can directly issue orders to everyone in Moxia through the official seal of the Jishui priest, and even control their life and death.

Just like the guards of the heavenly court, the ancient heavenly court is very tolerant of the management of these Gumya people

Even abnormal cultivation breakthroughs are not enough.

Like this Yan Lie, the two thousand years of hard work has already allowed him to reach the peak of the sixty-nine satellite level, but he has not been able to break through the seven satellites, because he did not have the permission of Xingjun Xingjun.

"Then the three star officials of this palace, do they look like you, or like me?" Xu Tui asked again

"Hui Xingjun, among the three major star officials, there is one who is similar to Lord Xingjun and has the highest status. If Lord Xingjun is not around on weekdays, he will be respected by his orders.

The other two star officials are similar to me. "Yan Lie said,

This is the information Xu Tui wanted to know.

Afterwards, he asked Ji Yan some questions, and Xu Tui probably understood.

In the ancient heaven, no matter what the priesthood is, the Chinese gods are respected

Yes, the people at that time were called the Huaxia Protoss.

If there is a Chinese protoss in the star guards, then even a senior star deacon like Wu Lie has to be careful and dare not order him easily.

At the same time, the Huaxia Protoss did not break through the limit.

When the cultivation base is reached, they can break through, unlike Yan Lie and the others, who cannot break through without the reward from the Star Lord.

Looking at Yan Lie, Xu Tui went all the way straight into the main hall of Jishui Xingjunyin. On the top seat, the Jishui priest's hall instantly radiated brilliance, projecting a divine light, which fell on Yan Lie.

The moment the divine light fell, Ji Yan's whole body trembled violently, and his breath soared on the spot.

This is Xu Tui trying out the new function of Jishui Temple of God.

In the next moment, Lord Jishuixing went up, shooting out nineteen divine powers and brilliance at the same time, which fell on the bodies of the other nineteen subordinate officials of Lord Jishuixing's seal.

"You guys have meritorious service in guarding the house, reward."

With trembling voices, all the subordinates thanked King Xing for the reward, and then Xu Tui fixedly observed the breakthrough status of these people.

I want to see how much they have accumulated over the years.

To what extent can one break through?

If he can break through many times, Xu Tui would like to break through them all the way to the Yinxi planet level.

Ten minutes later, Xu Tui was disappointed.

Take Yan Lie, who once practiced with him, as an example. After breaking through to the seventy-ninth satellite level all the way, his cultivation base was only raised to the middle of the seventy-ninth satellite level. The others all broke through the current limit.

There is no such thing as Xu Tui's long-awaited accumulative achievements at all.

Breaking through all the way to the eight guards is also good, after all, it is the accumulation of 2,800 years.

Unfortunately, no

Two seven guards, five six guards, thirteen tyrants

Such a lineup is not weak at all, and with a few more waves, it can have a little influence,

The point is, if these people died in battle, Xu Tui wouldn't feel bad at all.

If the Wei Xing clan died in battle, Xu Tui would feel very sorry.

"Yao Lie has made great contributions to guarding the family over the years, so he can't be promoted as a star official for the time being, but this star king specially appointed him as a fake festival star official to rule over you and others."

For the convenience of management, Xu Tui gave such an order, Yan Lie naturally thanked him again,

In the warehouse of Jishui Xingjun Yin, Xu Tui found more than 2,000 grams of water-based products, hundreds of standard star official costumes and inner armor, and nothing more.

From Yan Lie, Xu Tui learned that in the past, the star officials of the major star emperors were either appointed by airborne or broadcast on the spot.

But the deacons of Xingxiu are basically promoted from the star guards, and if there is a vacancy in the star guards, it will be filled by a department called the Temple of Priests in the heavenly court.

The star lords or star officials will go to select personnel to supplement. Of course, it will be implemented according to the rules and cannot exceed the quota

At that moment, under the guidance of Bao Zhang, Xu Tui went straight to the hall of priests.

According to Bao Jian, the Hall of Priests is a very powerful place in the small universe of the Heavenly Court. The owner of the hall is only a low-level star official, but he is very powerful.

The personnel who have been added to the duties of the Heavenly Court from all parties must all gather here to be selected. Some people may not be able to be selected for hundreds of years or even die of old age.

Because of the large number of people, the Hall of Priests occupies a large area and is located in the west of the Heavenly Court.

But when they arrived, Bao Jing and Xu Tui were stunned at the same time.


In front of him, the location of the priest's hall shown by Baozhang is a large abandoned city.

was destroyed.

The priest's hall was actually destroyed, completely destroyed.

This discovery made the context of the destruction of the ancient heaven a little clearer.

There are all four heavenly gates in the ancient heavenly court, that is to say, the ancient heavenly court has not been breached from the outside, but the priests who supplement the clergy have been destroyed and turned into a ruined city, which can only be breached from the inside.

The destruction of the ancient heaven was most likely due to internal rebellion.

However, according to Xu Tui's understanding, even an internal rebellion may not be able to destroy the ancient heaven.

The power of the ancient heaven is too strong.

It is the Jishui Xingjun Palace, where there is one nine-satellite monarch, three eight-guards, fifteen six-guards, five or four star guards, and thousands of star guards.

There are twenty-eight of the Constellation Kings alone, which is thirty thousand planetary ranks.

In the Heavenly Court, there are hundreds of priests like Xingxiu Xingjun.

Not to mention that there are dozens of clerics whose rank is higher than Xingxiu Xingjun.

With such power, it is impossible to destroy the ancient heavens only by a small internal rebellion.

Moreover, the top power is not something that a small rebellion can destroy.

Xu Tui estimated that according to the degree of Liu Yu's control over the small universe of the Heavenly Court, as long as one person from Liu Yu can easily suppress most rebellions:


The more you know about the ancient heaven, the more mysteries you will have.

Afterwards, Xu Tui went to Jingmu Xingjun Seal, Xu Tui's Jingmu Priest Palace Seal, which had already been refined to 100%, returned to its place.

The previous scene at Jishui Xingjunyin was repeated.

But the subordinate members who appeared in Jingmu Jiyanqian are more exciting than Ji Shuixing Junyin.

Only fifteen people came out, one Xingxiu deacon, and the rest were all Xingwei.

Originally, there should be more people

When I got the Jingmu Priest's Palace Seal before, I was beheaded by Nafu several times, which seems very rare.

Less returns less, this wave of people can also be brought under Xu Tui's command, which can be regarded as a little more strength for the future war.

Also let them all break through

Under Xu Tuidu, there are three officials in the seven guards, seven in the six guards, and twenty-five in the Baozhang.

After gaining experience, Xu Tui went directly to other Xingjun Yindi.

For example, Nandou Zhenjun Mansion, Southern Huode Yinggan Xingjun Seal.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Tui had only refined 99% of the southern Huode Yinghuo priest's palace seal before, and has never returned to his position.

At this moment, Xu Tui took Ji Yanqianxi of Southern Huode Yinggan into the Southern Huode Yinggan Xingjun Seal, and immediately returned to his seat, taking his place in the Southern Huode Yinggan Priest Palace Seal, and the remaining subordinate officials stepped out to meet Xu retreat.

Southern Huode Yinghuo Xingjun, there are seven star officials under his command, thirty-five star deacons, three thousand star guards,

At this moment, the remaining subordinate officials are also the most. Including the previous Yangmo, there are five Xingxiu deacons and one hundred Xingwei.

Moreover, the star deacon of Huode Yinghuo Xingjunyin in the south is obviously a higher level of cultivation than Ji Shui Ji Yanqian's star deacon.

There are three of them, all of whom are the pinnacles of the seven guards.

Xu Tui urged Nan Huode Yinghuo Priest Dianxi to operate it, and another breakthrough occurred.

Counting the harvest of Nandou Ji Yanqian, up to now, Xu Tui has gathered a total of eight guards and three, seven guards and nine, six guards and fifteen, and Baorui one hundred and thirty.

If this kind of power can be multiplied tenfold, and there will be three or five more seals, then Xu Tui will have the confidence to command them to defeat one of the three major clans.

Unfortunately, this is a luxury.

Finally, Xu Tui came to the Temple of the Five Sacred Mountains.

The Temple of the Five Sacred Mountains is divided into five parts inside, namely Mount Hua, Mount Heng, Mount Tai, Mount Heng, and Mount Song.

It has to be said that inside the heavenly court, the size of the palace also determines the high position of the priesthood.

The five temples of the Five Sacred Mountains Temple combined are not as big as Ji Shuixing Jun.

In the end, only ten violent star guards were donated to Xu Tui,

This is the consequence of Xu Tui rewarding them.

However, Xu Tui did not leave the Temple of the Five Sacred Mountains immediately, but came to the Manshan Temple directly, accompanied by the formation of the Five Sacred Mountains, and directly let the two god seals of Mount Hua and Mount Heng fly out, flying to the center of the Temple of Juanshan, Xu Tui wanted to find the God of Poisonous Mountain print whereabouts.

Wuyue Zhenxing is Xu Tui's weakest new power star at present. Relying on the five mountains, every time there is an additional priest Jiyan, the power will be greatly improved.

Xu Tui instinctively felt that if the priesthood and guards of the Five Sacred Mountains gathered together, the power of his Five Sacred Sacred Star would definitely increase exponentially.

The two great divine seals of Huashan and Hengshan, together with the extremely matching Wuyue Town Star, can indeed arouse the aura of the Qingshan Temple.

However, in Xu Tui's extreme sensing, the aura of the Songshan Divine Seal was extremely vague, and he could vaguely sense it, but it was very, very far away, and there was no possibility of finding it for the time being.

Xu Tui did not give up, one-try Hengshan God Seal, Taishan God Seal.

Xu Tui already had the idea of ​​giving up when he tried to get the Qinshan God Seal, but he just tried his best to listen to the destiny.

But this feeling made Xu Tui stunned.

The aura of Qin Shan's divine seal, aroused by the two major divine seals, unexpectedly vibrated, and the position became more and more muddy.

Just in the small universe of the heavenly court.

Xu Tui moved Huashan and Hengshan with all his strength, sensing the whereabouts of Mount Tai's divine seals. If he could find the three major divine seals, the possibility of finding the other two divine seals would increase dramatically.

At the same moment, outside the western Tianmen, on the battlefield behind the Muya people attacking the western Tianmen, the purple-clothed bishop Mi Xing Junxing suddenly frowned, looking at the five guards hanging around his waist, he vibrated inexplicably. shimmer!

"Did you sense your destination?" Mi Ji Yanqian, the bishop in purple clothes, caressed Ji Yan who asked on his waist, and comforted him with mental strength, "Worry, I will take you back to your destination in a short time. Even reshape the gods for you.

Although Mi Xing Junxing comforted him, the five guards around his waist vibrated more and more, and even emitted a faint divine light.

You know, this is the secret weapon of the Muya people to break through the Ximen of the Tianting Cosmos, and he will never allow it to be exposed at this time.

The time has not come.

This is a treasure bestowed by the Lord. He cannot refine it, let alone put it in his dimensional space. At this time, seeing the vibration of the five guards is getting stronger and stronger, Mi Xingjunxing's spiritual power is moved, and a large amount of holy power surges out. When it came out, it immediately enveloped the Jiyan.

The Taishan God Seal was sealed with holy power by Mixing Junxing.

In the Mount Tai Temple, Xu Tui lost contact with the Mount Tai Divine Seal in an instant, but at the moment when he lost contact with the Mount Tai Divine Seal, Xu Tui had vaguely sensed the location of the Mount Tai Divine Seal.

Outside the Western Tianmen, the place where the atmosphere is extremely chaotic

Xu Tui couldn't be more vague about who is outside the Western Tianmen.

It's Muya.

The God of Mount Tai is imprinted in the hands of the Muya people.

This is a very safe find.

After asking almost instantly, Xu Tui discovered a huge crisis.

Because the four heavenly gates are defenseless against Xingjun's officials.

As long as you have Ji Yanqian official five guards, you can take it directly through the defensive light curtains of the four heavenly gates.

Xu Tui didn't know it before, but now he does.

The five guards of the palaces of the stars and monarchs can naturally enter and exit the defensive light curtains of the four heavenly gates at will, and they are also one of the few objects that can pass through the defensive light curtains of the four heavenly gates.

As long as you hold the five guards, you can come in and out freely without the heaven guards refusing.

This privilege is limited to the full-time official Ji Yanqian, and other officials under the Xingjun seal do not have this privilege.

This instant question made Xu Tui think of a creepy possibility.

If a Muya born in India, with this Mount Tai seal on his back, can he directly break into the western Tianmen gate?

Then go on a killing spree!

It was almost like entering no one's land.

Even if they can't break the barrier for a while, it can still cause chaos in the western Tianmen in an instant, and their strength will be greatly damaged.

At this moment, the Muya people with the five guards did not use this five guards to break through. Most likely, they should be waiting for the opportunity to break through.

When the power of the heavenly guards is almost exhausted, break through the level in one fell swoop!

This discovery made Xu Tui a little depressed.

He thought that the four heavenly gates with copper and iron walls were very likely to be full of loopholes.

The ancient Heavenly Court was destroyed, and the current Guardian Clan has not even one-tenth of the star officials and five guards.

So besides Taishan Shenyin, are there any star officials and five guards living outside?



And more than one!

Maybe, the Muya people, the Ling clan, and the Daxi clan all have such five guards.

The reason why it has been useless is simply because the time has not come.

According to this reasoning, the four heavenly gates of the small universe of the heavenly court may be breached at any time.

But the problem is, what if Xu Tui knows about this matter?

Knowing that the Taishan God Seal is in the hands of the Muya people, Xu Tui will be able to discover something as long as he arrives at the Tianmen battlefield in the west.

But what if you find out?

Can I get it back? I can't get it back!

In the middle and rear of the Muya people, there were forty or fifty seal planetary ranks on standby. Even if Xu Tui brought all the masters of Wei Xing to attack, he couldn't snatch them.

I can only bury myself.

From this point of view, Wei Bin's Fourth Iron Blood Plan couldn't be more correct.

"Wei Shuai, step up the implementation of the Fourth Iron-Blood Plan." Xu Tui gave the order to Wei Bian, and at the same time, immediately contacted Cai Shaochu and others.

"Teacher Shang, you go to the eastern Tianmen to sit in town, if you find the Lingzu Jiyan planetary star intruding, kill it immediately."

"Principal Cai, take someone to sit at the Tianmen in the west, and if you find someone from the Spirit Tribe Yinche planet breaking in, wait for a while."

"Miss Ariela, please go to the northern Tianmen to sit in town. If there is a planetary star with the seal of the Daxi tribe breaking in, get entangled and wait for help."

These are the three under Xu Tuedu who are barely able to fight against Yinxi's planetary level. With the cooperation of others, Shang Long has the possibility of beheading Yinxi.

It would be nice if Cai Shaochu and Ariela could fight against each other.

Xu Tui issued such an order as a precautionary measure.

Afterwards, Xu Tui contacted Lan Xing and others who hadn't left yet through the high-level colony that stayed on Ceres.

"Blue Star, take my warrant to see Shuizhi, and tell him that no matter how much his strength has recovered, he must appear in the small universe of the Heavenly Court within one day.

Of course, he will not meet the agreement with the Eldar, and I will definitely abide by it. "

"In addition, all members of the expeditionary army, speed up refining and comprehend the original power of the four original palaces, and those who have already comprehended will immediately enter the small universe of the heavenly court." Xu Tui ordered.

Shui Zhi is another Yintiao-level power that Xu Tui slammed. He subdued his physical body at any cost before, and now he has recovered to a good degree.

"The leader is ruthless, I will give the order immediately." Blue Star responded quickly.

"By the way, Ji Yan, when Ula enters the small universe of the Heavenly Court, tell me."

"Understood the leader, according to the plan, Ula will enter the heavenly universe within two hours."

The reason why Xu Tui paid attention to Wula was that the current Five Guards of the Leibu Zhengshen refined by Wula are the most valuable five guards besides the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor!

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